Hahaha, thought I died didn't cha? Huh huh huh!?! Well no such luck my little chickadees. I've just been on "extended absence". ~cough~ I seem to be there more then I ought to huh? Well you know the saying...you can't keep a good kumquat down...O_o Or something like that. No worries to those of you who have followed the story thus far (Thank you so much) and have been waiting so patently. This story will be finished even if I have to tie Vegeita to a stick and hang him in front of my computer to get it done. ^_^" Just a reminder to all you kiddos this chapt. is edited since I don't want to get in trouble wit da law 'round herr. For all unedited chapters check my profile. I promise I will have a working link to them soon. Enough with the chitchat time for some Saiyajin romping Rrarw!!!!

Disclaimer: ~Looks around~ Hmm...pocket lint....stale bubble gum...dirty magazines O_x" ~hides those blushing~ Nope I still don't own anything worthwhile people including DBZ. Damn I was really hoping to get Vegeita as a Yule present. Oh well. Maybe next year.

Warning: This product has been known to be harmful to small minded people, people with gay phobias, fears of any type of probes and small marsupials. Do not read this product if you are easily offended, close minded, or while balancing a pie on your head and singing the Scooby doo theme song. (trust me thats not a good idea) This story contains adult themes, language, violence, sexual innuendoes (along with as much blatant touching as I can get away with XD) Yaio, fur, tails, teeth, and a few volley balls. If you or anyone you know has experienced any negative reaction to the for mentioned I suggest finding a nice happy site like kittens dot com to waste you day on instead of here.

~looks around to see whose left~

Well.....if you made it through that welcome and congratulations. I hope you enjoy!

EDIT: Hey guesse what? Unedited versions of this story are now linked in my profile ^_^ Have fun kiddies!

Chapt. 7 "The Claim"

"Haha nice catch!" Gohan called chuckling when he'd seen the ball fly over his boyfriend's head, laughing as Trunks took a nose dive into the soft sand.

Trunks laughed standing up, dusting the sand from his front side. "Yea well this next one's over your head!" He called out to the dark demi as he picked up the ball and loped it over the net.

"I got it!" Goku and Yamcha cried at the same time as they both dove for the ball crashing into each other.

"No," Bra popped the ball back over the net and smiled, using her father's unmistakable smirk at the two fallen warriors. "I got it boys."

"Nng. Bakas. What is the point of us standing around hitting a ball over a net and getting a face full of sand?" Vegeita complained standing slightly apart from the others, complaining as always for getting dragged into the volleyball game.

"Aww, I think Vegeita's mad cuz Goku's not playing with his ba-" Thump! The white ball bounced off of Krillin's head causing the short man to squirm about rubbing the sore spot. "Gah that's not fair you over grown fur ball. Only one ball allowed in play at a time."

A very smug looking Saiyajin Ouji stood tossing another spare volleyball in one hand. "Furball huh? Shall we even up that lumpy head of yours hmm?"

"Dad! Krillin! Come on; let's just finish the game ok?"


"Yea sure Trunks...not my fault he's so sensitive." Krillin muttered retrieving the ball that had hit him.


"Oww, Hey!" Another ball bounced off Krillin's shoulder and he turned to glare at the older Saiyajin.

"Fur balls have good hearing you know."

"Enough. Heads up!" Trunks took the ball from Krillin and spiked it over the net.

"Got it!" Gohan dove for the ball, returning it and kicking up a spray of sand on the unfortunate Vegeita who was standing behind him.

"Ugh. Why you humans like this stuff is beyond me." Vegeita fumed as he stormed off the make-shift court and flopped into one of the empty beach chairs refusing to budge, watching as the game resumed with no more interruptions.

It was just another bright and sunny afternoon on the beach Gohan thought watching his dad tip the ball back over the net. Things had been going so well over the past few weeks he almost half expected to wake up one morning and find that he'd been in a coma and dreamt the whole thing up. It was just like on that day so long ago at the lake, when Trunks had finally come home; his entire family was here at the beach just enjoying a day of good food and each other's company. Well, almost everyone was enjoying it he thought watching Vegeita methodically pick the sand from his skin. The difference was, this time Trunks was his.

"Heads up Gohan!" Bra called and Gohan looked up in time to knock the ball over to her who then sent it sailing back over the net. "Alright Gohan!"

Yes. Trunks was his, he thought with a smile as he looked past the white net at the beautiful Saiyajin specimen before him. It had been three weeks since that fateful night when they had confessed their love to each other, and everyday thereafter had been a fantasy came true for the older demi. He and Trunks had made the little forest glade their permanent home and it was known to their entire family that they were mated, though Vegeita liked to point out that they hadn't made it "official" yet. He and Trunks hadn't, well, done it yet. It's not that he didn't want to, but at first it had been out of fear of losing his best friend, Now...well things just kept seeming to come up around the two demis so neither had technically claimed the other yet.

First there had been a catastrophe at one of the Caps. Corps. labs resulting in its destruction in which Bulma had had Trunks working long hours with her trying to figure out what had gone wrong. Then there was that computer crash that happened and Gohan was called in and had been working non-stop on, getting the system up, recovered, and running, right up until today when Trunks had insisted that they both needed to get out of the office.

Actually the office wasn't that big a deal for Gohan anymore. Most of his work he could now handle from the cozy little study set up at their house, only having to actually step foot inside the conglomerate capsule building when he wanted to or was called in for a special assignment. Trunks too was able to spend a good deal of his time at their little home office, though he tended to have to go in more than Gohan to handle PR and other issue that came with co-running a business, especially since Bulma was relying on him more. Ever since Goku and Vegeita had made their mating officially public Bulma had delved deeper and deeper into her research. Trunks told Gohan often that he worried about his mom, but she always said she was ok with it, and in reality it did seem like she had more time now to lose herself in her inventions now that she didn't have to worry about the Vegeita getting into trouble. Somehow or another, his dad always seemed to keep the feisty Saiyajin Ouji in check, though by that little demonstration today, he was still his old grumpy self most of the time, but that was just Vegeita.

"Hey Gohan, you gona play or stare at Trunks all day man!" Krillin yelled cupping his hands around his mouth.

