AN: Well here it is the final Chapter. I really thought about how I wanted this story to end and this is what I came with. So please Enjoy!

Sakura awoke abruptly from a nightmare she had, her heart racing and in cold sweat. She quickly scanned the hospital room, relieved to see Shikamaru was in fact still there occupying the bed. She let out sigh of relief and laid her head against the back of the chair.

Her body ached from sleeping in the uncomfortable hospital chair. She rubbed her shoulder trying to relieve some of the tension that was built up. She glanced at Shikamaru was once again. He was still unconscious, but the rhythmic sound of the monitors was a sure sign he still alive.

Two days prior, on their way back to the village, they were ambushed. Apparently they failed to notice the ninja trailing them. They let their guard down having some stupid argument and before they know it they were taken by surprise. Lucky for them they were close to the village.

Tears began to build up once again, really it was a stupid argument, she told herself again. She couldn't even remember what it had been about. Shikamaru took a blow to the chest protecting her. She didn't even know he was injured until she finally killed the ambusher and returned to him.

It was all her fault, she was convinced it was. She let out a small sob; if she hadn't fought with him they would have never been attacked. He wouldn't be here in the hospital; he wouldn't be fighting to survive. Tsunade said he was lucky, the kunai missed his heart by merely a centimeter, but it broke a few ribs and pierced his left lung.

"Why are you crying?" Shikamaru's low raspy voice broke through the silence.

Sakura looked up to meet his brown eyes. "Shikamaru…" She immediately was by his side her head buried in the blankets that covered him. "I thought I lost you"

His slightly trembling hand rested on her head. "You can't…." he winced slightly from the pain of his wound. "Get rid of me that easily."

Another sob escaped her throat. "I was so scared….I didn't…."

"Ssshhh" He gently ran his finger through hair. "It's all right, please stop crying."

She did her best to stop crying but she couldn't. She didn't what she would have done if she lost him. Not after everything that has happened and everything they had been through. She moved away feeling ashamed of herself, ashamed for causing him this pain, if it wasn't for her……

"Sakura" Shikamaru said patting the bed next to him. "Come here"

She wiped her moist cheeks with the back of her hand, hesitating to get close to him. But the urge to be close to close to him was too great. She slowly crawled onto the bed, and rested her head on his arm as he wrapped around her shoulders. He winced when she laid her arm across his abdomen. "I'm sorry" She whispered as she with drew her hand.

He took her hand and returned to it previous position lacing his finger with hers. He gently laid a kiss on her forehead. "You're exhausted; you looked uncomfortable in that chair."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" She argued, she couldn't believe he had woken up before and didn't even wake her. She strained her neck to look at his face. His eyes were closed and a small smiled adorned his face.

"I couldn't I enjoyed watching your sleeping face." Sakura rested her head back on his arm. Here he was injured and still he had the strength to say things that made her heart rate increase.

"Tsunade said that Cloud as backed down. Apparently after we sabotaged their training camps, Snow pulled out taking majority of the military power with them. They say that Cloud is now asking for a treaty."

"That's good"

They lay there in silence, right now no words needed to be said. The fact that they could hold each other was enough. Sakura's eyes fluttered shut, sleep claiming her once again.

A small knock sounded on the door before Tsunade slowly clicked it open. She smiled seeing the couple cuddled together on the small bed. She quietly made her to the end the bed picking up his chart.

"I am going to live" Shikamaru half choked his eyes still closed.

"For now" Tsunade returned with a smile. "I see you two are doing are well"

Shikamaru opened his eyes and looked down at the pink-haired woman curled up next to him. "I think we'll manage"

Tsunade made a few notes on his chart. "I'll come back later to do a few tests. I wouldn't want to disturb Sakura"

"I wish you would" Shikamaru chuckled "My arms completely numb" Tsunade let out a small laugh and turned to exit the room.

"Lady Hokage" Shikamaru called after her. "Can I speak with you?"

Tsunade turned giving him her full attention. "What is it?"

"I was hoping" He began a little hesitant. "That you would allow some time off for Sakura and me after I am released from hospital."

"I think I can I manage to give you a few days off."

"Actually, I was hoping for a month or two." He stated

Tsunade raised a questioning brow. "Oh, may I ask what for?"

"Well, it's going to take more then a few days to plan a wedding" He gave Tsunade a half smile.

Inside Tsunade was thrilled, but she wasn't about to jump and down like a school girl. "Well congratulations" She smiled. "I am sure we work something out. Have you two picked a date yet?"

Shikamaru gave a small chuckle. "I haven't even asked her yet, I don't even know if she'll say yes……OW!!"

Sakura quickly embraced him. "Of course I'd say yes" She said lifting her body from his, she had forgotten about it injury for a moment. "Sorry"

Tsunade ad quietly excused herself from the room, she was sure they weren't going to want an audience.

"I was wondering when you were going to make it known that you were awake." He gave small smile still recovering from the pain she gave him when she hugged him.

"What…..But how did you?" She sighed and settled back down next to him. "Are you serious? About marrying me I mean."

"Of course, you don't think I would keep you around if I didn't love you. Woman you get me killed in no time." She lifted her head to protest, but he quickly captured her lips.


"Sit down" Shikaku Nara said to his nervous son who was currently pacing in the hospital waiting room.

"You were the same when Shikamaru was born" Yoshino Nara smiled poking her husband in the ribs.

Shikamaru sat on the edge of the one hard waiting room chairs. He couldn't take it anymore, the suspense was killing him. He didn't know why they just wouldn't let him the damn room. It's been hours.

Another hour passed, now the waiting room was filled with chatter of many people awaiting the arrival of the new Nara Family member. Despite everyone's efforts they couldn't seem to calm Shikamaru's nerves. Only a moment later Tsunade appeared with a smile.

"Congratulations it's a boy!" The room broke out in cheerful tone.

"Well Shikamaru…..Shikamaru?" Shikaku looked around the room for his son who was nowhere to be found.

Shikamaru stood in the doorway to the delivery room, he stared in awe at his wife holding there newborn son. Sakura looked up and gave a weak smile. She was exhausted, but looked more beautiful then ever.

Shikamaru slowly made his way to her side, taking in every detail of the moment. "You have beautiful baby boy" Sakura whispered showing him the sleeping face of their small child.

He wrapped his arms around them. "I love you Sakura" He placed a kiss on her forehead and gentle kiss on his son forehead as well. Never in his life could he have imagined this. The woman he loved beside him, a newborn baby in her arms.

"I think we can live happily ever after now don't you." Sakura smiled.

Shikamaru smiled and nodded in agreement, forever etching this moment into his memory.

AN: Well that's the end! I hope you liked it. I also would like to thank those of you who have stuck with me all this time, through all the changes and waiting...I hope you enjoyed the story. Luv Ya!! :) (PS: Don't forget to review ;) )