Title: Naruto Rant Mayhem

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, it's characters, or it's story...only this, and the other story's I write.

"People Talking"

"People thinking"

"Demon talking/ jutsu's"

"Demon thinking"

It had started out like any other normal day, so why did this day go so wrong you may ask? Well to answer that, I think it would be best to take everything from the top. So let us start from the morning.

It was about 7:00 AM on Thursday, October 8th and just like every October 8th, a certain blond-haired boy by the name of Naruto Uzumaki was dreading the next few days of his life. Now, a birthday is supposed to be a special, joyous time for any child, but not for Naruto. Naruto's birthdays usually consisted of broken bones, blood loss, and pain beyond imagination, and all of it was his. He didn't know, well actually, he did know why the village hated him. After all it was a few months ago that he met Kyuubi no Youko for the first time, he just acted that he had no idea about Kyuubi. Today Naruto had a team meeting, and though he didn't want to go he didn't really have much of a choice. The only good thing to Naruto about a team meeting was that he got to be with Sakura Haruno, the only girl he was in love with. He was hoping beyond any kind of hope that he would get Sakura to go out on a date with him, at least just once, even if it was just because it was his birthday. Unfortunately it seemed that he was just meant to suffer.

When Naruto got to team seven's training grounds the only person there was Sakura, and Naruto couldn't believe his luck. He was actually alone with Sakura. He hadn't had a chance like this since Sasuke almost left the village. That is, until Tsunade ran into him when he was trying to leave and she knocked him out. Since then Sakura has barely left Sasuke's side. But, now it was his chance and he was gonna take it.

"Hey Sakura-chan!"

Sakura wasn't in a very good mood since she had yet to see "her Sasuke" and the last thing she really wanted to deal with was Naruto.

"Ugh. What now Naruto, can't you see I'm busy waiting for Sasuke?!"

"I was just wondering if you would go out with me this weekend?" Naruto even put on his happy face, even though hearing the name Sasuke would normally put him in a foul mood.

"How many times do I have to say it Naruto?! I will never go out with you!! My heart only belongs to Sasuke!."

Now anyone who knows Naruto knows that will not take no for an answer. But that dosn't mean that he can't lose sight of what he was intending to do, especially when he lost his temper.

"Let me ask you something Sakura. Why do you care so much about that emo-brooding, self-centered, brother-hating, egotistical, Uchiha?! What has he ever done for you? Has he even so much as shown any kind of affection toward you?! Yet here I am, waiting on you hand and foot, only asking you out on one small date, and the only things you've ever said to me was "No. Sasuke this, Sasuke that." Well you know what I'm tired of hearing it."

Now Sakura was two things, one, shocked that Naruto would actually be yelling at her and two, angry at how he had just insulted Sasuke. In-fact, they were both too distracted to notice the pair of Sharingan users coming towards them.

Kakashi was the first of the two to speak. "Well here's something I never thought I would see, Naruto and Sakura arguing." Sasuke simply nodded in agreement.

"How could you say those things about Sasuke, Naruto?! He's had a difficult life and is hurting because of the loss of his family."

Now it was Naruto's turn again and Sakura couln't of made it any easier for him.

"At least he had a fucking family! He has memories of his family to go back to and remember all the good times with them! I've never had a fucking family! I have no memories of them, that also means no one to listen to you when your sad, no one to cheer you up when you've had a bad day, and especially no shoulder to cry on when practically everyone in the village has tried to beat you to death for something that was never your fault in the first place!!"

At this point Naruto was on the verge of tears while Kakashi was looking at the ground like it was the most interesting thing in the world, because he knew exactly what Naruto was talking about, but not because he had experienced it himself, but because he had seen a glimpse into Naruto's life when he had saved him from a rather large group of angry villagers when he was pert of the ANBU. He had later attempted to adopt Naruto as his own, only to have the council reject his request every time, because they believed that the "Demon child" shouldn't have a family. Kakashi hates the council to this very day.