Then again, though good hearted, Krillin's mouth was enough to make even the easy tempered Gohan want to chuck a few balls at him every now and again.

"Yea, I'm playing." Gohan said thankful his sun reddened cheek hid the blush that sprung to his face. He picked up the ball that had landed behind him and tossed it over the net.

Trunks smashed it over admiring Gohan's strong body as his muscles contorted stretching and reaching for the ball that sailed over his head and into Bra's hands.

"I don't mean to interrupt." Chichi called from the row of tables that they'd set up away from the court. "But foods ready!"

As one unit everyone stopped what they were doing and rushed over to the food laden tables finding a spot and digging in before Goku had a chance to eat it all. Bulma chuckled used to the drill by now after so many years as Goku's friend, and from once being involved with the king of gluttony Vegeita. She shook her head and took a seat at the far end of the table, giving the others plenty of room lest she loose a few digits, and smiled at her friend who was doing the same.

"Never completely get used to it do ya." The blue haired scientist asked looking at the feeding guys, daring to pluck a roll from the frenzy.

"Not in our houses." Chichi jested already having taken the liberty of grabbing herself a plate before she called the others over.

Trunks looked up from his bowl and saw Chichi and his mom talking. He was glad they were both doing better. Gohan and his' mating had been hard on Chichi, but Goku and Vegeita's had been hard on both of them, though now neither one of them wanted to show it. At first Chichi had flipped out taking off for a few days. When she'd come back she'd been sad, but she seemed to have accepted both matings, even if she still didn't approve. For the time being Goku lived with Vegeita and his family at the Caps. Corps. house while Chichi still lived at her house with Goten who had another year or so of high school. Trunks had heard his mom talking with Chichi about moving in with the rest of them once Goten was out of school and he thought it would be a good idea. After all, they were still all family. The mating of their fathers didn't change that.

His mom had taken the news much like she took any news. She locked herself in the lab after ranting and raving a few a minutes and the sound of crashing equipment and shattering glass was heard for the next few hours. After, she came back into the living room, where they all were since Goku and Vegeita had wanted to tell them all at once. None of them had moved since she'd took off knowing her mood swings well enough to know she'd calm down, except for Chichi who went home, and she announced that she was fine with it. Just like that. He still worried about her but today proved that thought it might take a while, both women would be fine. Besides, it's not like their fathers had completely abandoned them. It was Bulma herself that suggested Goku and Vegeita stay at caps. Corps. to give Chichi more time to come to terms with her husband's new situation.

"You ok Koi?"

"Hmm? Heh yea, just thinking." Trunks said shoveling some rice into his mouth.

"Bout what?"

"How lucky I am to have you." Trunks kissed the blushing demi's cheek getting a cat call from his sister. "Braa..."

"What? You're the ones being all lovey dovey."

Both demis blushed and quietly went about finishing their meal. Ever since Bra found out about him and Gohan she'd been teasing them relentlessly in that annoying way little sister had. Every time she had her friends over now it was a nonstop giggle fest when they caught sight of one of the demi's.

In record time the feast had been reduced to a moderate sized mess of empty plates and all sat around the table reveling in the good meal. Trunks had his arms slung around Gohan's shoulders who was leaning back against the light haired boy, eye closed with a soft purr issuing from his throat. It was a perfect sort of day Trunks thought as he watched the sun slowly dip lower and lower against the water horizon. If you had asked him a year ago if he thought things would ever be this perfect he probably would have laughed and said no, but today life had proved him wrong.

Chichi and Bulma got up and began clearing the table working around the guys who were stretched out on the benches and ground around it.

"Hey let us get that." Yamcha piped as he jumped up and took the plates from the two women. "We can clean up...right guys." He asked looked doubtfully back at the lounging lot behind him.


"Come one 'Geta, my legs asleep anyways." Goku said nudging the older Full-blood who wouldn't budge an inch.

"Guys?" Yamcha kicked Piccolo's foot trying to get the passed out Namik up without much success. "Fine, guess I can manage on my own."

"Alright, I'm up." Goku said finding that the actually act of getting up was easier said than done with a full-sized Saiyajin sleeping on his lap.

Goku gave up wrestling with the sleepy Saiyajin Ouji and finally put his fingers to his forehead and in an instant the whole mess disappeared.

"You mean..." Both women stood staring at Goku wide mouthed at his accomplishment. "You could have done that anytime instead of us always cleaning up after you all?" Bulma asked astonished and just a bit miffed.

"Um, well, yeah...I suppose. Hehe never really thought about it before." Goku said rubbing the back of his neck.

An assortment of beach gear began raining down on the hapless Saiyajin who was still trapped under a grumpy Vegeita. Not for long though as the sleeping figure was rudely awakened by a sandy towel to the face. The prince rolled ungracefully off Goku's lap fighting with the dirty cloth that was filling his mouth with grit and into the table flipping it over onto him. Havoc broke loose as Trunks scrambled to get out of the way of the upturned table along with the rest of the fighters on both sides of the table.

"Hey come on, Ack! I'll remember from now ok..." Goku said left to defend himself from the onslaught of cookware.

"You better."

"Onas..." Vegeita mumbled under his breath once he finally got the horrible towel off of his face and had blasted it into oblivion. "And you!" The ornery Vegeita said turning to pounce on his mate proceeding to tickle him until Goku was on the verge of tears.

The rest of the z warriors chose to stay out of the way and began picking up the various things scatter about the sand, shaking them off and gathering it all up in capsules. Gohan and Trunks took care of taking down the volleyball net and gathering up the scattered balls before rejoining the others.

"Honey are you and Trunks going to come back to the house?" Chichi asked dropping the last of the capsules into her pocket.

"No mom. We both got to work in the morning. I think we'll head home before it gets too late."

"Ok sweety, be careful then."

Gohan hugged his mom and Bulma who was saying her goodbyes to his mom. The two demi's waved to the rest of their families as they took flight heading back to their quiet forest home. Both boys were quiet on the trip home. It wasn't until they finally touched down in front of the small house Gohan broke the silence, scooping Trunks up in his arms in a bold move of affection.

