Chapter 6: Simply Too Easy?

The scene instead of changing to where Billy, Grim, Mandy and the Chans and everybody else are fighting Tarakudo's remaining general, it switches to Sir Raven taking a nab on his chair at his usual fireplace setting.

"Oh, what?!" cried Sir Raven as he was rudely woken up, "I'm finally in this story? Well, it seem like things were going quite easy for Grim, Mandy, Billy and their inter-dimensional friends. The last general of Tarakudo had just been sucked back into the mask that Uncle Chan had provided with the additional help to be subdued by Billy's yummy, yet sick power of shooting yogurt from his arm pit."

The scene then immediately switches back to what seems like Jimmy Neutron's world of Retroville. The entire scene was a mess, as if a large battle had just took place. Grim was quite suspicious of how fast the battle was waged, and how quickly Uncle was able to subdue the last of Tarakudo's generals.

"So what's up with you bonehead, we won this battle" said Mandy.

"Yeah, but I got a bad feeling in me bones that something tells me that Tarakudo wanted us to absorb his generals into that mask Uncle Chan has provided" said Grim.

"What sort of suspicions could there be my bony friend?" asked Jorgen.

"Every time Billy or somebody else has messed with me trunk, I have been quite fed up" replied Grim, "so I placed a security device that would alert me whenever someone touches me trunk giving me a security shock in me bones of some sort of warning."

"I don't need a lecture from you, let's just go back to your place then" said Timmy.

"Oh, alright, but don't say I didn't warn you people about it" said Grim.

Grim then used his scythe and formed a portal entering right back into Mandy's house. But as Mandy began to notice the entire place had been remodeled to look like some sort of a palace.

"I like what my parents have done with the place" said Mandy as she noticed how creepy the palace also looked.

"Er, can we go back to Jimmy's world?" asked Spongebob as he tugged on Grim's sleeve.

"Who could have been meddling into me trunk this time?" asked Grim.

"Uh, I think I know who" said Gwen as she noticed a large picture of Tarakudo right in the main room of the palace.

"And I don't like it when this palace is for somebody else!" cried Mandy.

"I see you have recognized some of my redesigns of this place" said Tarakudo as he came into the scene with his Shadowkhan and also his second-in-command Ikazuki.

"But who would be dumber than even Billy and Cosmo combined to allow something like this to happen?" asked Wanda.

"I believe I can answer that" replied Harold as he entered the scene with wearing what seem like a French maid outfit, "you see Tarakudo and his friend Ikazuki said they were friends of Billy. They also stated that Billy told them to have whatever they wanted from Grim's trunk. Even all sorts of cool super natural gadgets to remodel Mandy's house."

"But don't forget this fancy thing we found from your trunk Mr. Reaper" said Tarakudo as he showed some sort of a large magnet, "this device as described by the big nosed idiot's father has said to attract your scythe which is just what we need."

"No, not me scythe!" cried Grim as the magnet device was turned on.

Grim then tried to hold onto his scythe as best as he could.

"Quickly, everybody hold our bony friend here so that he could keep his scythe" said Jorgen as he grabbed Grim and began to help him trying to stop his scythe from heading toward Tarakudo.

"They're putting up a tough fight!" cried Tarakudo as he noticed that he was literally playing a game of tug-of-war with Grim, Mandy, Billy and their inter-dimensional friends, "Shadowkhan, Ikazuki, behind me and pull!"

It seemed as if Grim, Mandy, Billy and their inter-dimensional friends were getting the upper hand when the scene then switches back to Sir Raven when things were beginning to become quite intense.

"Oh, I'm back in the story again" said Sir Raven, "anyway, it seemed like the fight for the Grim Reaper's scythe was at a stalemate. Not even Tarakudo with all of his remaining Shadowkhan could ever pull the scythe toward him, and visa versa with Grim himself. It seem like it has all come down to Harold who was as clueless as ever."

The scene then switches back to the tug-of-war going on between Grim and Tarakudo who really wanted Grim's scythe.

"I'm not going to give you me scythe and that's final!" cried Grim as he was trying to keep his scythe within his grasp.

"Face it Reaper, I'm going to finally rule this world like I should have done long ago!" laughed Tarakudo.

"We could use a helping hand over here!" cried Danny to Harold who was doing nothing as usual.

"You, fat man" said Mandy as she snapped at Harold, "if Tarakudo gets Grim's scythe and makes everybody else miserable, I'm going to make sure you're going to be more miserable than me for what you did to my house!"

"Alright, alright, I'm heading over to help this green hair guy" said Harold as he raced right toward where poor Cosmo was at the end of the line trying to pull as hard as he can.

"I that I'm relying on someone dumber than me to save the world" said Cosmo.

"I don't know what the heck you are" said Harold as he then grabbed Cosmo's wings, "but I guess I can help out."

Harold with just one pull of Cosmo's wings, managed to help pull Grim's scythe right back toward him and also the large strange magnet device away from Tarakudo's hands.

"Hey, that hurt!" cried Cosmo as he was feeling his back.

"Well at least I got me scythe back and also this strange device" said Grim.

"No, no!" cried Tarakudo as he then kneeled down and began to slam his fist on the floor, "I was so close to victory!"

"I think I know the perfect punishment for someone like you" said Grim as he gave an evil grin to Tarakudo.

Later, after the victory, the palace that Tarakudo had built remained intact. With the exception of the pictures of Tarakudo and his second-in-command replaced with pictures of herself.

"I got to say, Tarakudo might have been an evil demon bent on domination of the world, but he had good taste when it came to real-estate." said Mandy to which she then turned to Grim, "so where did you place that new mask Uncle provided to entrap Tarakudo and his generals?"

"I gave it to an old friend of ours to use" said Grim as he gave a happy grin to Mandy.

The scene then switches to Fred Fred Burger's home where it seem like he received a package. As Fred opened it, it revealed to be the new mask of Tarakudo.

"Say, this punishment doesn't seem to be quite bad" said Tarakudo.

"Whoa, talking mask!" cried Fred who was quite amazed with it, "What's your name, my name is Fred Fred Burger, I can spell it really, really good."

"Oh, I see what the Reaper meant by this being our punishment" sighed Tarakudo as Fred picked up the mask and closed the door which the scene promptly ends.