"What are you talking about dobe?"(guess who)

"I'll tell you what I;m talking about you angsty, brooding, bastard! Here's a short summery of my life. At the age of four I was kicked out of the orphanage and forced to live on the streets, eating out of garbage cans in order to stay alive, and anytime someone actually gave me food it was extremely expired or was poisoned. By the time I was seven I had over 823 assassination attempts on my life. By the time I was eight, every person in this damn village had tried to kill me at least twice, coincidentally this was also when I was beaten, bludgeoned, and had every bone in my body broken. When I was nine I was finally accepted into the Academy only to have practically every teacher hate me and every time I would even raise my hand to ask a simple question I would be forced to stay after school where the teachers would beat me. After I had failed the graduation exam three times I stole the Sacred Scroll of Sealing, only to have Mizuki try and kill me and Iruka-sensei. That was when I learned that I have the damn, Nine-Tailed Fox, a.k.a. Kyuubi, sealed inside me."

At the mention of this everyone except Kakashi's faces paled. Well it's not every day that you learn that your teammate is the carrier of the demon that almost destroyed your entire home. But despite the looks on his teammates faces he continued, because, well its not everyday that he gets to rant like this.

"So what I guess I'm trying to say is...MY. LIFE. SUCKS!!! In comparison, your life is like a dream to mine Uchiha. And I don't want any of you saying that you understand what my life was like, because that was only a short summery of my life and you have absolutely no idea just how bad it gets."

After this Naruto just started to walk off, leaving his teammates and sensei just standing there, thinking about what they learned. That was until Sasuke decided to open his big mouth.

"I don't believe you. There's no way the Kyuubi was sealed inside you. We were taught that the fourth Hokage destroyed it."

Naruto simply turned around, looking at Sasuke with the coldest eyes in the world, eyes that could pierce the very core of a soul. He unzipped he jacket and let it fall to the floor then he took off his black muscle shirt that was underneath it. At this point Sakura was starting to have a nosebleed at the sight of Naruto's chiseled physique. He wasn't overly muscular like a bodybuilder, but he was almost an Adonis for someone that was almost thirteen. He had biceps that looked like they could squeeze harder than Orochimaru's pythons, pecks that someone could fry an egg on, and abs that looked like they were chiseled out of marble. But what shocked everyone was when Naruto started pumping Chakra through his body, a half sun seal appeared on his abs, half exposed because he was still wearing his pants. Now it was Kakashi's turn to talk before Sasuke could say anything else stupid today.

"As you can see Sasuke, Sakura, he's not lieing. The Kyuubi truly is sealed inside him."

Both Sasuke and Sakura turned away from him while Naruto looked at them for a few more seconds before Putting on his black muscle shirt, grabbing his jacket and walking back to his home.

Thursday October 8th, 2:00PM

After Naruto's outburst Kakashi decided to cancel the Team meeting and let Sasuke and Sakura spend the day to think about everything they had learned. Sasuke had spent the day thinking about his life. He quickly realized that Naruto was right, he did have happy memories to go back on whereas Naruto had nothing. After that realization he decided to see if his Uchiha status affected how people treated him. Once again, to no surprise to anyone except him, Sasuke got access to nearly everything, no question's asked. When he went to restaurants, he could instantly get a seat and order, even when other's had been waiting for hours. Not only that, but he was charged less than everyone else. For the next few hours he continued to flaunt his Uchiha status to see just how far he could go, and found out, he could pretty much do anything he wanted. He had a life that most people would dream about, and here he was just brooding over how to kill his brother. Sasuke then used a henge to turn himself into Naruto to see what would happen. As anyone could expect, the reaction he got from other civilians was much more different then what he got as an Uchiha. He noticed people were glaring at him for no reason, talking about him behind his back, he even went back to the same restaurants he was at earlier, but this time he was Naruto, and even he didn't expect the reaction he got.

When he entered the restaurants he was immediately stopped by the owner, given a black eye, and thrown out the back, into an ally full of trash. Needless to say he was shocked by the results. He immediately undid the henge, walked back around the front, walked into the building, and did his"Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu" leaving the building a burning pile of rubble. Sasuke decided then and there that he would do anything and everything in his power to make Naruto's life better.

