It was evident what he had in mind when Saix came up to him, asking him what exactly Valentine's Day was.

"Valentine's Day... Mmmm. You do not remember?" Xemnas asked smoothly, pacing down the hallway, indicating for Saix to follow.

"Sir, no..." he replied shortly, following Xemnas's progress.

"Valentine's Day," he sighed dramatically, though the exaggeration was ruined by the wide smirk he had on his face. "Mocking the heartless, the nobodies, the nothing, by giving away their hearts."

"Giving them... away?" Saix responded, perplexed. How did you just give away a heart?

"Theoretically... Human fools, they take their heart for granted... Surely you remember love?"

"Love... The idea is faint, sir, but still there," Saix nodded. He knew love.

"Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love. The humans, they make novelties, candies, flowers. The idea is that you give them to the one you love, Saix, to show them how you ... feel." The last word came slowly and after a pause, the lightest hint of laughter in his voice.

"But humans, they take them for granted, don't they?" Saix said, furrowing his brow as they continued to walk down the hall.

"Yes, Saix... or perhaps they hold them too dear. They don't understand the workings, the complication, the beauty. In all the faux-novelties that represent love, Saix, the real hearts get hurt..."

Xemnas pointed out the window, indicating the millions of heartless coming towards them. Crawling, confused, freshly created from the fools who had torn their hearts, ripped them out and gave them away. The rejects of the day would break and crawl to him, for they were vulnerable and so easy to take.

"For us, Valentine's Day means hearts for harvest, Saix."

Author's Note: Two days late with this, but I hope you enjoy it all the same. Don't own anything.