"You know...you looked really hot today..." The dark eyed demi blushed at his own open admission and carried his mate into the house.

"Yea, it was pretty warm at the beach." Trunks winced and giggled kissing Gohan's cheek when he pinched him. "Hehe, yea I know. You were looking pretty sexy too Koi."

Gohan sat Trunks down on the bed then took a seat next to him rubbing his tired eyes. He was defiantly looking forward to a nice cool shower after a full day of sun and saltwater. Not to mention the fact that his cheeks were still warm from the mild sunburn he'd gotten on them. When he looked back up he noticed Trunks giving him a rather intense stare that caused Gohan to squirm beneath its lusty gaze, making his cheeks redden further.

"So...Go-chan..." Trunks leaned into the darker boy pressing his chest against his arm. "Are you as sandy and sweaty as me?"

Gohan swallowed hard and nodded knowing what Trunks was leading up too, but his mind was focused on other more pressing things. You might even call it and expanding problem he had started to experience as soon as Trunks touched him. Three weeks and Trunks still had the ability to turn him on with even the slightest touch or the softest whisper, a fact that both frustrated and excited him all at the same time.

"So..." Trunks walked his fingers up Gohan's chest and slowly started to undo the buttons of his shirt. "Why don't we shower off..." He pulled open the older demi's shirt exposing his smooth chest and leaned down to lick one nipple.

Gohan watched curiously as the small nub of flesh quickly contracted, hardening till it was almost painful.

"Then," Trunks trailed a small line of kisses up his chest flicking his tongue out over the salty flesh of his neck, teasing the other demi into submission until his he closed his eyes, dark lashes fluttering against pale skin, fists clenching the silk sheets beneath them. "I can put you to bed properly love."

"Yes." Gohan was putty in Trunks' hands as the younger demi got up pulling him to his feet and led him to the bathroom.

Gohan sat down on the sink's edge fiddling shyly with the buttons of his open shirt while Trunks went about filling up the bathtub. He noticed the light demi adding a generous amount of bubble bath to the steaming water and wondered why they weren't going to take an actual shower. Trunks had been making him take showers with him lately; trying to get him to relax around him he was told. Not that Trunks really had to "make" him. Gohan really enjoyed all the rubbing and touching that always went on as they washed each other, all for the sake of getting clean of course.

Gohan let his long bangs flop over his face partially obscuring it as he watched Trunks strip out of his sandy shorts and shirt and toss them into the hamper. He noticed a very faint tan where his shorts had covered his waist and suddenly had a crazy urge to lick that tan line. He blushed and shrugged out of his own shirt tossing it too into the hamper and thought that perhaps he should put a load of clothes in the washer tonight in his attempts to try and get his mind off Trunks' naked body now that the other demi was slowly easing his way into the water. Gohan caught sight of the slight erection Trunks had and smiled proudly knowing that he was the cause of it.

"So, you going to make me bath alone?" Trunks asked flicking some water from his fingers at the quiet demi.

"I'm getting there." The older demi mumbled as he worked on the knot in his swimming shorts' string. Finally the stubborn bit of cord loosened and he slipped out of his shorts bashfully grabbing a small hand towel and covering himself with it.

Trunks laughed and shook his head at his mate's actions. He couldn't count the number of times now that he'd seen Gohan naked, but the older boy still was always so shy at first. I was really very cute he thought.

Gohan tested the water with his toe then stepped in slowly sinking lower and lower into the water acclimatizing to it until he was submerged to his neck. The bubbles made a good cover for him and he shook his hands frothing up the water and gathered a big mountain of the white foam around him.

Trunks watched with amusement before he moved closer to the shy demi slowly sliding his hands up his legs under water. "Koi..."

"Huh?" Gohan asked startled, having gotten into making the bubble fortress he was attempting to build up around himself.

"Why don't you come sit over here?" He purred tugging on Gohan's leg pulling him over to his side of the tub.

The older boy blushed abandoning his bubbles and allowed himself to be dragged through the water as Trunks pulled him into his lap.

"Trrrunks.." The dark demi moaned into mates mouth shutting his eyes tight as a splash of color clouded his vision with each wave of pleasure Trunks coaxed from his body.

Trunks licked his lips moving down lower to cover his neck with nips as his fingers worked their way slow over his body.


It sent shiver down his spine to hear his name called like that by the other demi. Oh how his own member ached, pained and longing to encase itself in Gohan's secret place. To burry himself to the hilt in his love and let go of all the passion he'd kept pent up for so long. He knew how much it meant to Gohan to wait for the right time, but man-o'-man what Trunks wouldn't give to bend him over right now and ravish his virgin opening.

Gohan twitched and squirmed in Trunks' strong grasp as an odd tingling slowly spread up over his back centering on the small circular scar he had there. Rough hands touched tender spots lovingly making him feel as if he'd found his way into heaven. The heavier Trunks' attention got the hot tingling feeling on his back intensified till it felt like a lit match being held on his skin. Rather than turning him off though, his passion only increased till his vision started to haze over, every muscle in his body tensed while he focused on the white hot pleasure gathering in his loins.


Trunks wrapped his legs around Gohan's waist holding him tightly letting their bodies melt together as if one. His nails bit into the flesh of Gohan's thighs but he hardly noticed it as the feeling in his back intensified to a pain that was too great to ignore. Something was going on, Gohan could feel it. His entire body felt hot and tingly and it had nothing to do with the bath or the activities they were engaging in right now. His mouth and throat were so dry and filled with a hot coppery taste that reminded him of biting his tongue during training when he was younger. With and effort that was greater then what he thought he had in him, Gohan slowly pulled his hips back from Trunks till the younger demi lost his grip on him. Gohan panted waiting for the pain in his back and loins to ease up a bit though his entire skin felt like it was crawling.

"Koi?" Trunks asked concerned as he lowered Gohan back into the water and pulled him in close worried that he might have hurt him. "Are you ok?"

"I don't know." Gohan whispered his whole body still reacting as if Trunks were pleasuring him. The sensitivity of his skin was almost too much to bear he thought as he fought to keep from rubbing against Trunks' muscle rippled abs in some kind of relief. "I don't know..."

