Mysic-Panda: ok I was wrong. It starts in a slayer village, but then everything happens in Konoha. I didn't want too much confusion there. Anyways! ENJOY THE CHAPTER...AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REVIEW!

oh, and SORRY if this chapter is a little rushed. I had it all perfectly done but I accidentally pushed the 'go back one page' button and all of it was gone so I had to redo it in a hurry. sorry!!


Sakura's thoughts

Inner Sakura

♥Chapter 1♥
2 years later

"KYA!" Sakura took down the Kuma demon with one hit. She grabbed her katana and wiped it off. As she was walking back towards the demon slayer village, she realized that it was the two year anniversary of her teammate's departure. She hoped she would never have to see those foolish boys again. The village had blamed her for them leaving. Naruto-teme and Sasuke-teme were the greatest slayers in the village after all, and they had left. But she didn't even know that they were leaving till they said goodbye.

But what do I get for the pain I went through? I get anger, hatred and blame! I hope those bastards get a good dose of karma.

Now, now. It's been two years and they still make you angry.

Ever hear, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?

Point taken.

Thank you.

You better hurry back or the leader will reprimand you for taking too long. I'm so glad that I'm not you.

You are me dumba-

Sakura was shaken from her thoughts when she sensed a demon. It didn't seem huge so it would be quick work. The only thing is that she sensed it in the direction towards the tree. As in the tree.

Its not like the portals open...I think.

Stop being a baby and get your work done. Remember the evil village that you need to get back to because they'll have a bitch fit if their best demon slayer, who they still hate, isn't there at all times.

And for that, I shall take my time.

Sakura realized that she was in the clearing where she sensed the demon. She walked forward and became wary of the cursed tree that stood to her right. She closed her eyes and reached out with her senses to find the location of the demon.


She turned, pulling out her katana, and was about to strike when the small demon expanded to become extremely large. It rammed into her, making her run into the tree and through the portal.

((ok, sorry but I'm not too good at fighting scenes. And Sakura was thrown into the place where the one-on-one matches took place, in the chunin exams, after the forest of death))

There was a quick and bright flash of light before she was thrown into an unfamiliar place. However, she didn't have any time to look around to see where she was because right after she stood up, she was flung up into a metal railing. Hard.

Looks like I'm not the only one who got pushed through the damn portal.

She hung on to the railing, trying to gather her wits, and back-flipped off before the demon got another chance to injure her any further. She got her kunai and aimed it at the demon's head. The demon was huge, as tall as an old tree, and as wide as eight tree's put together.

When the demon used its hand to fling the kunai away, she ran forward and decapitated the demon. She held on to its shoulder as it went down. When the demons body settled on the ground, she got up and retrieved her kunai. She cleaned off her kunai and katana, but it wasn't long before she realized that she was thrown through the portal.

Suddenly feeling many eyes on her, she looked up to see people in groups of three, with an adult beside them. Noticing some extremely hot guys there, she almost blushed, but her face turned into stone when she saw the two people she hoped to never see again.

"Is there a leader of some kind here?" Sakura spoke loudly. Suddenly, a man who was wearing red and white robes and hat jumped down next to her.

"Hello. My name is Sarutobi and I am the Hokage of this village. I see that you came here through the same thing Sasuke and Naruto did. Would you please explain?" Sarutobi said. Sakura saw that he meant no harm, so she began to explain how she got there.

"Well, first off, I would like to say hello to Naruto-teme and Sasuke-teme," she looked up towards Naruto's, and Sasuke's shocked faces and said, "long time no see, ne?" She was extremely close to flipping them the bird but thought better of it.

"I am a demon slayer, and Naruto-teme and Sasuke-teme used to live in my village. They were known as the best demon slayers, but when they left, I became the best. I had just completed a mission when I sensed this here demon and I went to dispose of it. It expanded itself to a great size and caught me off guard, and it knocked me through the portal. So here I am," Sakura said.

Ten minutes later, Sarutobi-sama had her go to the hokage tower so they could discuss things further. It was decided that she would live in Konoha after she explained her hatred towards her former home. She hated her village and was almost jumping at the chance for a new life. Sarutobi-sama helped her get an apartment to live in and he agreed to let her be a ninja, and she would show her skills and then be evaluated and then ranked.

It was two and a half hours before she was allowed to leave the hokage tower, and she began walking towards her new apartment.

Sakura was almost in shock at the fact that Naruto-teme and Sasuke-teme were here. It took a lot for her to stop herself from walking to them and slapping them across the face. Kami-sama knows that they'd deserve it for the pain they caused her.

She was walking past a ramen stand, not even bothering to look around, when she heard a familiar voice.


MYSTIC-PANDA: ok, so as I explained earlier, the chapter would've been lots better but my clumsiness deleted everything. I'm sorry the chapter was rushed, short, and probably hard to understand. I don't mind if you flame me for this chapter. :P