Hey guys if you didn't find out about what hinata did when her father attacked naruto you have to read the 2nd chapter's end first because it's continued

Previously on the hokage's love "No"...Hinata

"Your father will kill you after, run!"...neji encouraging her to run before her father heals and decides to kill her because he harashi had no compassion for anyone just pure hatred

"No brother, I'm done being scared of father, no more!"…..the anger in hinata's voice was rising little by

The deal

Café somewhere around heather field

"Come on cornelia he's a jerk"…………Irma said trying to cheer up her friend who had gotten her heart broken again by a jerk

"How can I feel bad when I dumped him"…………Cornelia said as she takes a bite out of her food

"Uh, oh lunch is over"…haylin said grabbing her stuff and walking to her car.

"Ok bye"….Tarannee said getting up

"Bye"…Cornelia, just sat there since she was a model she could do anything she wanted.

"Cornelia isn't you going back to work. Lunch is over"………….will said with concern

"I'm going, not said sadly thinking of all the man that came into her life and out "I'm going to my dad's office. I'll call and tell them I'm gonna be late" Will hugs Cornelia, took her car, and headed back to school

At Hales (company Cornelia's dad owns)

Cornelia was walking down the hall when a man knocks her down Cornelia was already mad so she decides to take her anger out on him

"Can't you watch where you're going"…………Cornelia said with anger then she pushed him down as he was getting up

"I was, you weren't"….the angry brown headed boy with green eyes getting up

"If you were you could have avoided me'………cornelia said angrily but then realized how close he was to her face when she stepped back she tripped on his binder and fell to the floor the guy could see she had a bad day he handed her his hand but she ignored it and got up on her own. Cornelia thought he truly must be new because no one would dare speak to her like that cornelia took the elevator to the top of the floor to her dad's office and walks in but she didn't realize he might be with someone.

"Cornelia, I'm in a meeting"…...Howard shouted not meaning to scare Cornelia but he did Cornelia pulled the door really fast that it hit her head

"Ow"…Cornelia said behind the closed door. However, before she turned away the door opened and the man she ran into a while ago was already in there she wondered how he got up there so fast. He stepped aside and let her in. Cornelia could see he was shocked

"Cornelia this is Caleb Hart"…………Howard said calmly

"We said rudely ignoring the handshake

"Excuse me"….Howard said embarrassed at his daughter's attitude

"It's okay we sort of ran into each other in the hall"………………Caleb said with a smile on his face

"This is my daughter Cornelia"……………Howard, Caleb's mouth dropped he just made an ass of the boss's daughter and he looked at Cornelia and realizing how the dress hugged her curves. "She's a model"…Howard said interrupting Caleb's line of thoughts

"You know it's really rude to stare"…...Cornelia said taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of her dad. Howard only smile at her daughter

"Sorry about knocking you down"...Caleb whispered to Cornelia

"Guys just seem to do that a bit. I'll just think of you as another guy"…Cornelia

"Cornelia is there something you wanted"…………………………….Howard

"I was wondering if I could borrow haylin"…Cornelia said seriously

"Excuse me"…...Howard

"I'm doing a photo shoot for a magazine and I want haylin to design my outfit"…

"Get me haylin"……………………….Howard said in his to his assistant. The phone ring as haylin walks in

"Hello hon. Are you in a meeting"…Elizabeth

"No. I was until your daughter interrupted"…...Howard

"Hi mom"…...Cornelia

"Hi hon. are you coming to the party tonight and bring mark"………… Elizabeth

"Um hi Mrs. Hale mark is not in the country at this moment"…haylin covered up that was their way of saying the broke up so Caleb could not understand.

"Thanks mom"…...Cornelia

"Bye honey"………………….elizabeth

"You called me Mr. hale"…...haylin

"My daughter wants you to design her outfit for a magazine she's doing"…...Howard

"Sure I would love to"…...haylin

"Thanks hay you rock"…... Cornelia jumping and hugging her friends

"Bye dad"…...Cornelia

"Bye boy"…haylin said not knowing his name until

"It's Caleb"

"You wanted to talk to me about a job Mr. hale"…Caleb

"Call me Howard and yes"…Howard walking towards the window

"You met my daughter"….Howard, watch Cornelia as she get in her car with haylin


"I want you to show her what love is all about"…..Howard said seriously

"What. You are paying me to like her"…...Caleb said shocking he could not believe that Cornelia could have problem with getting a man

"No. I am paying you to show her she can do anything. Have fun."…Howard

"I don't know about this"…Caleb said resisting

"Here's five hundred dollars to take her out and come to the party tonight and you will tell me how everything is going"…..Howard

"Why is she having trouble with getting guys"………….Caleb said seriously

"No she has no idea who's real and who's not and she keeps on getting her heart broken"…………….Howard said seriously

"But wont this hurt her"…Caleb said thoughtfully

"It will if she finds out I hope she wont"………………Howard said with a frown on his face. Caleb shook his hand and left cannot believe the deal he just makes showing a pretty girl a good time and getting paid for it.

Okay tell me what you think

Will- high school teacher at heather field and married to matt

Taranee- psychologist and married to Nigel

Haylin-cloth designer for Cornelia's dad and engaged to Eric

Irma- party planner and dating martin