Trunks sighed softly and hugged Gohan tightly to him patiently waiting for his mate's body to calm down. This had happened the previous three times they had tried to be together. First and third time it had been Gohan that made them stop, second time it had been himself. It's as if something was missing or perhaps trying to be there when they were just about to get serious, something preventing them from claiming each other. He'd asked his father about it but he'd only shrugged and continued training saying something or other about when the times right. Well Trunks really wanted the time to be right now! Gohan had tasted so sweet and salty in his mouth. The body was willing, but something else wasn't. Not even his dad had an answer for everything that was or would happen to the demis. They were just going to have to figure this one out themselves.

Trunks let out another sigh and kissed Gohan's cheek nuzzling into his damp hair. "Come on Koi. Let's finish washing up."

Gohan let out the same frustrated sigh and nodded his head. He knew as well as Trunks that it was futile right now. Try as he might there was just something missing still. At first he thought it had just been nerves at his first time and being with Trunks, but he soon came to realize it was something else. He didn't know what but he knew it had something to do with that small scar on his back. It seemed to act up whenever he and Trunks started getting intimate. Every time, that same erotic feeling of hands all over his skin, the unbearable pleasure gathering throughout his body, and the undeniable taste of sweet warm blood in his mouth, it was enough to drive him mad. Frustrating as it was thought, all he could do was wait. He was afraid if he tried to push it he'd mess up something and not be capable of claiming Trunks when the time was finally right.

Both boys looked longingly at each other for a long while, then Trunks smiled and kissed Gohan's nose moving the older boy off his lap. "Come on it's getting late. The sooner we finish the sooner we can snuggle."

"Alright." Snuggling was Gohan's weakness. He absolutely loved to curl up tight against Trunks breathing in all the wonderful scents his body gave off.

In no time Trunks had helped Gohan finish up his long hair and the dark demi got out and dried off as the younger boy finished his shower. Soon they were both back in the bedroom, Gohan brushing out his still damp hair while Trunks hung up their towels and turned down the bed taking a quick second to recheck their alarm clock. They both had to wake up early tomorrow.

"Ready sweety?" Trunks asked as he walked over to the light switch.

"Mmm..." Gohan nodded as he slipped under the covers scooting back so Trunks would have room.

The light demi turned off the lights and walked over to the bed sliding under the covers and snuggling up tightly to the naked body behind him. It wasn't sex, but it was still really nice. Gohan wrapped his large arms around Trunks and held him close burying his face into the silky locks before him. They were both naked, and both were dealing with slight erections, but other than that they both were completely relaxed in each other's arms. Gohan felt the soft rumbling purr from Trunks chest and smiled.

"I love you Trunks."

"I love you too sweety...don't worry. It will happen." Trunks reassure him giving his arms a squeeze.

"I know...'night."

"Good night Koi."

Saturday morning and the birds were already twittering busily in the trees guarding the small blue house that was nestled in the forest clearing. The sun lazily poked up over the mountain ridge casting a shimmering glow over the trees as the light danced across the dew drops that clung to the canopy of leaves. A rouge stream of sunlight peeked past the heavily curtained windows of the house playfully casting its bright light over the sleeping figure. As the sun rose the beam of light slowly climbed up from the partially cover hips caressing the caramel skin like a lover as it traveled along his body till it shone across his handsome face.

Annoyed Trunks pulled the pillow over his face trying to block out the inevitable sunrise. He wanted desperately to return to the dream he'd just been having though it was already fading quickly back into his subconscious. He'd been doing the things in his dream that he couldn't do in real life with Gohan yet. Erotic, messy fun. That's all his dreams seemed to consist of lately. Hot steamy sex scenes in the water, passionate love making all night with the cool damp ground as his bed, a deep primal urge to be consumed and to be conquered; the heavy feeling of his mate's body pressing him back into the grass as the heady scent of hormones filling his nostrils and the pale moon's light blinding his eyes as it framed the shadowy figure on top of him.

With a frustrated groan Trunks threw the pillow off his face and sat up panting, his hand automatically going to his swollen member that ached and strained for release at his merest touch. Instinctively he reached out to his side for the warm body he was caving and was disgruntled to find it missing. He looked over and sure enough Gohan was nowhere to be seen. With one last sigh Trunks made himself get up, grabbing his boxers and tugging them on as he walked out to the living room looking for his mate.

"Hey Gohan,..." Trunks stood alone in their living room looking around confused. "Gohan?"

The kitchen and the living room was a mess, no worse, it was a disaster area. Not only were their empty dishes and reminisces of a meal scattered from one end of the kitchen to the other, the furniture was all topsy turvy as if a small whirl wind had come in the middle of the night and wreaked havoc on it all. Trunks looked over the whole mess unbelievingly as he tip toed over the broken glass and spilled milk to reach a small piece of paper he spotted taped to the fridge.

I'm sorry for the mess Trunks. Got called into work early. I'll clean it when I get home. I love you. Please call me if anything...strange starts to happen to you.


Trunks' temper had been growing dangerously short until he read the last part of Gohan's note. Strange...he surveyed the mess lying at his feet and had to chuckle more from exhaustion then humor. He just couldn't seem to get enough sleep anymore. The smell of something burning caught his attention and he leaped over to the smoking oven getting swept away by a noxious black cloud as he opened it up. He quickly pulled out the chard lump of what might have been meat, shouting and cursing when he burned his fingers.

"Damn it Gohan..." He managed to kick a clean path to the sink and turned on the water sticking his hurt fingers into the cold stream wondering what on earth had gotten into his mate this morning.

Well there was no way he was just going to leave his mess here, especially if there was a chance Gohan might not be back until much later if there was a problem at work. Grudgingly he took his hand out of the water, turning it off and grabbed the trash can methodically picking up the spilt food and broken cutlery. Whatever had gotten into Gohan must have happened after he ate everything in the kitchen Trunks thought when he discovered the barren cupboards and nearly empty fridge. The kitchen looked like a ravenous animal had broken in and gone on a rampage on every scrap of food that they had.