Kakashi had spent the day, reminiscing about his past about his old team, him, Rin, and Obito. Then he started to think about his sensei, the former Yondaime Hokage, Minato Namikaze. He thought about how great his sensei was, how he treated everyone on the team as equals, about the way his sensei smiled when the was proud of his team. Then something hit Kakashi, it was his sensei's grin and how it resembled that of the one Naruto always had. Then, it hit him like an "Doton: Doryuudan" (Earth style: Earth Dragon Missile). That same stupid grin, those same blue eyes, that same dirty-blond hair, he had always passed it off as a coincidence but he couldn't deny it any longer. Naruto Uzumaki was definitely the son of his former sensei, and for the first time in a long time, Kakashi felt like a complete and total moron.

Sakura was having some realizations of her own. Mostly, it was about how bad she had been treating Naruto for the past year that they were a team. Every time he had come up to just say hi to her she would insult him, compare him to Sasuke, and then hit him over the head. She had been thinking about how bad his life was and how much she had attributed to his pain, she had to admit, after a couple of minuets thinking about it, she felt like a complete bitch, which coincidentally, she was. It was while she was walking around that the next time she saw Naruto, she would be the one to ask him on a date, that's when images of Naruto's body entered her mind again. Her nose was bleeding and she was sure she was gonna have wet dreams from the image of Naruto's body. While she was in her daze that she wound up in front of Naruto's apartment door, and since there's no time like the present, Sakura lightly knocked on the door. When their was no response she knocked again, but this time a little louder, and this time their came a response.

"Who is it?"

This voice was neither happy, or sad, it was just indifferent.

"Naruto?, it's me Sakura. Listen, do you have a minute?"

"No, now go away I'm busy Haruno-san."

"Haruno-san? When the hell did that happen?" "Please, it won't take long. I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the way I've treated you since we were kids, and I was hoping that you would go out on a date with me?"

Now Sakura had known Naruto since they were kids and she was once nice to him, but that didn't last long when her rivalry with Ino started, and since then Naruto had been the outlet for her frustration. And because she had known him for so long she was sure that he would never say no to a date with her. Man was she ever about to get a surprise.

"Hm, let me think about it...how about, NO!"

Sakura just deadpanned. Naruto, had just flat out rejected her.(oh how the tables have turned) At first she tried to undo the genjutsu, only to find out that it wasn't a genjutsu. Feeling dejected, Sakura quietly walked away from Naruto's apartment to go home and probably cry herself to sleep.

Naruto had taken the time since he left team seven at the training ground to think about his loyalties to Konoha. He quickly decided that his judgment of the village may have been misguided and to confirm this new train of thinking, Naruto's tenant put his two cents into the conversation.

"Trust me kit, you'll be much better off where people won't recognize you. At least there you could make a fresh start with your life."

"But what about my friends, what do you think will happen to them if I left?"

"You shouldn't worry about them kit, they got families to take care of them. Your the only one that isn't safe from the village's wrath should they all decide to turn on you."

As much as Naruto hated to admit it, the fox had a point. If the village did go against him, there would be no chance for him to survive. So he did one of the most sensible things he could. He started packing to leave the village that night. After all, he wasn't gonna sit around for the village to beat him another birthday.

Friday, October 9th, 3:00AM

That night while the village was all quiet, Naruto packed all of his possessions into a sealing scroll and for the last time, looked at the apartment that had served as his home for almost seven years. And without another moment to think about it, he shut the door behind him and left into the night. Getting past a pair of chunin guards wasn't gonna be easy, so he opted to leave by hopping over the village walls, after all he had done it many times before and had never gotten caught.

Once Naruto was a mile or so outside the village he thought about where he would go and only one thought came to mind. Yes he would go to them. They were the only ones that would take him in now, and they had offered to take him in should he ever leave his village. To him it was the only logical choice, even Kyuubi had to agree.

