One note before we begin: Four of the fan-made characters are the idea of a fellow writer here: Wolf Mystic (known as Madagascar 101 where these characters and another version of this story's beginning chapters were first published). They are Akaila, Ashani (renamed with the "t" omitted), Sasha, and Justin. A fifth character's name (Haley) is reused, but for an entirely different character that will appear in a later chapter. The original publication I believe has disappeared, however this credit is still to be given although some of the original elements were replaced with my own. Thank you and enjoy the story that is (somewhat) based on that original publication.

On the island of Madagascar, Alex, Marty, Melman, and Gloria were gathering up some food. Marty went with Alex out to sea on a homemade boat to gather seaweed while Alex fished. Gloria and Melman, meanwhile, were gathering fruit from the various trees (Melman would lift Gloria up to the fruit with his head and she would pick the fruit). "...Okay, Melman, a little to the right." Melman shifted accordingly. "Further, further, GOT IT!", she said, grabbing a mango. She picked the mango, and Melman said "can I let you down, now?" She replied "well, I ain't gonna drop this thing!" With that, he bent down to the ground.

Meanwhile, some distance off shore, Marty was hauling enough seaweed into the makeshift boat to fill the remaining space with seaweed. "This ought to be enough seaweed. How's it going, Alex?" "I've been here 2 hours without a bite." Marty said "aw come on, it's not that bad." Alex replies "yes it is tha--." He had been interrupted by the fishing line suddenly starting to unwind. "I got one.", Alex said excitedly, "I got one!" He reels in the fishing line, and a massive trout is pulled into the boat by him. Marty grabs it and holds the fish still while Alex got the hook out of the trout's mouth. After that, Alex body-slams the fish, and knocks it out. "Nice shot, Alex." They started to go back to shore where they see Gloria and Melman haul in about half a ton of fruit.

Far out to sea a cargo DC-10 was high above the ocean blue on the way to the Kenya wildlife preserve in Africa. The plane was carrying 4 animals from the San Diego Zoo in California. The 4 animals' names were Akaila the lioness, Ashani the zebra, Sasha (pronounced saw-sha) the giraffe, and Justin the hippo. "Well Ashani", yelled Akaila, "I hope you're happy." "Maybe I am happy." she replied. "Maybe this is the good kind of capture where they take you to exciting new places like St. Louis. Why are you always so negative, Akaila?!" "Oh right sure, the good kind of capture, this is the most palatial crate I've ever traveled in."

"Hey, I didn't twist anybody's arm to come after me, did I?" shouted Ashani. "You know, Akaila", said Sasha who was upside down in her crate, "She does have a point." "Oh shut it, Sasha!" she roared, "and get a tic-tac or something." "Thank you.",said Ashani. Justin, who was sick of the arguing, reached out of a hole in his crate to a nearby Chevy. He reaches into its open window and pounds his fist on the center of the wheel, blowing its horn. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! Having gotten their attention with the car's horn, Justin said "Will you guys quit bellyaching?" After a pause, Akaila says "Hey, I've thought of something we can do while we wait. I spy with my little eye something dark."

As the 4 animals bickered with each other, a wire further towards the front of the plane arcs. The arc starts some leaking champagne on fire. Upon smelling the smoke, Justin says "guys, I'm serious. I smell something burning." Within minutes, the fire hits the fuel tank in the right wing. The fuel in the wing detonates with tremendous force, tearing the wing apart and sending its engine into the engine mounted in the tail. With the pilots trying to maintain control, the 4 crates slid a little across the cargo area's floor. Sasha looks out of her crate and sees the roaring inferno further up. "Guys, we're on fire!" she yelled. The plane pitches in another direction, and they all now knew that something was wrong.

Later, it's the center fuel tank's turn to detonate. The main landing gear is blown out, and a section of it strikes the fuselage near the tail. It tears out that section of fuselage, taking with it the section of cargo floor right under the crates. They fall from the cargo bay. Akaila looks out of her crate's holes and sees that they're falling from over 20,000 feet up. Her three friends had done the same thing simultaneously. They start screaming. Moments later, the crates plunge into the water.