Slowly he got the kitchen back into some kind of semblance of order and started on the living room picking up and rearranging the furniture, tossing out anything that was too damaged to repair easily. Once the mess was finally reversed Trunks let himself sink back into the futon, thankful that it had only a few scuffed places on its wooden frame, and closed his eyes yawning. His stomach gave off a loud rumble and he glanced at the clock on the wall, which he'd had to retrieve from behind the large entertainment center, and realized he'd been cleaning for a few hours now and still hadn't eaten. No wonder his stomach was eating itself alive.

He got up and went to the bedroom quickly pulling out a pair of jeans and a black tee shirt. He quickly slipped into a pair of sneakers and laced them up then searched the entire bedroom for his sunglasses finally finding them in a desk drawer. It was only noon and his eyes were already feeling super sensitive to the light, throbbing from the bright sunny day. Armed and ready to go Trunks grabbed a jacket and his wallet from the kitchen table as he head out the door quickly putting on the dark shades. He slipped the black jacket on, zipping it half way up and pulled the hood over his loose hair, then stretched his arms up as high as he could letting them drop back down at his sides. A nice flight would help clear his head which was starting to swim a bit he though as with a deep breath he launched himself in the air headed for town.

Ten minutes later he sunk down to earth under the cover of a tall building setting down in the alley, and not a moment too soon. The light demi swayed slightly clinging to the side of the building for support as another cramp took over his stomach.

"Food..." Trunks' eye glittered behind tinted glass and he staggered forward lurching out of the alleyway and onto the side walk. Passersby gave him wide berth as the tall demi-Saiyajin weaved down the street his eyes desperately glancing back and forth over the passing shops looking for someplace to eat. At last he spotted a small dinner on the other side of the street and picked up his pace, sprinting across the heavily trafficked road unheeding the blares of a horn as he narrowly reached the other side before it had a chance to hit him. Exhausted the weary boy slunk into the dinner and had a seat at the first booth he came to pushing his glasses back up when they slid down his nose.

"Can I get you something to drink sir?"

Trunks looked up at the lady before him. Her dark hair was speckled with silver and her face was etched with fine lines but her green eyes shone though as if challenging her age. Though older she still carried herself with a sort of spryness and had an easy smile which she turned on him.

"Excuse me?" Trunks shook his head trying to focus on her as the room around him began to tilt oddly.

"Are you ok sir?" When Trunks nodded she repeated her first question. "I said did you want something to drink."

Yes, something to drink. God his mouth was hot and sticky making it him hard for him to get the words off his tongue. Something cool and wet would help him a lot he thought looking down at the plastic covered menu she placed before him.

"Whenever your ready sir I'll-" She looked fearful when Trunks grabbed her wrists but he quickly released it muttering and apology.

"Tea...Ice tea. A lot please."

"Alright, I'll be right back." She said and left disappearing through the swinging doors behind the counter.

Trunks sat still as a statue, hands placed on the table, wondering what was going on. He knew it had been a while since he'd eaten, but this had never happened before. His body was burning up as chilled beads of sweat ran down his face and his felt his shirt become sticky with sweat as he slowly cooked in the jacket. Quickly he pulled off the jacket not bothering to unzip it and shoved it in the booth next to him disgusted at the hot trickle of sweat he felt roll down the small of his back. He'd never really been sick in his life, but he'd seen plenty of humans get a cold and it scared him that when he looked at his reflection in the aluminum napkin dispenser he found himself looking just like they had. His normally bronze face was pale except for two blotches of red staining his cheeks and his eyes looked hollow and sunken in, like someone that hadn't slept in days.

The waitress returned with a glass of ice tea and juggling three pitchers of the same in her arm, all which she sat down before him. Greedily Trunks grabbed up the glass and slammed down the contents moving on next to the pitchers till he'd drained two of them. He noticed the waitress staring at him with amazement and worry and forced himself to carefully fill the empty glass and take a small sip from it before setting it aside.

"Bring me 5 of everything on this menu." He said folding up the plastic sheet and handing it back to her. "And 4 extra cherry pies please."

"Anything else?" She asked meekly taking back the menu.

"More ice tea please." He said dismissing her.

She gathered up the empty pitchers and hurried off once more disappearing behind the swinging doors.

Trunks ran his fingers through his hair which was clinging to his clammy face wishing he'd taken the time to pull it back this morning, and then dropped his head into his hands resting them on the cool table top. His entire skin was shivering and crawling with a life of its own and he couldn't understand why. It was as if it were trying to jump off of him, and the itching. He'd managed to control himself for now, but he didn't know how much longer his composure would last. The entire length of his spine itched and burned and he twisted and arched his back trying to ease the pain to no avail. It was as if his skin were shrinking and becoming too small for his body he though as he scratched at his lower back were the worst of the itching seemed to be centering at.

Annoyed he gave up and picked up the last pitcher of tea quickly chugging it down, spilling some down the front of his shirt. The cool liquid felt wonderful and he told himself to ask the waitress for a big bag of ice when she came back.

"Speak of the devil..." Trunks muttered under his breath as the waitress returned followed by another teeny-bopper looking kid who was laden with two large trays. They managed to set all the food down, using a few extra tables they pulled over to hold all the food and Trunks quickly dove in devouring the food at record speeds. Careful not to get caught up in his feeding frenzy, the waitress gathered up the empty pitcher and hurried off to fill them up.

Rice, noodles, soup, burgers, fish and banana cream pie, it all disappeared into Trunks' never ending stomach at alarming speeds. Most of the dinners tried hard to avoid the spectacle he was making of himself, though a few couldn't help but stare in disbelief as Trunks finished off the entire three tables full of food without even batting and eye.

When the waitress returned with his drinks he was amazed to find all the plates stacked in neat little piles at the edge of the table waiting for her. She set down the pitchers and gathered up as many plates as she could never taking her eyes off the bedraggled looking demi as he drained all three of the containers and let out a large burp.

"Sorry." Trunks said covering his mouth. The cramps in his stomach had eased up a bit but the insatiable thirst just wouldn't leave him. He tipped one of the pitchers back into his mouth and crunched noisily on the ice watching the waitress scuttle back and forth clearing off the table. Suddenly the urge to get out of the small dinner was emanate. He dug in his pants pocket for his wallet as the waitress came back to his table setting a mutli-layered ticket down for him.

