AN: This is a sequel to the story "Weather the Storm". If you're just starting to read, you may want to go back and read that story just so things will make more sense. :) Also, please note that updates might be slow as I'm in my last semester of school so they want to make things more difficult than they should be! But I'll try to keep this regularly updated as much as possible.

The sound of the rain hitting her car was almost deafening, just a steady pitter-patter of sound against the roof of the car she drove. She was exhausted, her eyes felt like lead weights and her head felt like it weighed a ton. But still she sat outside the run down motel that looked like it'd seen better days. She was waiting. Only she wasn't sure what she was waiting on exactly. It was a boring job but until she saw one of the two (but preferably both) then she would sit and do more waiting. A glance at her watch told Lucy that it was nearing 2 a.m. The room she had figured out belonged to the Winchester's still had the light on and she knew that they didn't tend to sleep with the light on. It was just easier to sneak up on people in the dark so she knew they weren't sleeping yet. The familiar black car was parked out front, sitting and gleaming like a big black cat just waiting to pounce on their next prey. She let out a soft sigh; in spite of everything she had really missed seeing that car. Seeing it was almost like being at home.

Inside the room, the two occupants sat on either side of the window. Their eyes were trained on what was outside of the window, with the rain sliding down the glass making random patterns. It almost made it hard to see out of but the car was unmistakable. They each held a gun in one hand, bottles of holy water in their pockets. Each was tired, exhausted really but weren't going to bed any time soon. Not while the other car was outside with its occupant still inside. Sam glanced at his older brother for a long, quiet moment before he said anything. "She knows we don't sleep with the light on," He grumbled finally.

Dean nodded his head, his eyes still trained on the car outside. "I know. Get up and turn it off, would you?"

He grumbled something else that Dean couldn't make out but a moment later Sam was standing from his post on one side of the window and made his way over to the nightstand where the only lamp in the room stood. A second later the room was engulfed in a black, murky darkness. He stood still for a moment until his eyes adjusted before he moved back to where he had been, glancing out the window. "Demons lie, Dean." He said it quietly out into the dark.

He could see Dean's jaw clench and unclench a couple of times. Hell, Sam could almost see the wheel's turning in his older brother's mind as he tried to figure out what to do next. Usually it was simple. Find whatever was possessed, throw a bit of holy water on them, say some Latin and watch the black smoke spill from the human body. But this was different. It was different because it was Lucy. Dean finally nodded, not looking away from the window. "I know," He finally said, his voice low and gravelly. He knew that demons often lied. It was all about the effect for them. And they sure knew where to hit him the lowest.

Sam sat up as movement happened outside. The car's ignition started and a moment later, it was pulling out of the parking lot and out onto the street. Another moment passed and the taillights of the car were completely gone. He couldn't help but release the breath he'd been holding. So far, the demon that had told them that Lucy had gone dark side was wrong. Hopefully it'd continue on that way. Dean closed his eyes once the car disappeared into the rain and dark. He was ready to collapse on the lumpy bed and sleep for three days straight. He set the gun down next to his feet, stretching his arms as he stood from the position he'd been in for quite some time. Bones popped and muscles sighed as they were pulled. "We still don't know that she's not," Dean said matter-of-factly as he grabbed the gun and moved to put it on the nightstand next to the bed he'd be sleeping in for a couple of hours.

"I know." Sam crawled on top of the covers of the other bed, flopping down onto his stomach. "I don't think she is though. She would've made a move."

"You don't know that." He was tired of talking about it and he was definitely tired of thinking about it. Lucy just wasn't evil, she just wasn't.

At least he really hoped she wasn't.

"Yeah, yeah I know." Sam chewed on his lip as he rolled onto his back, listening as Dean moved around the room doing his normal check of everything. Just in case. In the weeks and months since the gate to hell had been opened, he'd learned just what one of them were to become if things had gone the other way. One of them was supposed to have become a leader of some sort of demon army. He didn't even want to think about what kinds of things would've happened but all Sam knew was that he wasn't some sort of anti-Christ. Sure, he was a little quicker to pull the trigger but...that was just preparing him for being without his brother. Soon. "Do you think she is?" He asked into the darkness once Dean had lain down on the other bed.

Dean was quiet for so long that Sam was sure that he'd fallen asleep. But then Dean spoke, "Yeah. I do."


"Why what Sam? You've been hearing the same kind of rumors I have. You've heard what she's been out there doing for the past month, working to get more devils' gates open for some ungodly reason. Now if she hasn't gone all dark side and shit, then I don't know what is." Dean let out a loud sigh as he sat up, turning to punch the pillow underneath him. "I...wish it wasn't her."

"Because you know what we have to do."

"Right." He grew quiet again as he stared up at the ceiling. The rain was still pounding outside; the wind was even picking up some. But Sam still heard it when Dean said quietly into the dark, "I don't want to have to kill her."