Chloe printed out the map and the names and locations of the remaining 33.1 sites and handed it to Oliver. "Here," she said, handing it to him. "I have some more research but it's at my Daily Planet computer. We'll have to wait until tomorrow."

She put the empty plates, glasses and cutlery into the dishwasher. "You take the bed," she said, "and I'll set up the couch for myself."

"If you think I'm going to let you sleep on the couch while I sleep on the bed, then you're obviously not as smart as I thought you were," said Oliver. "I'll sleep on the couch. It's only fair."

"Fair? How is that fair? You're a guest Ollie!" Chloe exclaimed exasperatedly. It was like arguing with a brick wall.

"And you," said Oliver, gesturing towards her heavily bandaged wrist, "are injured Chloe." Chloe glanced at her wrist and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, that kinda blows the 'you're a guest' excuse out of the water doesn't it?" He asked, doing a bad very high-pitched imitation of Chloe's voice.

Chloe rolled her eyes again. "Fine. The blankets and pillows are in the closet over there," said Chloe, pointing to the closet beside the TV.

"Okay, thanks," said Oliver, grabbing a comforter and a pillow out of the closet. He dumped it on the couch in a pile. "We're not even sleeping yet. It's only 10, so why don't we like get some Pay Per View movie or something?"

"Oh, yeah sure," said Chloe. "What do you wanna watch?"

"Anything. I'm bored."

"All right," Chloe said, flipping on the TV. "Ooh!" she squealed. "High School Musical 2!"

"No," said Oliver. "How overly cheesy! And it …"

"Please Ollie? I haven't seen it yet and I really wanna see it."

Oliver groaned and buried his face in his hands. "Chloe, don't put me through this torture. Seriously, I'd rather die." Chloe raised an eyebrow at his statement and he chuckled lightly. "Okay, maybe not, but I don't want to watch it. PLEASE?"

"Don't; you think you're exaggerating just a tad? It's a Disney Channel Original Movie, Ollie, not some devious form of torture," said Chloe.

"Um, hello?" Oliver waved his hand at the screen. "What kind of students sing and dance at their school about summer vacation when school's out and they were just counting down the seconds to when they were free from their school? I mean, seriously who does that?"

Chloe giggled. "Yes, Oliver, it's cheesy . . . really, really cheesy. But I still like it. Please can we please watch it?" She gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Arrgh! No puppy dog eyes Chloe!" He covered his face. "Unfair use of cute!" He said, his voice muffled from his head in his hands. Chloe smiled her wide, angelic smile. He looked up. "Can we please watch something else? PLEASE? PLEASE? PLEASE?" He practically begged Chloe.

"Okay, all right," sad Chloe, feigned exasperation. "We can watch Live Free or Die Hard," Chloe suggested. "We have the DVD."

"Okay," Oliver agreed.

"Do you want popcorn?" Chloe asked. Oliver shook his head. They sat on the couch, set up the movie and began to watch.

Clark supersped into the Talon at about 6:30 in the morning with coffee and blueberry muffins.

He stopped short when he saw Oliver and Chloe asleep on the couch. Chloe's head was resting on Oliver's chest, her silky blonde hair spread out behind her. Oliver's arms were locked around Chloe's waist and his head was resting against the edge couch, where there was a pillow propped up.

Oliver woke up to see Clark. "Yeah," mumbled Oliver, groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, "that's what everyone wants to see in the morning." He eased himself up off of the couch, trying not to wake Chloe.

"What the hell are you doing?" Clark asked angrily, setting the food down on the table. "What if I had been Lois?"

"Well, first of all, Lois would not superspeed into the Talon, and secondly, Lois has much better fashion sense than you," said Oliver, hoping to make Clark smile. Clark just glared at him. "Look," he said, slightly wary of the angry expression on his friends face, "we were watching a movie and we fell asleep on the couch. Nothing happened. And besides, Lois already showed up when we were working on the 33.1 stuff, so we pretended that we doing the inteview. She was just getting her suitcase because she was going to Gotham yesterday."

"Yeah well, Lois is your ex-girlfriend and Chloe's cousin!" Clark tried to keep his voice down so that he wouldn't wake up Chloe, who was still asleep.

"Boy scout, Chloe already told me all this when I kissed her," said Oliver.

"YOU WHAT?" Clark practically yelled.

Chloe groaned slightly and opened her eyes. "Clark," she grumbled, sitting up, "what the heck are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Clark. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's okay. Why were you guys yelling?" Chloe asked.

"Uh . . . I kinda told him about the . . . kiss," said Oliver rather sheepishly.

"You what?" Chloe asked, glaring at Oliver. "Look Clark, it meant nothing. And even if it did, I would never want to do anything to hurt Lois. I love her." Clark nodded, smiling slightly at Chloe.

"Good," he said. Then he glanced at Oliver, and his expression was none too kind. "Oliver, I don't want you trying to make Lois jelous or something with Chloe. Or else, I will hurt you."

Oliver gulped slightly and gave a nervous laugh. Chloe giggled. "Okay, I'm going to go take a shower. Can you guys try not to kill each other while I'm gone?" Oliver and Clark glaned at each other. She stared pointedly at Oliver.

"Hey, why are you looking at me? He's the one who threatened to hurt me!" Oliver said, pointing at Clark.

"Yeah, but you do and say things . . . without thinking, I might add . . . that makes Clark want to hurt you." Chloe smirked at Oliver, who's face heated up. Busted. "And Clark," she said, turing her attention to Clark, "please don't hurt Ollie . . . okay? I think he's scared of you." She smiled at Clark who nodded and laughed.

"HEY!" Oliver shouted.

Chloe and Clark both laughed. Chloe headed over to the bathroom to take a long hot shower.