"I'm afraid to ask but-" She smiled looking a bit more tired than she had when he first arrived and flipped over to a new page in her tablet. "Can I get you anything else?"

"Yes." He waited for her to close her mouth before he continued. "Those cherry pies were very good. I'll take whatever you have left of them and any pecan too."

"A-alright. Be right back." She said quietly once more going back into the kitchen.

By the time she came back out Trunks had already laid out a large wade of zeni that would cover his bill, and the pie, twice over. He took the 8 bags she handed him and quickly made for the door, wrapping his sweater around his waist and pushing up his glasses before he stepped into the busy street. Not caring who was around, Trunks launched into the air looking back just in time to see the startled waitress coming out of the dinner waving good-bye. Good service, he thought as he looked forward focusing on the large white domes that could be seen from just about anywhere in town, he'd have to come back some day for more pie.

In no time he was at Capsule Corps. and his grandmother Bunny was taking his bags from him and fussing about how he was all skin and bones.

"Grams I'm ok really. Thanks, but, have you seen Gohan today?" Trunks asked dancing around the energetic woman who was already whipping up a very big omelet.

"Hmmm...Gohan. No huny sorry he hasn't come by today. Oh maybe I should make something for him to eat too in case he shows up!"

There was no use arguing with her Trunks knew watching helplessly as his grandma bustled about the kitchen preparing a meal that would rival what he'd just consumed.

"How bout my mom or dad?" He asked taking a seat before he got in her way again.

"Oh you know them. Bulma's busy in that lab with her father. Word is their working on another really big invention. Haha but when aren't they hmmm dear."

"And dad?"

"Where else?" Bunny said smiling as she handed him the batter blades to lick.

It was odd but for some reason he suddenly couldn't help but notice all the scents in the kitchen coming from all the people that came in and out every day. Trunks caught a very faint hint of Gohan's unique scent and was on his feet in a moment the hairs on the nape of his neck standing up as he stood taking in a deep breath trying to breath up all his makes smell. His entire body tensed and he felt the blood leaving his head and rushing to more important regions of his body. It was quickly becoming too hot in here for him again.

"Thanks Grams." Trunks said giving her a quick peck on the cheek before slipping out leaving her humming and cooking up a storm. It wouldn't go to waste in this house. There was always someone more then will to help tackle and over abundance of food.

Trunks picked up his pace jogging across the large Caps. Corps. property heading for the one place he was almost guaranteed to find his father. The gravity room was actually a large space ship that Vegeita had his mother modify into his unique training room, and one of the places Trunks usually avoided because it meant long hard hours of his father kicking his ass into shape, as he put it.

He paused when he reached the entrance, stopping to listen at the door and make sure he wasn't about to walk in on anything. Once he'd made the mistake of walking right in and found his dad and Goku wrestling naked on the floor obviously right in the middle of something. He'd never seen Goku look so dangerous but he was given an ultimatum by the normally bubbly Saiyajin to "get the fuck out or get skinned." Man Saiyajins in heat here dangerous things.

This time however he only heard and felt his father ki and walked into the training room instantly being assaulted by the higher gravity that his father almost constantly was training at.


Vegeita spotted his oldest come in and was already dropping down to meet him, arms folded hovering in that aloof posture that he had seemed to perfect.

"What are you doing here brat? Come to get your weakling butt kicked." Vegeita scoffed getting into fighting stance.

"No dad-have you seen Gohan." Trunks inhaled deeply. His mates scent was here too, stronger than it had been in the kitchen. It wasn't surprising though; both boys had spent plenty of time in here since getting together, sparring and practicing together. It was surprising though that he was able to keep picking up the faintest trace of Gohan's smell everywhere he went.

"Hmph, that baka's brat was in here this morning."

"What?! What time...Dad!" Trunks growled and side stepped as his father charged him with a small ki blast.

"Hell if I know. Earlier then I was. Said something about blowing off energy." Vegeita charged Trunks once more this time landing a barrage of punches to the young demi.

"Gah dad....come on. Did he say where he was going?" Trunks growled frustrated as he fought back slowly getting pulled into a match with his father.

"Are you going to talk or fight brat." Vegeita asked with a sneer as he disappeared appearing behind his son and knocked him out of the air sending him plummeting for the ground.

Trunks flipped over and landed neatly on his feet glaring up at his father. His spine was positively electric now as he arched his back trying to gain some relief. Every muscle in his body was cocked and ready to fight as his blood ran hot urging him on, pleading with him to hit something. He tore off his jacket from his waist and sprung up at his father colliding with him in a dizzying round of kicks and punches smirking when he landed a firm kick to his fathers face only to have it come back as Vegeita's fist drove into his stomach doubling him over making him wish he'd gone lighter on breakfast.

Their fight continued well into the afternoon, the hours flying by unnoticed as each of them did their best to out do the other. The fight ended with a bone jarring crunch as Trunks flew into the wall for the last time and slowly tumbled down to the ground where he landed in a floppy pile. Vegeita lit down by his son smirking, looking as if he'd taken his fair share of the beatings too.

Trunks slowly climbed to his knees and sat kneeling trying hard to block out the burning sensation that had distracted him giving his father the chance for that last hit. His back was on fire, he knew if he reached back there and touched it he'd find it on fire and he had no way to put it out. His shirt was already torn to shreds so he peeled off what was left letting it fall to a tattered pile at his knees. His entire body was still tense and ready to go, acting as if he hadn't spent the better part of four hours getting the shit beaten out of him by his father.

"What's wrong?" Vegeita asked noticing his son's odd behavior as he walked over and turned down the gravity.

Once it was off Trunks was able to climb to his feet swaying slightly as his nose once more caught the scent of Gohan and he stumbled towards it as if drawn. "He was here....I have to find him..."

Vegeita tossed him a bottle of water and watched as Trunks slammed it down wiping his mouth before sticking his nose in the air sniffing. Without warning he let out a cry of pain and arched his back falling to his knees where he laid clawing at his back.

