Prologue: Connection

James and Lily Potter woke one late August morning to find their toddler daughter, Hermione, already awake and dusting the furniture in their bedroom. This was not a strange occurrence for them; she had been doing that everyday since Lily began letting her help clean the house. That was a year ago, just after her first birthday. However, accustomed as they were to such behavior, to say there had not been any strange things going on would make both Lily and James laugh. They would then tell you about the day Ginevra Molly Weasley was born.

On the eleventh of August, James and Lily took their two children to see little Ginny at the hospital after she was born.When they got there, they were told that Ginny would be brought to her room after the healers examined her-- just to be safe.

When they entered Molly's hospital they saw her laying on a hospital bed looking exhausted. Arthur was sitting beside the bed holding Molly's hand as she smiled at James and Lily when they entered the room with their children. Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, and little Ron (who was being held by Bill) were sitting in the room next to the wall behind Arthur.

James sat down in a chair and he put Hermione on his knee before he started playing the Body Part game with her. Lily sat down with Harry, who had just turned one before Ginny was born, and started to gently rock him so he wouldn't get fussy.

While they were waiting for the Healers to bring Ginny into the room, Lily thought it was odd that Hermione didn't want down so she could run around and that Harry was sitting on her lap very quietly as he looked at the door to the room. But the strangest thing that she saw was that Hermione didn't want to go to Ron since they entered the room. She knew her children liked to run around and play together even if they were in a strange place. She also knew that Hermione somehow had a link to Ron like she and James had. Lily couldn't help but hope that Harry did not have the same link to Ginny as well, but she could feel his mind reaching out to someone.

Lily was brought out of her thoughts when she heard Ron walking toward where James and Hermione were sitting. When James was going to pick Ron up, the doors to the room opened and a healer walked in carrying Ginny.

Lily felt Harry move when he saw the baby in the healer's arms and she notice howobservant Harry was watching the healer as she placed Ginny in her mother's arms. Lily also saw a spark in Harry's eyes as he watched everyone in the room walk to Molly's bed where they kissed little Ginny on the head.

After Bill and the rest of his brothers said, "Hello," to Ginny, James walked with Hermione over to the bed where she grabbed Ginny's tiny hand and said, "Hello Gin-Gin." Then she walked over to where Ron was sitting and he took her hand after James put her down.

Lily walked to the bed and sat in a chair near the head so Harry could see Ginny. Lily wouldn't let Harry get on the bed, but she would let him stand on her legs so he could see her better. Harry took Ginny's small hand in his and as she closed her eyes, he said his first words, "Mum, Din-Din."

Before Harry let go of Ginny's small hand there was a golden light that enveloped them and as it grew brighter there was another golden light that surrounded Hermione and Ron. There was also a blue light that coming of the six children and it went to James and Lily. While the light did not last long, James and Lily felt the children's minds become one.

After Harry and Ginny had fallen asleep, Molly looked at Lily and saw that she had tears in her eyes, but she had to ask. "What happened to our children?"

Lily caught James's eye when he silently said to her."We need to tell Molly and Arthur about us and what we know about the children."

"James, Molly can't handle what we would tell her. Lets tell them at Hogwarts with Albus there to be a mediator. That way he can help lessen the blow and the possible resentment that they may feel."

James gave a quick nodded before Lily said, "Molly lets talk about this with Albus at Hogwarts when you are able to travel."

Molly looked at Lily as if she wanted to jump out of the bed and attack her, but she said "Lily, I want to know what that light was and I will not wait until I am able to travel to find out."

Even before Molly started talking Lily moved out of her chair and walked to James, when she saw the anger and hurt in Molly's face as she spoke to them. When Molly was done talking James started to tell Molly about their bond, but Lily said. "Molly, I really don't know what happened to the children and that's why need to go and talk to Albus about the light, but I can tell you what I think if that is what you want."

Molly was about to answer Lily, but Arthur stopped Molly form talking when he said. "Lily, you don't need to tell us what you think and if the reason you want to talk to Albus about the light is to find out the truth then you should wait until then and tell us what you think. Isn't that right Molly?"

Molly looked into Arthur's eyes and when she saw he was asking her to wait and get her strength back before they had James and Lily tell them about their children. "Ok Lily, we will do that on the thirty-first. I'll wait that long and no longer for the answer to my question."

Unbeknownst to Molly and Arthur, Harry and Hermione had an extraordinary bond with Ron and Ginny, as well to their parents, as a direct result of the connection that both James and Lily shared. This extraordinary bond that these six individualsshared was causing the four children to reach a level or maturity well beyond their years.

