Yay! I've joined the COTT writers club. Too bad it's probably not gonna go too well. Um, yes. One shot. J/T. Please read.
I do not own anything. Nothing at all. Probably not even the plot. I don't know. Song number 1 is Linger by Epica (Great band if your into the symphonic metal stuff...which a lot of people aren't.) Second song, like everyone knows. Home - Chris Daughtry and kind of song number 3 is All you need is Love, the Beatles.
"Theresa you're coming home. End of discussion. You're always complaining we never see enough of each other so you should be happy now. It's the best all-girls school in the area. You start Monday and I'll be at the airport to pick you up tomorrow." The phone line went dead.
"Bye to you too, dad." Theresa said to herself.
Tears began to pour down her face.
After a year (A/N: I have no idea how long they've been there so I'm saying a year.) of being with the other 6 "chosen ones" and being away from her father has finally come to an end.
She got up and opened her closet. She pulled out her suitcase, which she had brought everything in, and someone knocked on the door continuously.
"Theresa! I need advice! Badly! Open up, please! Are- are you crying?" Atlanta slowed down to listen better.
"Umm. No, I'm fine. You can come in." Theresa turned back to her suitcase and begun putting shirts, pants, shorts, skirts and everything else into the suitcase in a neat and tidy fashion.
"Archie- whoa. What's going on? Where are you going?" Concern filled Atlanta's voice.
Theresa turned to look at her friend. She thought about never seeing her again and suddenly broke into tears. "Theresa! What's wrong?" Atlanta screamed, loudly, and rushed over to her friend.
"What's going on up here?" "What's wrong?" The teams shouted outside of the room.
Jay shoved to the front of the group. "Theresa! What's wrong?
"Hey! What's going on up here?" Neil asks curiously, oblivious to everyone's screams, Theresa's tears and her suitcase.
Theresa watched through her tears as Jay walked up to her and put his arm around her.
"Theresa? What's wrong? Why are you packing all your things?" His voice was soft but also worried, no matter how much he tried to hide it. He was scared. He was scared he wouldn't be seeing her anytime soon.
Theresa looked into his chocolate brown eyes. She began to sob uncontrollably and hold onto Jay incessantly and tight.
Jay and everyone else in the room started at Theresa in shock and confusion.
Theresa slowly loosened her grip on Jay and forced herself to regain composure. She sat looking at her friends for a moment before finally speaking.
"I'm leaving" She said, holding back tears.
"I'm leaving. My dad is making me go back home to an all girls school. I guess he-" She suddenly stopped and let out a loud sob. She could feel the pain in her lungs from the sudden gasp of air. No matter how much it hurt she continued to let the tears spill out of her eyes.
No one could say anything. They just looked at each other with looks of sadness.
"But…you can't leave. The prophecy would be broken. We need you here Theresa. We need you on this team."
Theresa looked up shocked by who was the first to speak.
Archie continued, "You're an important part of this group. Not only that you're our friend." He paused and looked at Jay, before continuing once again. "We're not just going to let you leave, right?"
"Damn right! Theresa, you're like my little sister! No way am I gonna let you just walk away from here!" Herry said, finally comprehending the situation.
"Yeah! Theresa, who else can I turn to for advice? You can't leave me here. Alone. With all these guys! I won't let you. I'd go insane! Can't we talk to your father about this." Atlanta spoke. There had to be a way for her to stay.
"Ha! Good luck with that!" Theresa responded in a bitter tone. "This is my dad we're talking about. That's not going to happen." She sighed deeply. The tears slowed and gently fell off her cheeks. Jay could only stare at her.
Theresa threw her last duffle bag into the backseat of her car. She turned around and saw 6 pairs of eyes staring at her solemnly.
The first person she hugged was Odie. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him.
"We'll miss you so much Theresa. Here." He handed her the PMR that belonged to her.
"Thanks." she said shakily. Next was Neil.
"I can't believe your leaving. But...what..who will defend me when there's a clothing issue going on. You're the only one who agrees with me that clothes are important in your image!" Neil began to freak out.
"I'm sorry. I really want to stay, but god know what my father would do if I didn't show up." She hugged Neil and walked over to Archie.
