Disclaimer: I don't own the Power Rangers

Note: This is a continuation of my last three stories so read them before you read this one.

A Zeo Beginning Part1

Outside the Command Centre the rangers, Billy and Tanya were running through the ruins of the Command Centre. For just a few moments ago everything in there lives changed.

(Flash Back)

Meanwhile in the Command Center Goldar and Rito teleported in.

"Intruder alert." Alpha said

"Goldar Rito. I order you too leave." Zordon said

"We were just on our way out." Goldar said

"Yeah and with the Zeo Crystal." Rito said as Goldar picked it up.

The two teleported out. Just then the Rangers and Billy teleported in.

"What happened?" Jason asked

"Rito and Goldar took the Zeo Crystal." Alpha said

"Oh no." Kat said

Just then the device went off and the Command Center started blowing up.

"What's going on?" Tommy asked

"Rito and Goldar must have planted a detonation device right under the Command Centre." Jason said

"Rangers you must evacuate." Zordon said

"We can't leave you." Adam said

"We have no choice." Jason said

"But…" Billy started

"No buts about it we have to leave." Jason said

Jason then pressed the teleportation and the five rangers, Billy and Tanya teleported out of the Command Centre. Outside the Command Centre the Rangers teleported down and watched the Command Centre blow up.

(End Flash back)

But little did the Rangers know that a more evil threat was about to threaten the planet. Meanwhile inside Zedd's Castle. Rita and Zedd were celebrating when Finster walked in.

"Lord Zedd Empress Rita." Finster said

"What is it dog breath can you see were busy." Rita said

Just then the palace got attacked.

"What's going on?" Rita asked

"That's what I've been trying to tell you." Finster said

"Better take a look." Rita said

Rita then walked up to her telescope and looked through.

"Zeddy." Rita said

"What is it?" Zedd asked

"I think we're in trouble." Rita said

Meanwhile back at the Command Centre. The Rangers, Billy and Tanya were sitting around.

"Now what are we going to do?" Rocky asked

"Yeah we just gained the Zeo Crystal now it's gone." Kat said

Just then Adam noticed something.

"Hey guys what's that?" Adam asked

"Can it be?" Billy asked

"Let's take a look." Tommy said

The Rangers, Billy and Tanya all started digging from where that light was coming from. Meanwhile back inside Zedd's Castle it was still getting attacked

"The Machine Empire not what we needed right now." Zedd said

"We have to evacuate immediately." Finster said

"Hurry Baboo before King Mondo turns us into wrenches." Squatt said

Meanwhile inside the Machine Empire. King Mondo, Queen Machine, Prince Sprocket, Clank and Orbis all looked on.

"Your majesty the attack on Zedd's Castle is going as planned." Clank said

"Good make sure they are destroyed." King Mondo said

"Yes sire." Clank said

Meanwhile back inside Zedd's Castle it was empty and had a for sale sign. Meanwhile on the moon Zedd, Rita and the rest of them walked out.

"I hate leaving in a hurry." Rita said

"We have to reach Serpentera before it's too late." Zedd said

"What about Goldar and Rito?" Baboo asked

"They must have failed and we don't have time to send a forwarding address." Rita said

"Let's get moving." Finster said

Meanwhile back outside the Command Centre the rangers found the Zeo Crystal.

"No way." Rocky said

"Goldar and Rito must have dropped it." Jason said

"This is great." Tommy said

Meanwhile back on the Moon Zedd, Rita and the rest were heading towards Serpentera.

"We better hurry." Rita said

"Yes before the attacks start up again." Zedd said

"One question where are we going?" Baboo asked

"We better think of a place." Zedd said

"I'm calling my father." Rita said

"Oh no I'm not staying with your father." Zedd said

"Well its better then here." Rita said

"Fine let's go you can call him when we get to Serpentera." Zedd said

Meanwhile outside the Command Centre Jason picked up the Zeo Crystal.

"Wow." Rocky said

"I can't believe it's still intact." Adam said

"Jason you better put it down no telling what affect the explosion had on it." Billy said

"Good idea." Jason said

Jason put the Zeo Crystal down then it shone brightly then circled the Rangers and trapped there feet to the ground. Meanwhile back on the moon.

