Mysic-Panda: I'm hoping that this story will be liked a little more than my other story. hehe. I am one of those people who just adore a Kiba/Sakura story, so I couldn't resist. This takes place in a slayer village, not Konoha, although the trio will end up in Konoha. Just so there isn't much confused me when I first thought of it. XD PLEASE ENJOY AND REVIEW!!


Sakura threw her kunai at the tree, hitting the mark just a little too far left. She had been training for hours on end, trying to get stronger. Sakura lived in a demon slaying village, known for its great warriors and legendary techniques. Her slaying team included her only friends Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. They were amazingly strong, the best in the village, but she always felt like the third wheel. Not as in they were lovers and she just hung off of them, but as in she wasn't strong enough for their team. Sasuke didn't help her self-esteem, thinking she still had a crush on him even though she got over it five months ago.

For some reason, as she was training, she remembered an old tale, about a portal to another dimension. Where shinobi live, and where there were barely any demons, demons where they were hunted for power not for extermination. A world where you fought for your country and for your people, against other ninja. Where you could be stronger. Then, as if on a memory roll, she remembered Sasuke and Naruto telling her about how they needed to talk to her at lunch time. With this thought she dashed off, realizing she was late.

As she arrived at the meeting place, in the woods where no one ever ventured, she felt as if something was wrong. Thats when she saw the traveling bags filled with her teammates belongings. She searched for her teammates, and found them sitting by a tree waiting for her. She walked up to them and asked, "Sasuke, Naruto? Why are your bags here? Do you have a mission? Is there another demon attack out north?"

When she saw Naruto's uncomfortable face, she knew something was wrong. She searched their eyes for some clue as to what it was but before she found anything Sasuke spoke, "Sakura. We're leaving this place. We are going to a place called Konoha, through a portal of sorts. Becoming stronger is our goal, and what we are doing here isn't improving our strength." Not being one much for talking, he stopped, leaving the rest of the explaining to Naruto.

"The old tale is true, a place where shinobi live and fight for what they love most. We can become stronger than ever before Sakura! We wanted to say goodbye before we left though," Naruto said, with a hint of guilt. Sakura was shocked, and she felt as if she was being consumed with sadness.

"But...what about me? Why didn't you tell me so I could come? We're a team, remember? We're friends!" her tone was nearly frantic. Why didn't they tell her so she could come? That's what teammates do, thats what friends do.

"Sakura, you know you will never be strong. You were never meant to be a warrior, or any other kind of fighter. It would only be a burden to bring you with us," and without any further discussion, Sasuke grabbed his bags and walked to an ancient looking tree. He looked at Naruto with a 'coming?' look, and Naruto jogged to his bags and followed Sasuke. Without even looking back at her, Naruto waved his hand, and followed Sasuke into the tree. They disappeared and Sakura felt as if her heart had broken. Her only friends had left her, calling her weak and they didn't even look back.

After an hour staring at the tree in shock at being left behind, she ran up to the tree to follow them only to run straight into a solid tree. She fell back with little birds flying around her head, and she knew that she would never see them again.

Mystic-Panda: How do ya like them apples? XD PLEASE REVIEW!! Next chapter will probably be coming in less than a day because I'm pretty psyched about this story. You know me, I'm one for the dramatics involving Sakura. XD SEE YA LATERS!