"I-I don't know." Trunks growled finally answering the now privately worried Vegeita. He twisted and turned desperately trying to tear away the skin of his back which felt like it was ripping apart at the seams already. "Gah it hurts so baaaaad!!"

Trunks closed his eyes and let out a silent scream as he felt his spine tear away from his body and go whipping out behind him. When his eyes opened back up they were laced with rivers of gold slowly filling up with the richer color. He felt his very bones contorting, changing him into something else in his body's never-ending transformation. His jaw throbbed and he flexed opening it and closing it sporadically, inadvertently biting his tongue with his suddenly needle sharp canines filling his mouth with that rich copper taste he'd been craving for weeks now. His eyes were pure golden orbs of swirling light that rolled up into his head as a wet ripping sound filled the sweat laden air nearly knocking the young demi-Saiyajin unconscious with pain.

Vegeita stood quietly as his son wriggled and jerked on the floor watching with quiet amazement as a small wet fur covered appendage snaked out behind him. He was amazed that this was happened. He knew a Saiyajin's tail could grow back, but Trunks had never had a tail to begin with, so the fact that the dark lavender thing was now flopping limply on the ground was nothing short of a miracle.

"Trunks." Vegeita kneeled down and gently ran his gloved finger over the wet fur of Trunks new tail watching it bristle to twice its size at the contact. "Trunks." He demanded in a firmer tone as if ordering his son to let him know he was ok.

Trunks eyes snapped open, two searching pools of molten gold which cast their sights around the room, his tail flickering and thumping against the floor nosily. "He was here."

A small knowing smirk crept into the corner of Vegeita's mouth as he finally caught on to what had caused his son's miraculous transformation. That brat must have triggered it he figured in his head, standing up to watch the curious way Trunks was crawling around the floor sniffing at everything. He knew both the demi boys had reached their first rut already but he also knew that neither one of them had gone into a true rut, rather just a mock rut, closer to a human child hitting puberty rather then the blood and hormone driven rage a saiyajin rut brought on. When a full-blooded Saiyajin went into rut his lust was insatiable and his need had to be satisfied. If his life mate wasn't chosen yet he either had to copulate with the closest willing, or sometimes unwilling, person or lock himself up and suffer through the agonizing pain alone. The latter being a feat very few Saiyajins could handle. If he had a mate his mates rut would automatically be triggered by his own so as to prevent him from being taken by another male. It seemed that once Gohan and Trunks had accepted each other their true Saiyajin instincts started taking over. And since a real Saiyajin claiming takes place during the couple's first rut that would be why his son and Kakarotto's brat hadn't been able to do it like Gohan had been in here explaining this morning after asking for his advice.

"Huh...I'll be damned." Vegeita said as Trunks got up and headed for the door. He didn't even try to stop him knowing better. Trunks was now a Saiyajin in rut and on the prowl for his mate. He just hoped everyone else had the sense to stay out of the boys' way.

All this thinking about ruts was starting to give the Prince ideas of his own and he decided it was time to pay his own lover a little surprise visit. Maybe they could have their own little mock rut tonight he thought wistfully smirking as he walked out of the gravity room.

Gohan couldn't sleep. It was impossible, ever since their last attempted mating his body had been getting worse and worse. He hadn't told Trunks because he didn't want to worry him, and thankfully the blue eyed demi had been busy enough not to have noticed his anguish. The excruciating pain that now traveled the entire distance of his body was too much for him to ignore and try to sleep through.

Exhausted and foul tempered Gohan got up thanking Kami that Trunks was such a heavy sleeper and went into the bathroom. He quickly slipped into a cold shower and scrubbed his body till it was pink trying to cool himself off and find some relieve from the excessive itching. It helped for a few minutes but by the time he had dried off and put on a fresh pair of slacks his temperature had already risen back up to unbearable levels, bringing with it the constant feeling that someone was trying to remove his spine through his ass which was very uncomfortable to say the least.

Knowing it was no use going back to bed and risk waking Trunks, Gohan went out into the living room and laid down on the futon turning the TV on muted as he flipped through the channels trying to find something to keep his interest. Unable to find a thing he growled and tossed the remote across the room where it clattered noisily, the batteries popping out and rolling under the recliner.

"Damn it!" Gohan jumped up and tried fishing the batteries out to no avail and finally threw a fit flipping the recliner over forgetting all about the batteries. His blood was boiling in his body and he had the urge to smash everything in sight. He kicked and punched at the air, knocking over the furniture as it was unfortunate enough to get in his way. His body was quickly drenched in sweat from his short tantrum and he sunk to his knees pulling at his hair willing the fire under his skin to stop and just let him get some sleep.

"Ghrurrrr." Gohan's stomach let out and angry growl and he clutched it with both hands rising part way as a barrage of cramps took over him temporarily paralyzing him. "What now?..." He demanded of his body as another round of cramps hit him sending him back to his knees.

As soon as the cramps passed Gohan made a mad dash for the fridge grabbing the first thing he could and shoved it in his mouth. He stuffed all the vegetables and fruits away, polished off any cheese and tofu they had, drank all the juice and milk, and even found a few packets of raw meat stashed in the back of the fridge that he quickly unwrapped and bit into crying out softly when he felt his jaw lock up in a shuttering cramp. It felt like someone was pulling all of his teeth out at once but he was so hungry that he didn't care. Again he bit into the fresh meat this time easily slicing off a large chuck gulping it down quickly before ripping the rest of it to shreds and devouring it. He licked the last of the blood from his lips and winced as his tongue snagged on his tooth cutting him. Strange he thought, he didn't remember his canines being that sharp before. His attention was soon stolen as once more the cramps hit and he stumbled over to the cabinets cleaning out each of them in turn and littering their empty boxes over the floor.

At long last the cramps stopped and Gohan lay on the floor in the middle of his mess panting as the sick feeling of tearing muscle continued throughout his body. He had to get out of there he decided. He had to go talk to Vegeita. If anyone could tell him what the hell was going on with his body the Saiyajin prince would be able to.

