June: I give you envy, with SasuNaru, starring them as mental patients! This one isn't very dark and the sentence structure is this way on purpose. Currently feeding my muse is 'Forever Yours by Sunrise Avenue'.

Dedication: This is dedicated to Rineko-chan and BrdomIsTheDvl because they are the most dedicated SasuNaru fangirls I know.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I don't own mental hospital either... Though I might end up in one o.O


Seven Deadly Sins
Sin: Envy [SasuNaru
Written by June


It's always him! He's the one they always allow out into the garden or library... I want to go out there... but no, never me. Him. Why him? He's nothing special... Him and his fucking split personality. I hate them both.

Maybe I'll kill them?


Then I get put isolation. It isn't worth wringing his scrawny neck. Then I will also have to deal with Itachi. Definitely not worth it.

Why am I even in here?

Itachi's the fucking psychopath! Not me! He framed me, so I wouldn't tell everyone that he killed everyone. That asshole. I can't decide who I hate more. Itachi or Him? Difficult decision... I should just kill them both.

But what I hate most about him is the way he always knows what to say. He always gets a reaction out of me. He's a complete idiot. Maybe I can kill him and make it look like an accident?

"Sasuke?" A voice called out

Not now... I'm plotting his death.

"Oi! Sasuke!"

Shut up. Plotting.

"Bastard! Stop planning my death and talk to me!"

See why I hate him? He knows me too well... That dobe.

"Hn," I answered.

"Fuck, I was right, you were planning my death." He exclaimed, pointing a finger at me. I glared in response. "Teme! You are so in denial. You can't claim that you're not psycho when you go around plotting your boyfriend's death! It's not normal..." He murmured as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

"I hate you." I said. It's true, I do.

He snorted, "And that's why you kiss me at every opportunity." I scowled. I hate him, just not his lips. "That's why you molest me all the time." Fine, I don't hate his body as well. "Not to mention I'm the only person you ever talk to." Fine, I don't hate him... I hate that he always gets better treatment then me.

"Hn." Yes, a grunt is all I need. I don't need to talk. I'm not psycho, I'm anti-social. And I just happen to want to kill my boyfriend every now and then... It's perfectly normal.

"You're such a jealous asshole." He murmured, nuzzling affectionately against me. Cute. Must hug. I wrapped my arms around my blonde haired boyfriend.

I'm not sure why he's my boyfriend. He just is. It's not like we get along. But he is hot. Blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin and a body that calls out to me. But he's a psycho, not a major turn on. His split personality Kyuubi is violent. Kyuubi has a grudge against me, Kyuubi doesn't think Naruto should be uke. I don't give a fuck. I'm sane, so I top.

"You're psycho." I declared.

"We both are," He said, kissing my cheek.

"You are. I'm not."

"So you're in a mental hospital... why?" He asked mockingly. I scowled. Fuck him. I'll kill him.

"Hn," I replied.

"What have I told you about plotting my death?" The blonde asked grinning at me.

"Shut up." I stated. And he did. Me kissing him probably helped.

Pulling out of our kiss, he grinned at me. "C'mon, we need to go eat." He said taking my hand and entwining our fingers, before dragging me to the designated eating area.

I hate the food they serve here. It's just... ugh. As I said before I'm anti-social... I don't have the best vocabulary in the world. So ugh is perfectly descriptive in my opinion. I don't think 'ugh' is even a word. Fuck. It's his influence. I'll kill him.

"Teme, stop trying to kill me and get your food." He said grinning at me, I scowled in reply. Does he have a radar for when I want to kill him or something?

"It's not food. It's poison." I said pointing a finger at the 'ugh'.

"Teme! Ramen isn't poison!" He said punching me on the arm, I rubbed my arm in response. I'm not delicate! He's just weirdly strong... even if he is uke.

"Hn." I grunted.

"Sometimes I think your a pig, always grunting, ya know?" My boyfriend said poking me in the cheek. I just glared. I am no pig... I'm much prettier than a pig... Ahem, handsome... not pretty. I am not a pretty boy.

