Chapter Ten

The Hospital

The Creeper snarled as he neared the hospital. He could smell hundreds of appetizing scents and his sharp ears caught the screams of humans that were begging for the pain to stop. He inhaled deeply, sending shudders through his body. His hunting instinct was taking over, causing him to slowly forget why he was going to the hospital in the first place. His eyes narrowed as he allowed his darker side, his hunger, to take over. He screeched loudly and raced forwards towards the hospital. He landed on its roof and looked around.

There was a door that lead to the rest of the hospital, a few vents, and a small brick wall around the edge of the rooftop. It was only a few inches tall and seemed pointless. He snorted and walked over to the door. He opened it and stared into the darkness of the staircase before him. He let his wings rest against his back as he started down it. In a few moments, he was at another door. He sniffed. Yes, his prey was on the other side.

He burst through the door, splintering it and surprising the people on the other side. What happened next was a blur. He snapped someone's neck and sliced another's throat. When the world had gone back to normal, the Creeper found that a fallen nurse and a bleeding man lay on the floor. A wheelchair lay overturned nearby. He licked the blood from his claws before continuing onward.

As he walked through the corridors of the hospital, he found that the scent of his prey was becoming weaker. He looked around but saw nothing but doors and darkened rooms. It was as if the whole world had shut down and only he was left. He peered through one of the windows into a dark room. His keen eyes could make out the shape of a sleeping girl, probably around twenty.

His eyes widened. Minerva.... He growled, angry at himself. He had forgotten the whole reason that he had come to the hospital! He turned quickly, his claws screeching as they moved across the glass, causing the girl to stir. She sat up, bleary eyed. Her mouth opened but no words came as she saw the monster outside of her room. The Creeper noticed her breathing had changed, so he turned back to look at her. She whimpered at the sight of his face. This caused him to smile, showing most of his fangs. Her eyes widened in fear as her heart monitor began beeping faster. Suddenly, it stopped beeping rapidly and simply kept the same note. The girl fell backwards against her bed.

The Creeper was confused. What just..... He looked up as he heard rapid footsteps. A man in a white coat came tearing around the corner. The Creeper could hear quick footsteps just around the bend of the same corner. Voices from the same direction were shouting, "Doctor Richards, wait!" He smirked and before the man could react, grabbed the man in the white coat and began running full speed towards the stairs he had entered through. Once in the staircase, he ripped a pipe from the wall and jammed it through the handles of the door. He was not about to let this man escape.

He grabbed the horrified man and pinned him against the wall. 'Are you a doctor?' The man gave him look of horror and confusion. He grunted in frustration before trying to speak. "A-are.... y-you..... a...." His words were gargled. He had rarely tried to speak human. He swallowed before trying again. "A-are youuu a d-doctor?" The man slowly nodded. The Creeper smirked. "Good...." He grabbed the man again and raced upwards towards the rooftop. As he emerged from the staircase, he spread his wings and took flight.

A/N: Sorry about such a long wait for such a cruddy chapter but hey, every writer has good chapters and bad chapters. I'll try to make the next chapter rather good, but no promises.