That evening, in that hut, Alex got a bunch of scented candles lit. As he and Akaila got together in a special bed, a cork popped off a bottle and sailed into the light switch, killing the lights in the process. After pouring some champagne into a couple of glasses, he said "this will be a night to remember."

Akaila replied "I know it will."

Suddenly, the phone rang. Akaila reached over and answered it. "Whoever you are, I hope you realize--."

Sasha came over the phone saying "I just wanted to make sure you two made it there okay."

Akaila replied "we made it here okay. I'll call you tomorrow, as Alex and I are on our way to a more exotic destination."

Sasha said "a more exoti--. Oh, I see. Bye then."

Akaila hung up and asked "now, where were we?"

Alex replied "I think I remember."

With that, the two were starting to cuddle together. Alex started a romantic CD playing, and the two went from there.

The next morning, the happy couple was lying in the bed happily asleep. They were awakened by a loud roaring from overhead. Akaila jumped up saying "what was that?" After another such loud roar was heard, she said "Alex, I think something is going on outside."

Above the island, two F-16s were soaring up along the coast. A pilot said "we've spotted a hut of some kind, but no sign of the ship." They later passed over Ashani's cabana.

Sasha yelled "what was that noise?" Ashani said "I think I saw a couple of jets going over." After the pilots reported the first cabana, they soon came upon Marty's cabana.

Gloria was busy outside making a BBQ breakfast. As the planes passed over, she yelled "my goodness, those things are loud!"

"WHAT?" Melman asked.

Soon, the jets located the ship in question. "Base one, this is jet seven. I've spotted our boat" a pilot said. The reply from the carrier was "we copy. Judging by your previous reports, those huts must be the animals' dwellings. Return to base immediately."

Back at the love hut, Alex was just getting off the phone with Gloria. "Okay, thanks" he said. After hanging up, he said "those roars were from a couple of F-16s going up the coast."

Akaila replied "what are F-16s doing here?"

Meanwhile, on the aircraft carrier, the two jets had landed. A large helicopter was preparing to take off. The zoo's CEO got on board the giant chopper, and it took off in the direction of Madagascar. Two smaller helicopters were following behind. The carrier soon sent out an armada of smaller naval ships in the same direction.

Back on the island, all the animals were on a conference phone call on speakerphone. Marty said "whatever those jets were doing, I still don't think it's over yet."

Sora asked "what do you mean, Marty?"

Kai replies "maybe someone's been looking for you guys." After a pause, all the others broke out in laughter at all three locations.

"Looking for us?" Alex asked. "If they wanted us, why'd they send us out instead of taking the deal I proposed to them back at the station?"

Kai replied "true, but you never--."

A faint rhythmic beating sound was heard growing ever louder and louder. Gloria looked out over the ocean and saw a large helicopter approaching. "I think you were right, Marty" she said. Sure enough, the sand was whipping up in the wind of the rotor blades. As they all were spitting sand out of their mouths, the helicopter settled down into the sand. Soon, two others joined the first one. Out stepped none other than the CEO of the zoo.