When Lily saw that Molly was not going to press her and James for the answer to her question, she sat back down next to the bed. Molly and Lily quietly talked about the plans they had for their children while Harry and Ginny were sleeping.

Is was an hour later when Ginny woke up hungry and Harry woke before her and started to climb off of Lily's lap, so she helped him down thinking he wanted to go to Hermione or Ron. Instead, he went to his bag where he got his bottle, and walked back to her lap. To get on her lap, he levitated himself, seeming to fly. Then, Lily and Molly were on the verge of fainting as he started to fed Ginny the milk from the bottle.

While Harry was feeding Ginny, Ron and Hermione started to play a game of tag. They tried to run around the room, but Bill and James stopped them from running, but they didn't stop them from playing.

While Harry was watching them play the game he dropped the bottle of milk.

Molly was looking at Harry before he dropped the bottle and when the bottle slipped from his hands she gently caught the bottle before it hit Ginny. Molly continued feeding Ginny until she would not eat any more. When Molly started to burp Ginny, Lily felt Harry's small body stiffen like he was going to attack someone.

Lily looked at Harry and she saw he was looking at Molly as she put Ginny on her shoulder so she could burp her. So Lily silently said to Harry. "Harry, Molly is not going to hurt Ginny."

When Harry didn't relax she said. "Harry, Molly is going to burp Ginny like I burp you after you eat or drink something."

After telling Harry that Lily felt Harry calm down some, but he still watched Molly to make sure she did not hurt Ginny and this didn't go unnoticed by Molly or Arthur.

When it was time to leave, Hermione kissed Ron on the cheek before she said, "Bye, Won-Won."

Harry took Ginny's hand again and said, "Din-Din".

Lily was brought out of her thoughts when Harry started moving in his cot, so she got up and walked over to him to see if he needed his nappy changed. Since he didn't, she walked to the loo where she showered and changed for the day.

While Lily was in the shower James got out of bed and started playing with Harry and Hermione. While he was playing with the children he didn't see Lily walk out of the loo.

Lily stood in the doorway for a few minutes watching James play with their children while she thought. "I don't know what I did to deserve such a wonderful husband and two beautiful children."

While Lily was thinking James felt a sadness fall over Lily so he looked at her when he said, "Lily, you shouldn't be the one asking that question, I should. You are the one who completes me and you always made me want to be a better person when you turned me away before our seventh year at Hogwarts."

Lily knew that James has spoken the truth and her mood lightened somewhat. When she went into the kitchen, James had started to tickle Harry while Hermione was laughing at them while she tried to tickle James.

After Lily was in the kitchen she started to make breakfast and the whole time she was cooking she could hear James and her children laughing. When the food was about done she set the table and had Harry and Hermione's highchairs sitting between her and James so they could feed the children.

When she put the food on the table she could still hear James and the children laughing so she said, "James, shower and get dressed so we can eat before we go to Hogwarts."

James, who knew not to make his wife angry, said, "Yes, dear."

Lily wanted to laugh because she knew she had him whipped and she also knew what Sirius, Remus, and Peter would do to him if they found out.

Lily walked into their room in time to see Hermione trying to change Harry's nappy. This was a complete shock to Lily, as it was the first time Hermione had ever tried to do this. As she watched Hermione, she used her link with James to tell him. He was also stunned to hear about this new development.

Hermione had taken off the nappy and was trying to put on a new one, though obviously with a bit of trouble. Finally managing to slide the nappy under Harry's bottom, she picked up the baby powder and liberally covered, not only Harry's bottom, but also everywhere else as well.

When this happened Lily walked up to Hermione and put her hand on Hermione's shoulder while she said as she tried not to laugh, "Thank you for your help Hermione."

Hermione looked up at Lily with tears in her eyes and said, "Mummy, I tried to help you don't be mad at me."

Lily felt the fear Hermione had and she smiled at her when she said, "Hermione, I'm not mad at you and let me show you how to change his nappy correctly."

They got to Hogwarts at ten o'clock and found Molly and Arthur waiting for them with Dumbledore. When James and Lily sat down Molly asked, "Will you now tell me what happened to our children?"

"That's why we're here Molly," Lily said before she looked at James to advise him that perhaps he might start telling them the story now, or risk being on the losing end of Molly's wrath

"Molly, Arthur," James began, "do you remember what happened at our wedding?"