She made an effort to smile at him. "I'll miss you, Drama Queen." She let out a small laugh and hugged him gently. He quietly whispered in her ear. "And no matter what he says, Jay will too. He'll be missing you every second. We all know it." He laughed as they broke apart.
"Come here, little sis!" Herry said and she started walking towards him. He wrapped his massive arms around her and lifted her off the ground.
"Herry!" She wheezed out between coughs. "Oh sorry!" He sat her down on the ground and watched her take deep breaths.
"I'll miss you Theresa." Theresa wrapped her arms around him and much as she could and then backed away. She walked until she was in front of Atlanta. They looked at each other for a very long second.
Both Theresa and Atlanta broke into tears and hugged each other. Everyone looked to the ground silently. "Take care. Give the guys a smack for me when they're being stupid, okay?" Theresa said giving a tiny laugh, followed by more tears. "Okay. Visit us?" Theresa smiled at Atlanta.
"You know it." She hugged her friend, who was like a younger sister to her, once more before moving to their leader. She started into his eyes and began to cry again. She put her arms around him and cried into his shoulder. Jay returned the embrace and rested his cheek on the top of her head as only a few tears fell. He had to be strong, he's a leader. He told himself he'd see her again, but something in the back of his mind doubted that.
Theresa made herself to back away. She looked at him once again. "I'll miss you" she said simply. She couldn't take this anymore. The sooner she left, the easier it would be. She stood still trying to say something. What could she say?
I'm going back to England now, by the way Jay, I love you? That wouldn't go too well. She turned herself around and slowly got into her car. "I'll miss you guys so much. If anything happens just contact me."
"Bye Theresa." Atlanta said tears pouring down her face. Archie had his arms around her trying to comfort her, but it wasn't working.
"We'll miss you Theresa" They all said as she drove away.
Minutes later she was on the other side of town. She popped in an old CD that she rarely listened to.
It feels so warm when you are near
You are all I want to feel
Tell me now is this for real?
It's hard to breathe
We're all lost and travelled high
cannot find my peace of mind
When the sun will rise again
We'll fly away
Take the stairs to the stars
Wander long, travel far
A summer breeze makes all of our winters freeze
Autumn leaves
There's no chance for spring's romance
We linger on but leave the past behind us
Old lovers live it all anew
But chances are so few
She hit the stop button as soon as the tears resurfaced. She turned it onto the radio station of latest hits. Songwriters write about anything these days.
"And here's number 12 on today's top 40. Chris Daughtry and Home"
I'm staring out into the night,
Trying to hide the pain.
I'm going to the place where love
And feeling good don't ever cost a thing.
And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain.
She held in tears as the airport approached. She pulled over to stop and think. Is this really right?
I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old
So I'm going home.
Well I'm going home.
The miles are getting longer, it seems,
The closer I get to you.
She felt a sudden need to turn around. She looked back to the airport then she looked at the clock. She had only a few minutes to decide.
I've not always been the best man or friend for you.
But your love, remains true.
And I don't know why.
You always seem to give me another try.
Be careful what you wish for,
'Cause you just might get it all.
You just might get it all,
And then some you don't want.
She hit the gas and pulled a sharp U turn and sped the way she came.
Be careful what you wish for,
'Cause you just might get it all.
You just might get it all, yeah.
Oh, well I'm going home,
Back to the place where I belong,
And where your love has always been enough for me.
I'm not running from.
No, I think you got me all wrong.
I don't regret this life I chose for me.
But these places and these faces are getting old.
I said these places and these faces are getting old.
So I'm going home.
I'm going home.
She continued to drive towards the brownstone weighing her decision. Her dad would surely flip, but was it worth it?
Of course it's worth it.
She pulled into the driveway of the brownstone and ran up to the front door. She rang the doorbell and waited impatiently. To her satisfaction it was Jay who opened the door.
She smiled and ran into his arms. She collided with his chest and wrapped her arms around him.
"Theresa!" Atlanta screamed. She used her speed to instantly appear before the psychic. Theresa moved from Jay to Atlanta in a hurry. Instantly the whole team appeared and hugged Theresa.
"But what about your dad? Is he going to do something rash or anything?" Odie asked cautiously.
