Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan.

CHAPTER ONE (second week of September)

"Hand over the key! I need it!"

"In your dreams! I was here first!"

The reception room of the condominium boomed with the voices of two teenagers fighting. One was a girl, the other, a guy. They were arguing over who gets the last room in the building. And they both needed it.

"Don't you have any shred of generosity in your soul?"

"Don't you have any piece of gentlemanliness in your being?"

Soon the owner became irritated. "Excuse me, but I have a suggestion you might want to consider…"

The couple looked at him. 'Well?" said the girl. "We're waiting," said the boy.

"If both of you want to live here that badly, why don't you just share rooms?"

The couple was astounded. Share rooms with him? Never! thought the girl. Live with her? Insufferable! thought the guy. They answered at the same time.

"Thanks but I'll be better off trying to find a new room." And with one last disdainful look at each other, they left, one going one way, the other, the opposite way.

"What the heck! Because of that guy I need to find a new place to live!" the breathless girl said loudly. She had been walking for the past few minutes. She was a newcomer in the city and she needed someplace near her school to live in. Without much luck, she soon discovered that the only available room was that from the building earlier. She grudgingly looked for another but found none.

"Oh, if it hadn't been for that selfish nut, I would have been lounging in a new bed right now!" She continued to walk on, desperately searching for some place. Accepting defeat, she stopped by a small café.

Meanwhile, the guy was also cursing under his breath a little distance from the building. "Rats! Where am I supposed to go now?" He tried other different places to look for a space but nothing was available. It was September and not much people moved places during that time. He couldn't do a thing; he needed to move. He was assigned to that place by his chief and there's no way he could decline, lest he went out of job.

"Darn it! Because of that lady I don't have any place to live! I'll gladly give it up if I don't need it but…"

Finding no other place to go, he went inside a coffee shop. He seated himself on a chair beside the table nearest the door. Just then, a sharp voice spoke behind him.

"Excuse me sir, but I believe that's my seat."

He glanced up and was surprised by what he saw: it was the same girl he was fighting with a while ago. Overcoming his surprise, he snapped back.

"Oh yeah? Says who?"

"Me. Now if you don't mind, please move."

"Do you own this place?"

"No. So?"

"So you do not have any right to make me move. This is a public place and I have every right to sit here."

The girl grew irritated. "But I was there first!"

"I don't care. You left the seat."


"So it means that you're giving it up."

He was surprised by her next action: she made a menacing smile.

"But you got it all wrong," she said. "I never left it. I can prove you that."

"Just how?" he replied.

"I left my purse on top of the chair. As you can see," she said, pointing at the rear of the seat, "my bag is there, which means I still sit there."

He would not give up. "So what? I should know better that you just forgot-"

They were cut short by the waitress who walked over to their aid. Apparently the whole crowd inside the café was watching them.

"If it is a table for two that you want, we have it here," the waitress said irritably. The couple could do nothing but follow.

After sitting, both ordered a cup of coffee and sat in silence. Finally, the guy spoke.

"Kudou Shinichi."

"Eh?" the girl said with surprise. She did not know what the guy wanted to point out.

"My name is Kudou Shinichi. You?"