Molly fixed James with a strange look but said, "You mean, after you were pronounced man and wife and you two kissed, a golden light wrapped around the two of you then a shockwave of magic caused everyone to be knocked to the floor. Why?"

On the morning of December the thirty-first, James noticed the great hall had been through an amazing transformation in the hours since last night's feast and the wedding ceremony that was about to take place. Now there were huge white tapestries hanging from the ceiling, which in its bewitched state was blazing with the warm sun and fluffy white clouds that reflected the actual conditions outside the castle. Hundreds of cream and red roses hung in large bouquets around the hall and large cream colored candles sat in the holders all around the hall, waiting to light it as day turned to night and the festivities of the day went along. The two middle house tables had been banished from the hall, clearing room for a dance floor. The head table, along with the two tables along the outside walls, was set with Hogwarts' finest china and crystal glasses. Bowls of punch and platters of hors d'oeuvres waited to be consumed by the guests who were now beginning to arrive and claim their seats.

The wall behind each table had been enchanted with a mural of the Dark Forest and the different creatures that lived in it moved through the scene. The sound of the phoenix song filled the air of the hall with its enchanting melody, seemingly drowning out all other sounds and bringing a quiet peaceful calm as the crowd began to swell. The smell of grilled meats, freshly baked bread, and various puddings wafted into the hall from the kitchen below, tantalizing the taste buds of the early arrivals with the promise of what was to come. The guest list for James and Lily's wedding was quite large when all of the people they worked with at the Ministry and St. Mungo's had been added to the members of the Order of the Phoenix and the various Potters and Evans family members. Now, James stood in a room off to the side of the great hall peering through the doorway at their swelling ranks; he was growing more nervous by the moment at the sight of all of the witches and wizards dressed in their finest gowns and robes. "Oi, you, get out there," Moony said to him.

"Honestly, let's get a move on," Peter added as he and Moony started to push James out the door and into the great hall.

"Yes, some of us are looking forward to the party, not the vows, you know?" Moony picked up.

"And the sooner you two are done making Claire bawl her eyes out, the sooner we can get to the fun part of this whole thing," Peter finished after he and Lupin had deposited James at the front of the hall. The crowd grew quite as James was put into position by Moony and Peter. Each of them gave the groom a hearty hand shake and a clap on the back before moving to their seats. James looked around the hall full of guests and his eyes settled nervously on Lily's mother, who was sitting front and center. He gave her a feeble smile.

"Relax," she mouthed at him. James nodded at her and turned to look at Sirius. "You look green," Sirius said.

"I can't remember my vows," James hissed at him.

"James are you ready?" Dumbledore said.

"Yes, Sir," James replied, surprised at the strength in his voice.

"This is your last chance to run you know," Dumbledore said under his breath.

"Not a chance sir," James replied, shaking his head.

Dumbledore chuckled at him when he said,"A wise decision. Lily would be most displeased with you."

James gave an involuntary shudder as a few thoughts of what Lily would do to him if he left her standing at the altar ran through his head. Dumbledore smiled at him again and then seeing that the crowd had settled down some, he motioned for the music to begin. James turned to watch as the doors to the hall opened. He saw his bride for the first time and his heart skipped a beat. Her father took her arm and began to move forward with her towards James. As she drew near, she looked up shyly at James, who could only stare. Her eyes flashed brilliantly at him, when she realized he was speechless because of her appearance.

"Who gives this woman, Lily Evans, to be wed this day?" Dumbledore called loudly into the hall.

"Her father does," Mr. Evans replied formally as he walked forward and shook hands with James. He then placed Lily's hand in James's and moved to take a seat next to his wife. James and Lily were in position with Sirius on James's right, and Petunia on Lily's left. Lily handed her flower bouquet to Petunia, and then turned to face James. They crossed hands, his left in her left and her right in his right.

"Each of our couples," Dumbledore began, "has chosen to combine traditions between the magic and non-magic world, as Lily's parents are both muggles. What you have just witnessed is the non-magic tradition where the father of the bride gives away his daughter to the man who replaces him. It signifies the acceptance of the bride's family of her choice for a mate. We will now perform the Credo Bond and then I will preform the Ceremony of Light. This will be followed by an exchange of vows which our couples have elected to write themselves. This is also a non-magic tradition. After the exchange of vows we will perform the Ceremony of the Rings of Smoke. James, Lily are you ready?"

"Yes, Sir," they replied together.