"Oh yeah. I should probably call him. Excuse me. Herry, would you please..?" She asked as she pulled out her cell advancing towards the upstairs, specifically her room.
"Sure thing." He grinned, cracked his knuckles, and walked out to her car.
Theresa shut her door and dialed her father's cell. She waited for him to answer and tried to think of a perfect excuse.
"Hello?" He answered rushed. Typical. "Hi dad." She said hesitantly.
"Shouldn't you be on the plane already Theresa?" She took a deep breath. "Yeah, about that. Dad, try to understand. I can't leave this place. I just can't. They're like another family. I love you and I love them too. And I just..can't I just visit a lot? I love the school here. The education is perfectly fine. Besides, I need to learn to associate with males anyways. I can't stand the thought of an all girls school, dad. Please."
"Theresa, where are you?" He asked, the anger rising. "I'm at the brownstone. Dad, please don't make me leave."
"Theresa, you're coming home tomorrow. If you aren't here, I swear to god I will come and get you myself." He shouted through the phone. This struck a nerve in Theresa. "Dad, I'm like an adult. You can't control my life. I'm not a little girl anymore." She shouted back through the phone.
She could feel a presence outside her door. Herry set down all her luggage and walked away hearing her scream back to her father. "This is my choice, not yours."
"Theresa, you can't keep living so far away. It's not normal. It's takes a toll on your life. I just want what's best for you Theresa. Don't you understand that!" He continued screaming.
"Is it really what's best for my though. Don't you get it. I can take care of myself. I need my friends. This isn't your choice."
"Tomorrow, Theresa. Or else I'll be there." He finished and hung up the phone.
Theresa sat there, slack jawed. "Whatever then."
She threw down her phone and opened her door. She began to unload her clothes, acessories and everything else. Once she finished she let out a content sigh. She went out to the living room was and saw everyone gathered together.
"What's going on?" Theresa asked. All eyes turned to her and looked at her like she just asked who she was.
"It's Saturday, Theresa" Herry said.
Theresa smiled back at everyone. "I'll go get the popcorn." She said walking towards the kitchen. "I'll get the chips." Jay said and walked after Theresa. "Pop is mine!" Atlanta announces.
"I say we sleep out here. I'd be fun." Theresa said, really just not wanting to be alone. This could be their last night together but she'd do everything in her power to stay here. "I'm up for that. Let's do it!" Atlanta agrees holding two boxes of pop.
Theresa smile at her friend as she put the popcorn into the microwave. Jay suddenly came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. "Are you staying?" he asked quietly. She frowned for a moment before smiling and turning around to face their leader. "I don't know. We'll find out tomorrow." She said grinning at his confused look. He opened his mouth to say something but the microwave beeped before he let out a word. Theresa turns around and grabbed the first bag and emptied it into a bowl.
She walked around Jay who was dumbstruck in the same spot for a minute until he finally went to do his job of getting the chips.
Archie and Odie set up blankets and pillows in front of the tv for the night. Jay walked in juggling 3 bowls of chips, each with a different kind. He set them down on the coffee table that had been pushed aside.
"Hey guys, what movie are we watching exactly?" Theresa called from the kitchen. She poured more popcorn into a bowl and walked out with the two bowls she had.
"Well it's between 'One Missed Call' and this movie Archie picked." Herry said finishing the sentence with an unimpressed tone.
"Why? What is it?" Theresa asked. "It's called Across the Universe. It's supposed to be really good. Especially if you like the Beatles." Archie said as-a-matter-of-factly. Theresa's face lightened up. "Oh my god! I've wanted to see this movie. I heard it was good too!" She rambled getting excited.
"No! No, no, no, no. No. I'm not watching some old-fashioned movie." Herry objected.
"Oh come on Herry. Lighten up. Besides after today's emotional rollercoaster, I'm not in the mood for a thriller. Just not feeling it." Theresa said.
"You sure that's why you don't want to watch One Missed Call, Theresa? We're not scared are we?" Archie grinned.
"What? No! I just don't want to watch it. Hey, I'm on your side here, remember." He laughed and turned to Atlanta. "So it's 2 to 1. What's your vote?" Atlanta stood in the thinking position when Neil suddenly stomped in.
