I know this may be stupid. But I think I love to have this. Besides it works for Carl and the kid.


Who stole Carl's bike? and why? READ AND FIND OUT WHO HAS RED HANDS!


Carl was out one day, looking to see who had his bike. He had a location button and a piece of the bike of it.

He was going to find out who stole his red bike. As he walked around they city he saw many red bikes. None of them were his.

His bike was the only red bike that Cornelius ever made for him. It was cherry red, with the darkest black wheels you could ever find. It had a basket in front of it to hold many things inside.

As he walked around they city some more he came close to Mr.Hershey's Delivery Service. He notice that there was a girl there. She had hair that is so long Carl could barley see her face but she had chocolate brown eyes that looked like puppy eyes.

He saw that she was pulling a bike from the bike holders. She took the lock off and got up on it. She was about to ride when Carl stopped her.

"HAY MY BIKE!" Carl said running off. The girl looked back at him she looked confused at this.

"is this yours?" she asked in a small voice.

"Yes. You stole it. Stealing is not allowed little girl. I'm going to have to tell your-"

"Oh I'm so so so so so so so so so sorry. My friend Buzz sad someone let him have it. Then Buzz gave it to me for work. I'm sorry sir. Please take it back." She said getting off and handed it to him.

"Oh, well uh. Thank you. h I think this is yours." Carl said handing the girl a list from the basket.

"Oh thank you sir." She said looking at the list. She looked back at her products. She only had about ten flat packages. She put the list on top of them and started to walk. She stopped again.


"Wait! Sabrina! I need you to deliver five more packages for me." Mr.Hershey said handing them to her.

"Ugh. Fine. Thanks Mr.H." Sabrina said walking off.

Carl looked back at Sabrina. Poor Sabrina.

The packages were taller then her. She had to look to the side to see where she was going. And Carl saw that she had to walk all the way to 'Finland Av.' that was three miles away on foot.

Carl looked at Sabrina and the bike. he smiled and turn back to Sabrina.

"Hay! Sabrina!"

Sabrina stopped and turned around.

"Yes sir?"

"Here take this. You need it more then I do." He said handing her the bike. he took the packages and put them in the basket. He then lifted up Sabrina and put her on the seat. Sabrina looked back at him with a smile.

Thank you sir. If you tell me where you live I will return this after work."

"No no. You keep it. You need it more then I do." Carl said.

"Really? Groovy!" Sabrina said. "Are you sure you don't want it back?"

"Yes. Yes i'm sure. Bye Sabrina." Carl said walking off the other way.

"Good bye sir. And thank you very much!"

As Carl walked home he though of what just happened.

He went to find his bike.

He found it with a working girl.

The girl had a lot of packages to do.

Carl gave her the only bike he liked.

Carl was really a nice friend.

So how was this? This is the same day that Sabrina met Gaston. This was just earlier.

Review please?