Petunia watched when the incantations for the bonding ceremony began, and there was a green arc of magic in the room that caused Dumbledore to almost jump backwards. Lily felt something warm and fluttering settle itself in her stomach before she shyly turned her hand up, so Dumbledore could see the heart on her hand. He cast a separate spell and a aura of bright-white sprang from the heart then wrapped itself around their hands. A golden aura, beginning with the glow around their hands, grew until it suddenly sprang up and washed over the two. It grew so bright that everyone in the room had to close their eyes again and this aura stayed that bright for three minutes.

When it faded, everyone in the room was looking at them with awe on their faces and while everyone sat stunned into silence, Dumbledore said,"James, you and Lily have a very special relationship and this relationship is something no one has ever expected someone your age to have."

Dumbledore then waved his hand and the ceiling of the great hall changed to pitch black. The few lights in the hall were dimmed so it was almost completely dark in the hall. Sirius watched intently as Professor Dumbledore began a series of incantations. As he spoke, a light began to emanate from James and Lily's clasped hands. At first dim, it began to grow filling the hall with a blinding white brilliance. Sirius began to squint and finally was forced to close his eyes against the light, which grew to a point that he started to see little black spots on the insides of his eyelids before it faded out.

"Lily, you may say your vows now," Professor Dumbledore said to her, his eyes shining brightly. Lily looked into James's eyes and in a voice that was calm, clear and loud, she began to speak.

"I was so thick. It wasn't that you didn't care. You fought with me for the same reasons I fought with you. I waited for you to say something, cursing your weakness. What was wrong with me? I could have said something too. I was weak. I would have accepted what I needed. It would have been enough. Amazing the fool you see when you look in the mirror. Thank God you were strong. You offered what I needed and wanted. You were always first. You took my heart. I have pledged you my life. I give you my soul With this ring, I Lily Evans, take you, James Potter for my Husband."

"James." Professor Dumbledore said quietly. James took a deep breath and began to speak; his voice cracked once and then became firm and loud for all to hear.

"I wake in the morning and she is in my mind. I wait in the common room; she left early. I go to breakfast; she just left for the library. I see her from the hallway at the table. Do I have a book? She won't let me stay without one. She is looking at me, smiling, my knees feel weak. What is this creature that consumes me? What could I offer her? It could never be enough. I have no choice. I will confess and lay my paltry gift at her feet. She finds me, she touches me, she thanks me for what I offer. She has a gift for me. Mine does not compare. My heart for hers, it is what she wanted, and more than I dreamed. Your heart is my strength Lily, Your breath is my life. You have taken my heart and I will give you my soul. With this ring, Lily Evans, I James Potter take you for my Wife."

Sirius, standing behind James, could not see his face, but he had a clear view of Lily, whose eyes were shining brightly with tears of joy that were starting to slip down her cheeks. Sirius watched as Dumbledore cast the charm for the Ceremony of the Rings of Smoke and smoke began to swirl around James and Lily's hands, spinning, swirling, taking shape into a circle, becoming perfect and then twisting itself into the eternity symbol. Sirius heard Petunia and Lily gasp as the eternity symbol rotated slowly above Lily and James's clasped hands.

"Well isn't that interesting," Professor Dumbledore remarked quietly to them, as the smoke faded into nothing. He smiled kindly at them. "Ladies and Gentlemen I am pleased to present for the first time as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James and Lily Potter. James, you may kiss your bride," Professor Dumbledore said proudly to them.

James turned to Lily and placed his lips on hers. When their lips touched a golden glow emanates from where lips touched engulfing the pair and when glow brightened to a blinding glow an eternity symbol appeared above them. The symbol began to rotate in the air and suddenly a wave of magic that knocked everyone in the hall to the floor.

"Molly the reason I asked you that is because after that day Lily and I found out we had an extraordinary bond with each other," James said.

"What do you mean by an 'extraordinary bond'?" Arthur asked.

"We found out about the bond on our wedding night and since that day we are able to talk to each other through our minds. I can feel what James is feeling all the time. If we think about something, it is like we think about it at the same time," Lily said.

"That's not all that has happened with our bond." James said.

"What else has happened James?" Dumbledore asked.

James stood and began pacing the room as he started talking he knew they were getting close to telling Molly and Arthur about the bond that their children had. "It was about three months after we found out Lily was pregnant with Hermione when we found I could feel her moving around in the womb and we also could feel if she was happy or sad. Then on the day Hermione was born I felt the contractions that Lily was having, but the strangest thing that happened was after she was born, her mind connected to ours."

"James," Lily said, "tell them about when we found out that I was going to have Harry."