Gohan grabbed a shirt out of the dryer and tugged it on searching for his shoes. He couldn't find them out here and didn't want to risk waking Trunks so settled on forgoing them; he could just fly to Capsule Corps. Anyways, it was faster. He did just that, flying as quickly as he body would carry him trying to burn off the excess energy that seemed pent up inside of him like a bottle rocket ready to explode.

It was early, very early, and Gohan didn't sense much activity in the Briefs household yet. His first stop was the kitchen, blowing past it and stopping just long enough to confirm Vegeita was not there. His next stop was the gravity room. He charged in ignoring the hundreds of threats he'd gotten before from the Saiyajin Ouji about that, and the story Trunks told him about walking in on their dads, and searched the ship top to bottom for and full-blood. Vegeita was nowhere to be found.

"Well fuck. What the hilf am I supposed to do now!" He shouted to no one in particular.

What else, he thought stripping his shirt off and cranking up the gravity to dangerous levels. The feeling in his body was unlike anything he'd ever experienced. It was like his body was craving something but he didn't know what to give it, so he trained. He pushed himself to the limit like he hadn't since he was a child and by the time Vegeita made it down to the gravity room the prince had to use the safe word to turn off the gravity because it was to high to walk into without being thrown to his knees.

"What are you doing here." He demanded walking over to the broken down boy.

Gohan smiled at him finding it a challenge to even lift his head to look at Vegeita.

"Well." The grumpy Ouji probed again when he got no response.

"What's it look like shorty."

Gohan didn't have time to wonder what had come over him to make him say such a thing as Vegeita back handed him sending him flying into the wall. Gohan slid down sitting in a crumbled pile and laughed clutching his aching stomach. He laughed harder grabbing his hair and pulling it wondering if he ripped it all out would that make the horrible pain in his body go away.

"Maybe if you spent more time training and less time acting a fool you wouldn't be such a wimp." Vegeita snapped walking over to the muttering boy who seemed to be tearing at the skin on his back. "Get up Brat."

Gohan looked up at Vegeita from beneath his bangs and smiled. He launched himself at the proud prince with a yell taking out the frustrations of his body on him. He continued his assault until Vegeita grasped him by the throat and pinned him to the wall where he struggled vainly to escape.

"Let me go you big ape."Gohan whimpered twisting and turning until he was sure his entire spine was just going to fall out into a big pile along with his intestines when Vegeita got through with him. At lest then maybe the pain would stop he thought.

"What's gotten into you boy!" Vegeita snarled holding back his own temper once he realized there was something seriously wrong with the normally docile demi.

"You mean besides the fact that my body's trying to turn itself inside out and every time I try to claim Trunks something stops me.....You tell me my Prince!" he spat groaning as his back arched up till only his head and heels touched the wall the rest of his body drawn taught like a bow.

Vegeita let go of him and watched as he slumped down on the ground and laid there panting trying to catch his breath. "Well maybe if you asked my nicely I'd help you." He said crossing his arms over his well defined chest.

"Hmph. Yea and maybe dragon balls will start growing on trees." Gohan muttered closing his eyes. "It's not like you could help anyways." Gohan sighed dejectedly and pulled himself into a sitting position rubbing his sore eyes.

"Try me." Vegeita said looking down at Gohan with all seriousness.

Gohan shrugged figuring he had nothing to loose and told Vegeita about his and Trunks' trouble with the claiming, and the crazy pain that had been ravishing his entire body for 3 nights now. When he was done both males stayed silent for a long while. Gohan trying to pull himself under some kind of control, Vegeita pondering on what the older demi had told him.

"Your right." He said at long last holding out a hand to Gohan.

"How so." The dark demi asked taking the hand and getting up much to his protesting body's displeasure.

"I don't have an answer for you."

Gohan sighed. Some how he'd known that would be the case. He'd had to ask though, just in case. Defeated Gohan turned and left the gravity room leaving Vegeita to his training. He walked through the giant Caps. Corps. property and kept going disappearing into the deep wooded area behind it. He needed time to think. He needed to figure out what he was going to do. He needed to figure out what he was going to tell Trunks when he saw the big mess he'd left at the house this morning.

"Trunks." Gohan whispered.

He had to find a solution. If the pain didn't stop soon he wasn't sure what he'd try and do to stop it. Deeper and deeper Gohan stumbled into the woods, muttering and talking to himself as he got lost in the natural maze of the trees until he finally came to the mountain side and started up it. The dark demi came across a narrow but deep cave and wandered inside half conscience of his actions as he trailed his hands along the water warn walls of the cave. The neck of it soon opened up into a larger interior that was almost a room in itself. Gohan produced a small ki ball and took a better look around the cave finding it completely empty of living things.

He ki ball was wearing out his already diminished energy so he put it out and gathered up some loose brush and small pieces of timber using a small spark of ki to ignite it. The dry weeds caught quickly and soon Gohan had a small fire going. He noticed a lattice of cracks at the top of the caves ceiling that seemed to be making and excellent chimney for his fire. He stood tiredly leaning against the wall staring into the fire waiting for the latest wave of pains to be over with before he planned on moving again.

Finally it subsided and Gohan found himself left with the unexplainable urge to have a bed to sleep on. He half ran half stumbled out of the caves narrow entrance and into the gathering night setting to work collecting fresh branches from the bushy pines and armfuls of the soft peat moss that grew all along the mountains edge. When he finished he realized he'd made a fair size nest that would hold him easily and comfortably, though why he'd had to build it was beyond him, he just had to.

Just when Gohan thought he could rest for a moment the worst pain yet torn through his body ripping his chest open and tearing his spine clean from his back severing the delicate nerves there. The pain was so intense Gohan flared into super saiyajin, his energy and stress levels sky rocketing as the circular scar on his back exploded in a bomb of wet painful ickor that splashed over his back and dripped down his leg. Unbeknownst to him was the fact that at that very same moment Trunks was not far away and experiencing the same agonizing pain as Gohan, their mental bond now crossed over into a physical one with the onset of Gohan's rut. It was too much for the dark demi to handle and he went down tumbling head first into the bower he'd just completed the sweet relief of unconsciousness mercifully taking him under.