Naruto sobbed into Koyami's chest, not wanting to leave her side, even if she was gone. He couldn't bring himself to leave. Daikou licked her face, even if she was gone. No one left. They all just stood there, staring at Koyami.

"A hero to this village," an old woman said, "It's a shame she's gone…."

A woman next to her nodded her head.

Tsunade looked around. People bowed their heads low, saying soft prayers to the gone girl. Tsunade caught words like 'hero', 'brave', and 'sweet'.

Tsunade looked at Koyami's former teammates. Hinata was still crying, Kurenai still holding her. Kiba was still buried in Akamaru's fur. Shino was hiding his face in his hands.

Tsunade's eyes still leaked tears.

"Shizune," she called.

Shizune wiped her eyes, and asked, "Yes, me Lady?"

Tsunade looked at her seriously and said, "I'm going to do it."

Shizune's eyes widened, but she asked, "D-do what, Lady?"

Tsunade looked at the peaceful Koyami, saying, "I'm going to bring her back."

"No, me Lady, you can't!" Shizune yelled, "You'll die!"

"I know…," Tsunade plainly said.

"I can't let you do this!" Shizune yelled.

Tsunade looked at her and yelled, "Shizune, think about it! Naruto loves her, Shizune! I can't let him end up like me! Look how much Koyami's change him! Look how much she's changed the Daikou! A demon!"

She turned towards Koyami. "I can't let them lose her," she softly said, "Not after all she's done for them."

Shizune couldn't say anything. She knew Tsunade had made up her mind, and there was not point in trying to change it.

"B-but, me Lady," Shizune asked, "Are you sure you know how to do it?"

Tsunade smiled slightly. "Maybe," she said. She then turned to Shizune and said, "We'll just have to see, now won't we?"

Shizune felt more tears fall down her face.

Tsunade then walked towards Koyami. Naruto still lied on her chest, continuing to cry. He didn't care what people thought about him now. He wanted her to come back so badly. He loved her, and she loved him, but now that she was gone….

"Naruto?" Tsunade asked.

Naruto looked up, his eyes burning red from crying.

Tsunade smiled and said, "I need you to move, kay?"

Naruto didn't want to listen to her, but he did. He moved off Koyami's chest, but not too far from Koyami.

"Daikou," Tsunade said, "I need to move Koyami from you."

Daikou wanted to protest, but she was too miserable to. She let Tsunade take her away from her, Koyami's body motionless.

Never had Naruto ever seen Koyami so lifeless.

I guess that's why she's dead: Naruto thought, feeling an aching pain in his chest.

Daikou didn't move far from Koyami either.

Tsunade knelt beside Koyami, and stared at her. She moved a bang from Koyami's face, to behind her ear. Koyami may have had bruises on her face, but she still looked peaceful.

"Before I start," Tsunade started, looking at everyone, "I need to say something."

Everyone stared at her.

She said, "What I am about to do will kill me."

Everyone's eyes widened.

"-But," Tsunade continued, "I need to appoint the Sixth Hokage. Kakashi?"

Kakashi stared at her and said, "I'm sorry, my Lady, but I cannot. I do not think I can. I apologize."

"It is alright, Kakashi," Tsunade said, "I know someone else."

She then turned towards Naruto.

He stared at her, bewildered.

"Naruto," she began, "From this day forward, you are now known as the Sixth Hokage."

Naruto's eyes widened. He was shocked. He would've been so happy right now, if Koyami was there….

"Lady Tsunade," an elderly man from the Council asked, "Are you sure it is wise to place Naruto as Hokage?"

She looked angrily at the man and said, "Naruto is perfectly capable of being Hokage! Do not doubt my choice!"

No one dared to say anything else.

She then turned back to Koyami, breathed in deeply, and exhaled deeply. She then placed her hands on top of Koyami's chest, and green chakra began to form.

Tsunade began to wince in pain.

"Tsunade, what're you doing!" Naruto asked, scared.

Tsunade smiled and said, "I'm bringing her back, Naruto."

Naruto's eyes widened. He said, "But that means you'll…you'll…."

"Yes, Naruto," she said, wincing once again, "It means I'll die. You'll take over for me."

Naruto stopped breathing. Tsunade began to wince.

"Damn," she said, "I don't have enough chakra."

Then, Daikou placed a paw on Tsunade's right hand, white chakra glowing.

"I'm going to help you," Daikou said.

Tsunade nodded her head, pushing her chakra harder.

"Damn, it's still not enough," Tsunade said.

Naruto then placed his hand on Tsunade's left, pushing chakra. They pushed harder and harder.

Tsunade's chakra then stopped. She breathed heavily, and fell to the ground, Naruto catching her head.

She breathed harder and harder.

"Naruto," she said, "I hope it works."

She smiled. She then closed her eyes, and stopped breathing.

"TSUNADE!" Shizune cried, falling to the ex-Hokage's side.

There was nothing anyone could do anymore.

Naruto and Daikou looked eagerly at Koyami.


"Damn it!" Naruto yelled, slamming his fists into the ground. "Now Tsunade's dead, and Koyami's not even alive! Tsunade died for nothing!"

Daikou frowned and turned away.

They then heard a moan. Naruto and Daikou widened their eyes, but didn't look.

"Wh-where am I?" a confused voice asked.

Naruto slowly looked up to see Koyami's bright blue eyes searching.

