I already posted this on harrypotterfanfiction but I thought I'd post it here as well!!! Enjoy - and pleze review! Disclaimer: I own nothing!

Chapter 1:That sinking feeling

The first thing Hermione felt was a wet sensation. She was in the lake. 'How did I end up in the school lake?' she thought then, noticed Viktor Krum beside her, punching his arm in the air while the other Durmstrangs yelled and cheered their appreciation. Hermione felt her school robes pulling her down and clutched at Viktor, who seemed to have forgotten she was there. They both swam to the wooden stadium and Viktor heaved himself up to the arms of his supporters, still yelling wildly. Hermione put her foot on the first rung when she noticed something. The water was too still, too silent. Hermione hesitated. She realised how cold the water had got, where it had been mild a moment before. And that strange smell... Then people saw it, a miniture tidal wave. Girls began shrieking in fear, there were gasps from the adults and yells from the boys. Pandemonium broke out everyone running about like headless chickens. The monster was travelling full speed towards the weak and feeble stadium, standing alone in the middle of the waters. It was about two feet away when it seemed to dive underneath it. The pancking seemed to die down but really what everyone was doing was listening. Hermione dared not move, then... CRASH. Hermione felt her hands being torn from the pathetic ladder as the wave came up the other side of the stadium and crashed down on her. Bubbles. All Hermione saw were bubbles as she turned and writhed in the water. I have to get back up to the surface! she thought and kicked as much as she could with her legs. The trouble was, she had no idea which way was up or down. The bubbles were slowly going away or popping - whatever bubbles did and Hermione could see the light as it danced on the water's surface, beckoning to her. Hermione could feel her strength ebbing away. She only had one chance. Using all she had, she thrust upwards and - broke the surface, gasping air, almost choking. Air! Wonderful, cold, air! It was Christmas and Birthday presents all rolled into one. But Hermione's relief at being able to breathe again was quickly squashed as she saw where she was. And where she was she didn't know - but she certainly wasn't in Hogwarts Lake!

Piper Halliwell screamed as the iron grating she was attatched to, slid into the waters, dragging her with it. She scrabbled desperately but it was no use and barely had time to take a deep breath before she was dragged under. The water was surprisingly bright and clear, though Piper took little notice of that. She tried to pull her ankle free but no go - her desperation increased as she found she couldn't even stroke the water's surface. No! she thought furiously. I am not going to die! For the sake of my baby - I am NOT going to die! Suddenly she blinded by a bright light filling the water. Can the others see this? she wondered, but as the bright light increased she could see it was radiating off a figure. Not just any figure.

"Mom." Piper stared. This was her mom, with her in the water, comforting her, talking to her. The wonder of it made Piper want to cry and laugh at the same time - which was virtually impossible under water so she just stared.

"Sweetie, before you go back, you've got a job to do. A young witch has been targeted into a time loop. She needs someone - some help. You need to make sure she's safe. Now take my hand. Don't be afraid!" Piper reached out and caught Patty's hand. She felt her ankle slip free from the chain, felt herself being gently pulled up. Piper gasped as she broke the surface. Wow! She hadn't realised how oxygen starved she was, she took a few deep gasps of air then noticed a girl come up next to her, equally out of breath.

"Hey!" Piper swam over to her. "Are you alright?" The girl looked bewildered but nodded, obviously to waterlogged to speak. "Come on." Half supporting, half reassuring, Piper swam with the girl towards the bank. They both heaved themselves up, the girl down on her hands and knees, coughing and spluttering. Piper however stumbled to her feet. She had noticed a deep gash in her stomach which was pouring blood. "My baby!" she whispered, despair filling her voice. The girl must've heard because she turned her head - eyes widening as she saw the wound heal itself. Piper felt her newly healed stomach and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who are you?" asked the girl.

"I'm Piper." Piper said. "Who are you?"

"I'm Hermione." the girl replied. "How did you do that?"

"Erm, I'm not sure. But I think my baby just did it." Now Hermione looked very unnerved.

"Wait, your baby...?" Hermione shook her head. "Where are we?" she motioned to ask.

"Your guess is as good as mine." Piper shrugged. "I might be twenty-nine and pregnant and no stranger to wierd phenomenon but this has got me stumped!"

"Wait, so you don't come from here?" Hermione asked, gesturing vaguely as to having no idea where here was.

""Do I look like it?" Hermione took in the tank top and trousers and had to admit... "What about you?"

"No. The last thing I remember is in Hogwarts lake..." Hermione broke off and bit her lip. She had that look of someone who had said too much. Now, Piper hadn't heard of Hogwarts before but she knew well enough, how awkward it was to tell people you were a witch.

"What year are you from?" she asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"2001." Hermione said quietly, her head bowed.

"Well we have one thing in common then." Piper smiled. Hermione raised her head and smiled nervously too. "Hermione, I'm going to come clean here. I'm a witch." Hermione's mouth dropped open. This was the last thing she had expected to hear. "Yeah, and my husband is a Whitelighter and this little lump," she patted her stomach. "Is our baby." Hermione nodded.

"But where's your wand?" she asked.

"Wand?" Piper was confused.

"Yeah, all witches have one." Hermione hesitated. "You do have a wand don't you?"

"You do have powers don't you?" The two stared at each other. Hermione pulled out a wand. She waved it.

"Wingardium Leviosa" A fallen branch rose a few feet in the air. Hermione flicked her wand and it fell to the ground.

"Impressive." Piper nodded. She looked up and saw a tree. Focussing for a moment on a branch, Piper made it explode with one hand and froze it with the other. Hermione stared at her.

"Wow!" she said after a while.

'Yeah!' thought Piper. 'BIG wow!'