"No! I can't sleep on the floor. Do you know what that does to you? I at least need to sleep on the couch. Hmph." Neil complained. Everyone stared at him. "Wha-aat? I need to take care of my precious body and hair."
"Fine, I'll move the couch. You whiny little-" Herry started, but stopped when he saw Jay giving him a look. He began to move the couch and everyone gathered into the living room.
"One Missed Call." Atlanta said grinning. She walked over to Herry and hi-fived him.
Archie gave her a competitive look. "Fine then. It's two and two. Theresa and I...Theresa. Theresa, get over here!" Archie said frustrated. He was not going to lose this time.
"Huh? Sorry what was happening?" Theresa asked. "We're deciding on which movie to watch. You're on my side. Now who else wants to watch Across the Universe?"
"You know, this could be really simple. We don't actually need sides. Okay you guys. Hands up. Who wants to watch One Missed Call?" Theresa said out loud to everyone.
Herry and Atlanta shot their hands into the air. "Okay and who wants to watch Across the Universe?" Theresa said, putting her hand in the air along with Archie.
"It's not that I want to watch Across the whatever, I just don't want to watch the freaky one. Scary movies aren't good for my skin. If I get scared.." Neil started but was cut off by Archie. "Neil, which one would you rather watch?" He said impatiently.
"The one with the strawberry." He said and walked to the couch he was to sleep on. Odie put his hand in the air, followed by Jay.
"Majority rules! Across the Universe it is! Haha!" Archie said triumphantly. Atlanta began to pout, she hated losing, but what she hated more was losing to Archie.
"Oh come on Lana. It can't be that bad. The Beatles. Plus," She paused and leaned in to whisper to her red-headed friend, "Jim Sturgess is pretty damn good looking." She said, giggled and walked over to the layers of blankets sprawled across the floor.
Herry grudgingly put the dvd into the dvd player and grabbed the remote.
Neil was on the couch staring at himself, Archie was on the outside, followed by Atlanta. Beside her was Theresa, beside her was Jay. Odie was next to Jay and Herry was on the outside as well so he could have more space.
They began to watch the movie and slowly each of them drifted into sleep.
Nearly two hours later Theresa slowly woke. She looked around the room and saw the movie was still playing. She looked around and saw she was the only one awake. She watched the movie by herself. As Jude from the movie started to sing she got goose bumps.
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need
She heard shifting beside and looked to her right.
"What are you doing awake, Theresa?" Jay asked sleepily. His messed up hair, tired eyes and the sleepy tone in his voice made her smile. There was no way she was getting taken away from him. She suddenly felt a wave of sadness. What if she would be. She would go kicking and screaming and find a way back to her friends.
Jay could see the outline of her face. Her nose, her mouth and her eyes, which were lined with glass. A tear fell down her cheek as she closed her eyes.
"Theresa, what's wrong?" He whispered to her, moving slightly closer. "My dad said if I wasn't at the airport by tomorrow, or possibly today depending on what time it is he'd come and get me. I'm scared of what he'll do." She admitted letting two tears slowly fall. Jay pulled her small body next to his and moved small strands of hair out of her face. "I won't let anything happen to you Theresa. I promise."
She put her head under his chin. "It's not me I'm worried about though." She sighed sadly.
"How about," Jay lifted her face so he was staring into her eyes, " we get some rest and deal with this after we wake up?"
Theresa smiled at him. "Okay." She got herself into a comfortable position. "And Theresa," Jay said. She raised her head once again and looked at him questioningly. "No matter what happens, I'll always be here. For you." He said gently and with compassion. "Thanks." She said back. She leaned forward until their lips met gently. The kiss depended slightly as Theresa wrapped her hands in his hair and Jay softly caressed the small of her back. The kiss broke and they smiled at each other and fell back asleep.
No matter what would happen they knew they'd find a way.
All you need is love.
Gah! Sorry that I suck at fluff! It's..well it's better then my other story but it's not too great. But if anyone wants I could
A) Do a sequal
B) Do a prequel(which would be rather difficult)
C) Leave it be
or D) Continue it so that it's a story
Pretty Please review.