Rocky Starts by blackdragonflower

Requested by: xxsilenced [xlashingcriesx

Summary: Today is the first day for Matt at Wammy's House. Roger leaves the kid outside, all by himself. This doesn't bother Matt, in fact, he loves it until a bully decides to end his alone time. Matt gets into a fight with Mello. Could the two become friends possibly on the horizon?

Characters belong to Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata

Rating: PG


Matt surveryed the large yard. Roger had told him it was playhour, otherwise known as recess. A group of boys were playing footbal, kicking the white and black checkered ball back and forth. Matt sighed and readjusted the goggles in his hair. He clutched the gameboy in his hand tightly and descended the flight of stairs onto the big lawn. He took up residence beneath a tall, shady tree to escape the hot sun.

Matt smiled as he became engrossed in his videogame. He didn't need friends, not as long as he had his trusty piece of tecnology. The boy gasped as the plastic was yanked free from his hold. "Hey!"

"Welcome to Wammy's kid. Here's the deal, I'm boss here. If your ugly freckled mug gets in my way I'll kick your butt."

Matt stood silent, his fingers clenched into fists. His voice came out in a quiet whisper, "Drop my gameboy."

"What was that ya redhaired freak?!" Mello pushed Matt. The redhead stumbled back and hit the rough bark of the tree.

"Drop my gameboy girly-man!" Mello's eyes narrowed. He'd never been challenged like this before, then again most didn't want to draw attention that would get them bullied. Who was this kid?

Mello threw the gameboy over his shoulder and pounced at the boy. They fell and Mello punched Matt. Matt landed a good punch to Mello's cheek and spit in his face. The blonde growled infuriated.

"You ugly piece of crap! I'm gonna kill you!"

"Stupid loser!" Matt yelled back at Mello.

"OUCH!" Mello yelped and grabbed the redhead's hair tight and yanked. Matt's sharp teeth were buried in Mello's arm. "Let go butthead! You'll give me rabies!"

"Don't ever touch my gameboy!" Matt fought as they wrestled, he claimed tops.

"Get off you fattie!" Mello snarled angrily. He was going to make this kid pay for his disobediance. Both were breathing hard, exhausted from fighting. Matt got off the blonde and retrieved his gameboy. Mello noticed, he'd listened to his orders, just in his own way.

"Leave me alone... I didn't do anything to you..." Matt walked away his precious possession held close. Mello got to his feet and licked the blood from his newly cracked open bottom lip.

"Hey kid! What's your name?!"

Matt turned slightly, his eyebrows furrowed in curiosity at the smirk on the blonde's face. "...Matt."

"You're okay. Don't disobey me again, or else." Matt nodded, seemingly understanding what Mello had said. Matt smiled as Mello ran over and gave him a playful smack to the shoulder. "Tag your it!" Matt blinked stunned, watching as Mello ran off. Mello stopped when he realized Matt wasn't following. "Hey, ya coming dork?" He smiled.

Matt pocketed his gameboy and ran after Mello. The future mafia leader grinned and ran off. "Can't catch me loser!" Yes, Mello's personality profiling of the new kid was complete. He was going to become Matt's friend, there was no way he was going to let a kid like Matt go to waste on what he considered the other losers. He might even have someone to share his deep annoyance of Near! As the two ran on the sea of green blades of grass they laughed, bonding as friends for the very first time. Who knew what the two could accomplish in time.