"OI! Naruto, Sasuke! Over here!" One of my boyfriend's friends yelled, waving his arm about manically... I think his name is Kiba... I scowled, I don't want my blonde and I to sit with that ruffian. I grabbed Naruto and our food and dragged him over to an empty table.

See? I'm anti-social.

"Sasuke, you didn't have to be such a teme! It's only Kiba!" Naruto said rolling his eyes at my attitude. I ignored my boyfriend and began to eat the 'ugh', it really does taste nasty, I have no clue why Naruto likes it. I looked over and watched as he slurped up the ramen and watched as the noodles disappeared between those pink lips. Fuck, so fucking erotic. Is watching your boyfriend eat usually this seductive? Bloody hell, he's pouting at me now. Must. Jump.

I tackled Naruto to the floor, his blue eyes went wide as his back hit the ground. "Teme?" He asked looking at me in surprise.

"Dobe." I answered with a smirk before catching those pretty pink lips in a kiss.

I loved the way he mewled as I thrust my tongue into his mouth, his arms winding round me and pulling me closer. It was an unsaid statement. More. We both needed more. My hands began their trek down my boyfriend's body, for someone in a mental hospital, he was in damn good shape.

"Ahem..." Someone coughed above us. Go away. Making out.

Mm... Naruto tastes of oranges, maybe it comes from wearing the colour so much? The hospital says it's a good sign that he wears such a bright colour. Personally, I think he just wants to see other people gouge their eyes out every time they look at him.

"Mr. Uchiha," Damn, the person was still there. Can't they see I'm making out with my boyfriend? I flipped whoever it was off. Asshole. Go get laid.

Maybe I can get something from Naruto as well... I wonder if every part of him taste like oranges.

"Sasuke! Get off Naruto now! Before we have to put you in isolation!" The person said, they sounded rather irate now. It took for a few moments for the words to register before I jumped off my boyfriend, leaving him panting on the floor. I looked around, eyes wide and still trying to catch my breath. Seems like we gave the rest of the hospital quite the show.

"Mr. Uchiha, it would be appreciated if you stopped harassing other patients!" The person said, picking up Naruto. Idiot, it wasn't harassment. Didn't you hear him moaning?

"Hn," I grunted. Can I go now? I want to kiss Naruto again. Preferably in private though...

"I think it's best we keep you separated for a while. Maybe Naruto should go out into the garden or library?" The man asked Naruto who was still in a daze from the kiss. I smirked, I can say quite proudly, I'm one mind blowing kisser. Naruto just nodded absentmindedly to the question.

Ah, now I see why this guy is being all uptight. It's Naruto's mother hen of a counselor, Iruka. The dude probably thinks I'm corrupting his innocent patient. He should have seen Naruto eating that ramen. There is no way that mouth or it's owner is innocent.

"Sasuke, I think it's best if you go back to the room." Yes, back to the- Wait... WHAT!? I scowled. Naruto is getting the special treatment again. I'll fucking kill him!

I stopped plotting his death when Naruto pulled away from Iruka and kissed me on the cheek.

"No need for that Iruka, Sasuke and I will go back to the room together." Naruto said giving me a sly wink.

That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I grabbed Naruto's hand and ran down the corridors and into our room. Shutting the door, I shoved him against the wall and caught him in a lip lock once more.

"I'll teach you for getting special treatment!" I growled as I began to undo his pants.

"Envious bastard!" Naruto said grinning at me and yanking my top off over my head. Our lips once again met with a furious passion.

So what if I'm envious? There's only one person who I could ever be envious of. Mm... Oranges...


June: OK... so I hope Sasuke came across as a bit psycho... I have no clue what his diagnosis is and Naruto was much more sane because you don't know when people have split personalities till they do a complete 180 on you... or at least that's my experience with people who've had it.

Ok well this is the first one-shot in my Seven Deadly Sins series.

Reviews are appreciated.