"Okay, Lily. We didn't plan to have Harry when we did, but then we found that Lily was pregnant again. Four months into the pregnancy, we discovered that his mind was connected to ours also. Every time I read, to Hermione, I felt Harry calm down in the womb when he was upset over something. We talked to Harry though our minds and I talked to him aloud also so he could know my voice." James said.

"Then on the day he was born we knew he was a special person, but we don't know how special he will become." Lily said.

"Okay, that's the bond the two of you have, but what happened to our children?" Molly asked.

"On that day I felt their minds become one before we saw the golden light around them." Lily said.

"What do you mean you felt their minds become one?" Molly asked while she glared them as her face was turning red.

James took a step back before he said, "Molly when we walked into your hospital room I felt only Harry and Hermione's mind, but know I feel all four of their minds now."

"How can you feel their minds?" Arthur asked.

"I really don't know, but if I were to guess I would say that since they are connected to Harry and Hermione then that would let us feel their minds. That is why I asked you to meet us here with them," Lily said.

Molly and Arthur sat there for a while thinking about what James and Lily told them before Arthur asked, "Why didn't you tell us about this after it happened?"

Before James could talk Lily said, "Arthur, on that day Molly was in no conditionto hear about the bond that our children may have and I wanted us to bring them here to see if they do have a bond."

"Then what do we do if they do have a bond?" Molly asked calmly even though she was still angry.

"Molly," James said, "if Harry and Hermione do have a bond with Ginny and Ron then they can watch out for each other at Hogwarts since we want to be around."

Arthur said with a calm voice, but James could hear the anger in his voice, "He's right, Molly, about the children, but first we need to find out if the children do have a bond then we can talk about what may happen to them as they grow."

While they were talking about the bond James and Lily had, Dumbledore sat there listening to them calmly. When they started talking about the bond the children may have, his jaw dropped open and he asked, "May I examine them, to see if they truly have a connection?"

"Albus, that is why we are here," Molly said, exasperated, "We want to know for sure if they have a bond."

Dumbledore nodded, thinking about what he had just heard and coming to a conclusion that he knew the parents were not going to like. "I would like to examine them together, but I would like you to wait in the hall until I am done."

They looked at him with anger and hurt in their eyes, but they walked out of the office to let him examine the children. After they left, he took out his wand and waved it above the children. To his surprise a golden light emitted from the four children and as it grew brighter he saw a blue light going to the door in his office. He knew he could not leave the children, so he called one of Hogwarts' house elves to his office, "Blinkin, will you come here, please?"

There was a pop and Blinkin appeared in a bow, saying, "Headmaster is needing Blinkin?"

"Yes, Blinkin, will you see where the blue light that is emitting off of the children is going and please ask our guest if the want some tea?" Dumbledore asked.

When Blinkin popped into the hallway she saw the blue light was going to James and Lily, but she didn't let them see it on her face when she asked, "Is sirs and their miss wanting tea?"

Lily looked at James, Molly and Arthur and when she saw them nod, she said. "Some tea would be nice."

Blinkin disappeared and returned with their tea before she told Dumbledore what she had seen.

After she left, he examined them more thoroughly to check how this bond was affecting their bodies as well as their maturity levels. What he found caused him to shake his head while saying, "This is impossible! No child should have a maturity level this high. How could this happen to them? Who would do this to them?

He went to the door and told James, Lily, Molly, and Arthur to come back into his office so they could talk. When they entered the room Dumbledore motioned for them to sit, "Lily you have guessed right; the children do have a bond that is stronger than the one you and James have."

He stopped together his thoughts and when he saw Molly beginning to become angry he stated. "Molly, I'm not done yet, but give me a moment to get my thoughts in order."

It took Dumbledore a minute together his thoughts before he started talking while he was looking at everyone in the room. "Did you know there are three types of bonds that are known to the Wizarding World?" He asked and when we saw them shake their heads, he went on to say. "I'm not surprised that you didn't know about them, but let me explain them. The first type of bond that is widely known of is the weakest of them all and it is called The Credo Bond and that happens when someone preforms the Credo charm. The people with this bond will find that their minds and magic have merged into one.

Not to change the subject, but I have a strong suspicion that you, James used that charm before you were married to Lily."

James looked at Albus and with a smile on his face he said, "You' er correct, I preformed that charm on the day we graduated as a gift to Lily."

With a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye Dumbledore wanted to ask James where he learnt that charm, but needed to tell them about the bond their children had. "The next type of bond is called the Golden Bond. That type of bond is rare and there has been four known cases. From what I have read about this bond is that the people that have this bond hearts, mind and magic have merged. But unlike the Credo Bond these people will be born with this bond and unlike the next bond they will stay at the same magical level.

