Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis, nor am I gaining any profit for this story.

An idea based on my own feelings, except for the death.

Warning: character death


She sighed, swinging her legs in the air as she watched the crashing water of the rapids ahead.

How could she be so bored? It was like...like her life was empty without that constant presence. She scowled fondly as she thought about the him, kind, and so, oh so easily embarrassed, and oh - she didn't know why.

Had she ever, ever known why she liked him?

No, she didn't, did she...?

She sighed, bored.

He had become such a large part of her life by now. They had had the same classes at school, were on the same tennis team, and at home, they constantly chatting with each other, emailing each other, always together in one way or another, almost.

There were times, many times, really, that she wished that she had never met him, never known who he was beneath that bold, infuriating mask he had, that eternal smirk.

It wasn't fair for him to make her feel so confused, so wistful, whenever she saw him, whenever she thought of him, whenever always, not when he was so confident, so assured of himself.

Not when he was so sweet, so kind, so nice, sometimes, so much that she thought that she didn't deserve him, not when she was so quick-tempered, so violent, so - oh, she really didn't know.

She swung her legs over the edge of the bridge and began walking back to her room on the cruise boat where all of the tennis players were taking a vacation, in memory of their middle school and high school years as rivals.

She smiled bitterly; she knew why they were really going on this vacation.

Honestly, did he have to leave her like that?

Did he have to die?
