Vader's Son
Written by: Adventure-Seeking-Juliet
When: Revision time:)
Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars...or Luke...or Leia...or get the picture.
A/N This is just a one-shot on how Darth Vader feels when he finds out he has a son. Set right after the scene in TESB when the Emperor tells Vader that Luke is his son! Please review! I originally wrote this fic when I was twelve, and in the past two years I have to say my writing has improved, so I decided to go back and revise this story!
Darth Vader stood at the window of his personal star destroyer.
How could Anakin Skywalker have a son? How could I have a son? He corrected himself. In truth he was Anakin Skywalker, and he had a son- Luke.
That was what Padme had named their son, Luke...the name Anakin had said was his favorite...the one he and Padme had decided they would name the baby if it was a boy.
Vader remembered back to when he had first seen Luke...surprisingly it was the security tape of Princess Leia's cell, for a second Luke had stood there staring at the Princess, then Princess Leia had said," You're a little short to be a storm trooper."
Luke was startled by the comment but then took the helmet off to reveal his face, he looked much like his father.
He had shaggy blonde hair...and his eyes...they were Anakin's eyes.
"I'm Luke Skywalker I'm here to rescue you," he had explained.
"You're who?" was Leia's confused response.
"I'm Luke Skywalker...I've got your R2 unit, I'm here with Ben Kenobi!" Luke had said in a hurry, Princess Leia seemed convinced.
"Ben Kenobi? Where is he?"
"Come on," Luke had shouted, Princess Leia did not hesitate when she followed him out.
The next time he saw Luke it was in person, but very short.
Vader had just killed his used-to-be master Obi-Wan Kenobi, when he heard a frustrated cry come from the ship hangar. Vader turned from where he was investigating Obi-Wan's 'remains', to see the same boy as before, Luke, shooting at the storm troopers.
He had felt anger flowing through the room...coming from the boy. Luke was the strongest Force-sensitive Vader had ever felt, besides himself.
Vader was shocked, but forgot about Luke's Force sensitivity whilst said boy shot at the blast doors, blocking his Vader's escape.
The last time he had seen the boy it had been during the rebels attempt to destroy the Death Star.
Luke was the one who had destroyed it. It was odd for Vader to express such emotion, but it almost scared him when he thought that he had almost killed his son.
Some would have called it luck when Luke had gotten away after destroying the almighty Death Star, but Vader knew bette,r Luke, like himself, was strong in the Force.
The Emperor had felt it too unfortunately, Luke's power's were growing, and like the Emperor had said if Luke became a Jedi...he could destroy them.
"If he could be turned he would be a powerful ally," Vader had said.
Vader almost regretted saying it, but he knew that he had to turn Luke Skywalker to the Dark Side of the Force...or kill him...and somewhere deep inside he felt that he wouldn't be able to kill his own son...Vader had already destroyed most of his life...he must be turned to the dark side or...he'll die.
A/N How was it? Please review! It was only my first Star Wars fic, so be nice! I didn't do much revision, but I think I made it clearer to read than before:)