The next bond is very rare since their has been one known case and that happened with Merlin and his wife. The name of the bond is the Essence Bond. An Essence Bond bonds the people who are blessed with the bond down to their very essences. This type of bonding makes this bond the strongest of all bonds, but this bond only happens to those who are over thirteen years old."

While they were listening to what Albus had to say on the Essence Bond, Arthur had a question about it. "What do you mean when you said it bonds them to their very essence?"

Albus smiled and the twinkling in his eyes became vigorous when he started talking. "The Essence Bond bonds the body, mind, heart, soul, and magic, but from what I have read it leads me to think that it may bond a lot more than what was written in the book. The book also states that the bond burns away the last vestiges of childhood, maturing the bodies to the full potential that would be reached as an adult."

While they were listening to the explanation, Lily thought about a bond she once read about that happened to an ancestor of hers. As she was thinking about the bond she thought that is sounded a lot like what was going on with the children so she asked. "Albus have you read or heard about a bond called the Phoenix Bond?"

With that simple question all the talking in the room died and the twinkle in Albus's eyes vanished. Everyone in the room was looking at Lily like she had grown another head, but before she could ask them about it, Albus asked. "Lily when did you come across that bond?"

"I was looking up my ancestors in the library and I found that one of them was a wizard. His name was Xander Evans and he was married to Kristin Potter. In the book I was reading said they had a bond known as the Phoenix Bond and this bond was the reason they died. The book described everything that had happened to them with the bond and the reason they died was because their magical core reached a level they could not handle so it exploded." Lily said.

Molly, Arthur, and James look at her and it was Albus who asked. "What made you think of this bond?"

Lily looked at James and saw him nod so she said. "While you was talking about the Essence Bond, I remembered about the Phoenix Bond and I realized that from what was in the book about the bond it matched what has happened to the children so far."

Albus sighed when he said, "Sadly I have not heard of this bond Lily, please tell us what was said about this bond."

Lily didn't want to tell them about the bond, so she looked at James again and he took her hand as he nodded his head again. "The book said that a person with this bond would be born with it and when they meet the person who was their soul mate they would be instantly pulled to that person. The book goes on to say that when they are examined there would be a very bright light like what would be there if they had a Golden Bond. The book also says that their magical core would grow at times, but it didn't say why it would grow. In the book it said that Xander knew how to stop their cores from growing, but he could not find others that had the bond so they could stop it."

While Lily was talking the realization of what she had said hit Albus and before he could talk Molly started crying as she asked. "H...How cou...could t..they h...have this"

With a sad face Lily said. "From what I read in the book, Xander made a prophecy that said the Phoenix Bond would come to those who would needed the power to defeat the one who tried to rule over all of man kind."

Lily walked to Molly when she started too cry harder and she held her as she cried.

Albus was watching what was going on and he made a decision that he knew the board would not like. "The children will start here at the same time even though Ginny is a year younger."

Arthur knew the board would not allow his daughter to start early so he asked, "Albus what are you going to do about the board?"

Albus smiled when he said, "I'll handle them Arthur."

Before leaving Hogwarts, James and Lily told the Weasleys that there was more that they needed to discuss, concerning their children. From the end of August to the beginning of October, James and Lily talked to Molly and Arthur about a bonding contract for the children, should anything happen to the Potters. Sirius, as the godfather, was already set to be the guardian of the Potter children but they still felt that the Weasleys should play an important role in watching over them, being role models for them.

After hearing this Molly and Arthur reluctantly agreed to the contract, all the while hoping nothing would happen to James and Lily.

On October the ninth, James, Lily, Molly, and Arthur took their children to Gringotts to have the contract made. There are three conditions put into the contract, the first one was that the Bonding Ceremony would only happen if the boys had told the girls they love them and the girls returned the sentiment. The second condition was the bonding must be preformed by the end of the physical year. The final condition was they must be married by the age of twenty-one, to avoid the penalties that were put in place to become active when they turn twenty-one (20 for Ginny).

Molly and Arthur asked the goblin to place a charm on them so they would not remember the contract until it was time to tell the children about it. As they left the bank, Albus walked up to them and asked, "James can we go someplace to talk in private?"

James looked at Albus with a confused look, but he said, "Of course Albus."

When they got to the Borrow Albus said, "James, you and Lily are in danger! You must go into hiding! There has been a prophecy made, and I think it affects Harry."