"K-K-Koyami?" Naruto asked.

Koyami looked up with her eyes and asked, "Naruto? Is that you?"

Naruto's eyes filled with tears.

He then jumped on top of her, yelling, "KOYAMI!"

Everyone looked up and saw him embracing her.

Hinata's eyes grew bright, Kurenai smiled happily, Shino, well who knows what he was doing.

Kiba looked up from Akamaru, staring unbelievingly at his sister. Tsume looked out of Tetsuga's chest hopeful. Everyone looked at Koyami, staring.

"I can't believe it!" Naruto yelled, "You're alive!"

He let go of her, and she stared at him, unbelievingly.

"B-but how?" she asked.

Naruto looked sadly at Lady Tsunade, Koyami following his gaze.

She then gasped, her eyes widening. She saw the dead Hokage.

"She killed herself to bring me back to life?" she asked, fully knowing the answer.

Naruto simply nodded his head. He turned to her, and touched her cheek with his hand.

"You're alive," he said, "And that's what she wanted."

She looked frightened. She then embraced Naruto in a gigantic hug.

"Naruto!" she yelled.

She then let go of me and quickly kissed him on the lips.

She then turned to face Daikou. She gave her a gigantic hug saying, "I thought I'd never see you again!"

Daikou enjoyed her hugging her. She let out tears of joy from her eyes.

She let go of Daikou and started to close her eyes.

"I feel….woozy," she said, and then fell to the ground, passed out.

"KOYAMI!" Daikou said, looking at her worriedly.

"She's alright," Naruto managed to laugh, touching her cheek. "She's just tired."

He then looked at the crowd, and yelled, "I need medical ninjas!"

Three male ninjas appeared in front of him, all saying, "Yes, Hokage-sama."

"Take her to the infirmary," Naruto said, holding back the gleam of being called Hokage. "Let the Daikou stay in with her. I want her to be guarded on the outside. Daikou will guard her from the inside. Kabuto escaped and I don't want him killing her after the 5th's sacrifice to bring her back. Understood?"

They nodded their heads, picked up Koyami, and ran to the infirmary, Daikou running with them.

"Be careful," he whispered.

He then stood up and was greeted by the elderly man from the Council.

"Hokage-sama," he said, "We will bury Tsunade tomorrow, and follow with your coronation. Is this alright?"

Naruto nodded his head, staring at the dead Tsunade.

He then looked at everyone and smiled.

"I will not let you down," he said to them.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (the next day)

Naruto strolled down the infirmary halls. He was going to see if Koyami would come to the burial of Tsunade. Accompanying him, was Kiba. He wanted to see his sister.

"How do you think she is, Naruto?" Kiba asked worried.

"I hope she's fine," Naruto said, reaching her door. Two ninjas stood aside from him, letting him through.

He slowly turned the knob, opening the door. While opening it, he asked, "Koyami, are you alright?"

He felt a breeze in the room. He's eyes widened.

Koyami's bed sheets were pulled down, and the bed was empty. He looked to see the Daikou missing and the window open. He ran to the window, and looked out of it, looking for Koyami.

He turned around and said, "She's gone!"

Kiba yelled, "What!"

He turned to the two ninja guarding her room, and he said, "I want someone to find her! She could've been kidnapped! Go!"

"Yes, sir!" they said before disappearing.

Naruto then ran out the room to go look for her.


"Daikou," Koyami said running through the forest with the wolf demon, "We should've told them we were leaving."

Daikou said, without looking at her, "It would have been more painful for you."

Koyami's eyes widened. She said, "That's true."

She then thought of Naruto.

"But what about Naruto?" she asked, "Will I ever see him again?"

"Of course," Daikou replied.

"How long will we be gone?" Koyami asked.

Daikou sighed and said, "For quite some time. We have lots to do, places to be, and something important to do."

Koyami frowned. She looked at her ring.

Naruto: she thought: I will come back someday, and when I do, if you haven't found someone else, I will marry you.

"We must find Lady Koyami!" a voice said from afar.

Daikou looked back nervously and said, "We must hurry!" She began to speed up.

Koyami's eyes had widened at the next voice, "KOYAMI!" She looked back. She couldn't see him, but she knew it was Naruto's voice.

I'm sorry, Naruto: she thought: I will come back for you. I don't know how long it'll take, but I swear to you, I will be back.

She squeezed her left hand, feeling the ring on her finger.

I promise: she thought.

So how was it? Crummy ending, I know. But guess what! There's going to be a sequel! I don't know the name of it, but here's a small summary:

Naruto stared at the figure in the black cloak. The figure took a step forward and Naruto charged after it. The figure moved and darted away from him. Naruto turned quickly, and pinned the figure into a tree, holding a kunai to the intruder's neck.

"I'm going to kill you," he said, angrily. The girl had insulted his village and his love.

Naruto saw the figure smirk from under its hood.

When the figure spoke, it was a woman's voice. She said, "You don't want to do that."

Naruto narrowed his eyebrows and growled, "And why not!"

The figured smirked and she replied, "Because I'm the only one who has information on Koyami Somai."

What do you think? Help me think of a title by sending it in your review. Please don't be mad about the very end of this chapter, I couldn't think of anything. Please don't flame! Keep an eye out for the review though! Check my profile every day to see if I post it. I don't know when I'll post it! Thank you guys for always reading it. I love you all!
