Hello everyone! WOOHOO!! Welcome! I've wanted to write this for DAYS (Days people days) and now I finally am!! Please enjoy!!

Title: I Was Just Joking

Rated: PG

Pairings: Main SasuSaku NejiTen Slight NaruHina onesided KibaHina

Summary: Sakura and Tenten weren't serious when they approached the booth that said 'ninja' at their school career fair. Now they've been taken to a new world and they're both under house arrest with two ice cubes. Great, just great.

Disclaim: Behold the dissing of the claim. I don't own Naruto.

Sakura Haruno and Tenten walked around the room bored out of there seventeen year old minds. The girls' school had decided to hold a career fair, yippee; just what every teen wants to do with there Saturday. The two wouldn't have been there, except for the fact that it was mandatory.

"Okay, can we please just go jump out a window or something! I'll pay somebody to get me out of here!" Tenten said, ready to pull her hair out of its usual twin bun style. Sakura smiled and patted Tenten's arm trying to calm her down.

"We can't! If we do Mr. Yamoko will be furious, after all this is kind of our punishment for skipping his class." Tenten sighed.

"No good dirty rotten career applications teacher."

"Yes Ms. Tenten?" Tenten inwardly cringed at the sound of her teacher's voice. She turned to face him along with Sakura.

"Oh, Mr. Yamoko! Hi!" Mr. Yamoko's glasses sat at the tip of his nose, and Tenten thought he looked like a librarian. Mr. Yamoko stared at the two girls.

"Have you found anything that you're interested in yet ladies? You do know that I expect you to pick a career by the end of this fair." He said, pushing his glasses up, making Tenten and Sakura giggle.

"No, we haven't found anything yet, we're still looking." Sakura said, stopping her giggle fit.

"Well I do suggest you stop looking and start talking to people at the booths. If you do not have a career picked out by the end of this fair you fail!" Mr. Yamoko said, walking away. Tenten and Sakura looked at each other and burst out laughing. After a minute of uncontrollable laughter the girls walked up to a booth.

"Hello there ladies! You are interested in becoming a doctor?" A man asked, smiling at them. Sakura looked up at him and instantly was glad she came to the fair and also glad that she had decided to wear that pink tank top and mini skirt. Tenten sighed. Time to walk away before Sakura goes into flirt mode. Tenten walked over to the blacksmith booth.

"Sup. So, you're interested in becoming a blacksmith?" A man that looked a year or two older than Tenten said. Tenten looked up at him and blushed, the man was really, really attractive. She was officially glad Sakura forced her into that black and white halter top and jean skirt.

"Umm…yeah!" Tenten said, still blushing. The man smiled at her.

"So what's your name? Mine is Daichi." He said still smiling.

"Tenten. Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you as well, Miss Tenten." Tenten grinned, and picked up a pamphlet.

"So what made you want to become a blacksmith?" She asked Daichi, trying to start a conversation.

"Oh, I'm not a blacksmith, my father is. I'm just looking after the booth while he gets something from his truck." Daichi said. Tenten smiled.

"So what do you do?" She asked.

"Well, I'm a photographer." He replied, pointing to the camera equipment behind him.

"Oh cool!" A man walked up behind Daichi in the booth.

"Well Daichi, I can take over again, you have work to do correct?" The man said. Daichi nodded.

"Well, Miss Tenten, I have to go, but if you ever want your picture taken here's my number." He said, handing her a piece of paper he had just wrote his number on. Tenten nodded.

"Goodbye Daichi!" She walked away from the booth and started walking around the fair, looking for Sakura, or a career booth she was interested in. People called out to her as she passed their booth.

"Miss would you like a pamphlet?"

"Hello would you like some information?"

"Are you interested in becoming a plumber?"

"Would you like to try our rice? If you come to this booth you may try it and get information about becoming a chef!"

"Would you like a DVD with our information on it dear?"

"Tenten I'm bored."

Tenten jumped at the sound of Sakura's voice, she hadn't realized her friend had returned. Sakura laughed. "You alright Tenten? You're a little jumpy!" Tenten joined her laughter and soon there were people staring. The girls walked up to another booth, trying to act inconspicuous.

"Good day ladies!" A man with silver hair that defied gravity said. The girls couldn't tell if he was smiling or not, due to the fact that he was wearing a mask.

"Hello." Sakura and Tenten said in unison. A man with a hideous bowl cut, huge eyebrows and green spandex came out from behind the booth.

"Hello youthful ladies! So you are interested in becoming youthful kunoichi?!" The man shouted. The girls looked at each other and back at the man.

"Huh?" They said together. After being friends for years you tend to do that sometimes. The silver haired man laughed.

"You want to become ninja, eh girls?" The two looked up at the name of the booth, which stated clearly 'ninja'. The girls looked at the men and shrugged.

"Sure why not." Tenten said, Sakura nodding.

"So are you two able to fight?"

"Well, Tenten can fight; I do more of the thinking." Sakura said.

"I see. Perfect. Do you two have parents or any tying bonds to this world?" The silver haired man asked.

"No." The girls said together looking down at the ground. The bowl cut dude smiled a blinding smile.

"Alright! Let's go!"

"Wha--?" The girls started to say. But before they were finished the men had grabbed them and did some odd hand signs and the girls blacked out.

"Kakashi! Gai! What in the world did you do to them?!" A women yelled, hitting her desk and breaking it in two.

"We didn't do anything hokage-sama. They weren't used to transporting between worlds and fainted." The silver haired man now revealed as Kakashi said.

"I see." Tsunade said. "Then I guess I won't kill you this time. Sit them over there; I'll talk to them when they wake up. I'll call you when their ready."

"Yes Tsunade-sama!" The two stated and disappeared into a cloud of smoke. Tsunade looked at the two girls sleeping.

"So, it has begun."

Well there she is chapter 1!! I hope you liked it!! Please review, it makes me so happy!! Flames make me sad, so please no flames!!