AN: RECAP!!!!!!!!!!

At the end of the last chapter Booth was kicked out of his classroom so the kids could set up a game called statues, he found Bones crying in the hallway. Enjoy…


At the sound of her name, Tempe popped her head up. "Oh Booth, you scared me." She said hiccupping and hastily wiping her eyes.

"Bones are you ok?" Booth asked, fishing around his pockets for some semblance of a tissue, the best he could do however. was a crinkled napkin from breakfast on the way over.

He passed it to her and smiled sympathetically when she grimaced at the discoloration that came with being in a black suit pocket for a few hours.

"I don't think I am Booth." Tempe sighed dabbing her eyes.

He sank down on the floor next to her. "Why."

"I wanted a baby. I wanted to be a mother, but I don't know the first thing about a family." She paused and wove her fingers into her hair at the crown of her head. "Four groups of kids came into my classroom today, not one of them was able to connect with me in a way that seemed meaningful.

"Bones they are just kids after all. How can you expect them to connect with someone like you?" Booth reasoned placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Exactly." Tempe whispered before bursting into tears again.

Booth mentally flailed for a minute trying to understand why she suddenly started to sob once again.

"Exactly what Bones?" He asked desperately trying to understand.

"How can they connect with someone like me?" She squeaked. "I'm a freak Booth, I'm a social freak."

"Hey, hey now." Booth pulled her face out of her cradled arms. He placed both hands on her shoulders "You are not a freak, you are my Bones, and I like you the way you are" He said a bit more forcefully than perhaps was necessary but it rattled him to see her broken like this.

"Maybe you do, but what good does that do me. The world isn't full of people like you Booth, or like me. We're anomalies Booth." Tempe dabbed her eyes again.

"Maybe I like being an anomaly." Booth replied.

Tempe laughed at this, and hiccupped a little again. "Thanks." She smiled.

Booth helped her to her feet, just as Parker wandered around the corner. "Daddy!" He whined when he saw them. "You were supposed to come back when we were ready."

Booth rolled his eyes. "Sorry Buddy. Here, you go be a statue, I'll be along in a minute."

Parker smiled and sprinted down the hall back towards his classroom. "Bring Dr. Bones!" He called over his shoulder.

Tempe laughed, which turned into a bit of a cough as she tried to clear her throat. "Well, we shouldn't keep them waiting right."

Booth nodded, and held out an arm. "What are you doing?" Tempe asked.

"I'm taking a lovely lady to a once in a life time museum exhibit. Trust me you've never seen one like this." He laughed.

Grinning Tempe slipped her arm through his and together they made their way back towards the class room.

The light was off when they arrived, so they couldn't see the poses of the kids. Booth flipped the switch and suddenly they were surrounded by third graders in various poses.

"Welcome to the Jeffersonian wax museum." Parker said "My name is Parker Booth, and I'll be your tour guide today."

Tempe smiled at the little boy. "Why thank you Mr. Booth." She said marveling over how much he had began to look like his father.

Parker led them to the first group of about five students. "This exhibit is where we show our top anthro-polologists looking at really really old dead people." He pointed to a girl with wavy brown hair. "She's the boss cuz she's the best at doing this."

"I think that's you Bones." Booth whispered.

"Then that must be you." Tempe said indicating a boy sort of behind the others with a confused look on his face.

"At least I'm not an anthro-polologist." He laughed.

Parker led them through each group and each scene was recognizable to the couple as something they experienced at least once a week. There was one with drawings on the chalkboard, Booth thought of Angela. Another had two boys bent over a hastily made paper Petri dish. 'Definitely Zach and Hodgins' went through Tempe's mind.

Every time they turned around the exhibits changed and since no one came and told them to change groups, they played up until lunch time.

"Dad, you said you would get us pizza right?" Parker said with a twinkle in his eye.

Booth smiled. "Yeah, I did, you guys go on, we'll be there in a few minutes." He waited for Parker to leave.

"Do you still think no one connected with you?" He asked Tempe. "Maybe I didn't give them enough credit, those kids were pretty sharp." He grinned

Tempe smiled in spite of her best efforts. "I suppose I could have been a bit off in my analysis."

"You're speaking squint again! You must be back to normal." Booth rejoiced. "Thank the Lord."

"Why do you insist on thanking a supreme being that may or may not exist for something I clearly did?" She asked grabbing his arm and leading him down the hall towards the cafeteria.

"Why do you insist on calling my belief system ridiculous?" He replied.

"Because it is, though if there is a God, I think he must really like me" She answered.

"Why?" Booth cocked his head.

"Because he allowed me to have you in my life."

AN: You can thank Readers like Ems-g who periodically kicked my rear in order to get this update. If more of you were like them maybe I wouldn't wait a whole year to update lol.