"We're almost there. I hope your father's home." Zedd said

"Same here." Rita said

"We better hurry before they start to attack again." Finster said

Meanwhile back inside the Machine Empire.

"Your highness the attack is going according to plan." Clank said

"Good make sure you finish them off." King Mondo said

"Yes sire." Clank said

Meanwhile back outside the Command Centre the ground the rangers were on started to sink.

"We better jump off." Adam said

"I can't move my feet." Tanya said

"Same here." Jason said

Just then the ground went deeper and deeper until it disappeared. Then the rangers, Billy and Tanya started to fall. Jason flipped over to his feet. Under the Command Centre Jason landed on his feet while everyone else landed on boxes.

"You ok?" Jason asked while helping Tanya up.

"Yeah." Tanya said

"Where are we?" Kat asked

"I'd say under the Command Centre." Jason said

The rangers, Tanya and Billy walked off. Just then everything started to shake. Back outside the Command Centre the building was rebuilding itself. Meanwhile in the City Goldar and Rito were lost and had no memory.

"We need to find a place to stay." Rito said

"Come on let's go find one." Goldar said

Meanwhile at Skull's garage Skull walked a blindfolded Bulk into the room. then lifted off a blanket and pulled off Bulk's blindfold and Bulk saw a Motorbike.

"What do you think?" Skull asked

"What are you crazy?" Bulk asked

"Come on Bulk think about it we can patrol even better now when we fix this baby up." Skull said

"Yeah not bad come on let's get to work." Bulk said

Meanwhile back on the moon the attacks started up again.

"Not again." Rita said

"You know King Mondo he's ruthless." Zedd said

"Let's hurry before we're all fried." Finster said

Meanwhile back under the Command Centre the Rangers, Tanya and Billy were walking along when they heard something.

"That sounded like Alpha." Billy said

"Aye, aye, aye." Alpha said

"That's Alpha alright." Jason said

So the seven teens kept walking. Meanwhile back on the moon the attacks were still going strong.

"We have to go faster. Zedd said

"This isn't fair we just destroyed the Command Centre and now we have to leave." Rita said

"Life's not fair." Baboo said

"Let's keep moving." Zedd said

Meanwhile back outside the Command Centre the building finished rebuilding itself. Meanwhile back under the Command Centre.

"Hey the shaking stopped." Tommy said

"What was that about anyway?" Rocky asked

"I wouldn't have a clue." Jason said

"Rangers step through the vortex." Alpha said

"Vortex?" The Rangers, Tanya and Billy asked

The Rangers walked up to a door and it opened up reviling the Vortex. Jason walked up and put his hand in then pulled it out.

"How does it feel?" Tanya asked

"Really weird but cool at the same time." Jason said

"Rangers please step through the Vortex." Alpha said

Jason then walked through the Vortex followed by Billy, Adam, Tanya, Katherine, Tommy and Rocky being pulled in by the collar by Tommy. Inside the Power Chamber the vortex disappeared and the rangers, Tanya and Billy looked around.

"Where are we?" Tanya asked

"It's the Power Chamber." Jason said

"Now this place is amazing." Billy said

"I know hey look five colored energy tubes." Jason said

"Cool Red, Black, Yellow, Blue and Pink." Tommy said

"Awesome." Rocky said

Just then they all heard something and saw Alpha walk up.

"Hello Rangers welcome home." Alpha said

"Alpha." Kat said

"What is this place Alpha?" Rocky asked

"Like Jason said it's the Power Chamber." Alpha said

"This is amazing." Jason said

"Where's Zordon?" Kat asked

"I'm sure he'll pop up." Jason said

Meanwhile back inside the Machine Empire.

"Sire Rita and Zedd are still fleeing for there lives." Clank said

"Good they should know by now that I'm in charge." King Mondo said

"Yes dear." Queen Machinea said

"Now no one will stop us from conquering this planet." King Mondo said

End of a Zeo Beginning Part1