Brotherhood of Sighs

How is it that many hands make light work, but too many chefs in the kitchen spoils the soup? Probably has something to do with this scenario... A drabble.

"GAAAH!" Starscream ripped the pot from Jazz's hands. "You do NOT cook oils in the same pot as the metals!"

"And why not?!"

"BECAUSE IT RUINS THE OILS!" The Decepticon howled. "No wonder Red Alert's sick!"

Jazz pointed an accusing finger at Starscream's nose. "Red's sick because you fed him weirdo Decepticon food-"

"You're the ones using contaminated equipment!"

The saboteur's temperature skyrocketed. "OH, THAT'S IT!"

And they were on the floor in a crash of metal-on-metal, leaving a very confused Bumblebee to continue stirring the mercury sauce.

Elsewhere on the Ark, the Security Director sneezed and smiled.