Back at Konoha 12: 27 PM


"H-H-Hai H-Hokage-sa-sama!"

Tsunade had a particularly strong headache this morning. Naruto was discovered missing this morning. The incident had been reported by Naruto's teammates, and boy was she pissed. She had actually smashed her desk through the floor into the room below. Now, their were only two times that Tsunade was so mad that she smashed her desk through the floor, the first of which was when Sasuke Uchiha had attempted to flee Konoha, and now this. And she was so hoping that this day was going to be peaceful, but whenever Naruto was involved, nothing was ever peaceful.


The day had started out quiet enough, Tsunade had made Shizune make her a cup of coffee, their were no loud problems last night, no reported incidents so far, the day was actually peaceful and Tsunade was looking forward to it. Of coarse that didn't last long as 3/4 of team seven walked into Tsunade's office. The first visible sign that something was wrong was actually the absence of said sign, Naruto wasn't there, and Tsunade could instantly tell something was wrong. The suspicions were confirmed when she noticed that Sakura was crying, but Sasuke seemed fine, well, mostly fine. Sasuke had four distinctive emotions showing on his face. Hurt, sad, angry, and disgusted, anyone could read his face like a map and instantly know that it had something to do with Naruto. Kakashi was the only one that looked, somewhat normal. In-fact, he was the only one that was stable enough to give Tsunade the news, and man was he ever scared to give this news to Tsunade.

"Tsunade-sama, we have some disturbing information about Naruto Uzumaki"

The words made Sakura cry a little harder, and made Tsunade squirm. She never wanted to hear "disturbing news" about Naruto, but she had to know what the problem was.

"What? What news about Naruto?"

The second those words passed her mouth, she knew she would instantly regret them

"I hate to be the one to tell you Hokage-sama, but it seems that Naruto has disappeared from the village late last night."

Sakura broke out sobbing again, Sasuke turned to face away from Tsunade, and Tsunade just simply paled. I mean this was truly pale, I mean her face was egg-shell white. She was maybe expecting that he had been admitted to the hospital because of overexertion or something similar to that, not that he would leave the village. Only four words, these words were the only thing that she could think of.


practically everyone in the village heard her, and instantly knew that today was not going to be a good day. After all, it was her decisions that dictated how smoothly the village was going to be run, and when she's on the warpath like that, the only thing that her victims could do, was cringe. At least with Orochimaru you didn't have hope, that way it didn't hurt as much when he sliced, mutilated, or just plain experimented on you. With Tsunade, she gave you the illusion of hope, that's what makes her more twisted than Orochimaru at times.

In about half an hour, Tsunade had assembled the rookie nine (except Naruto), their sensei's, half of the Inuzuka clan, and half of the Hyuuga clan, which also surprisingly consisted of Haishi, Hinata's father and main branch leader. Of coarse he didn't come to help the efforts as much as he did to actually stop them. Unfortunately, he did the one, most idiotic thing that anyone could do. He openly voiced his opinion of Naruto in front of Hinata.

"Tsunade-sama, I don't see why it is that you wan't us to look for that demon brat! He's nothing but a failure and a hindrance to this village."

Now, Tsunade would of attacked Haishi right then and there if her desk wasn't in the way, however Hinata was more than willing to take on the job for Tsunade, and I don't mean being the Hokage.


"Hinata did something that nobody had ever expected. She had smashed her fist into his stomach, kicked him in his nuts, and when he was bent over in pain, she smashed her fist into his face, sending him through the Hokage's doors and Haishi into a painful unconsciousness. To say that everybody was shocked would be like saying that Naruto needed herbal tee to calm him down. There would never be enough. So when Hinata faced the crowd in front of her, she had a look of determination in her eyes that just screamed "I'll be taking over for Naruto, any questions?!" Tsunade didn't need to say anything else before she sent the search party on their way, leaving Haishi unconscious in Tsunade's door.

-End Flashback-

Ever since then, everyone had been looking for Naruto, but with little to no success. Tsunade was getting worried because it had been hours since she sent out the search team and the village council would of already found out that Naruto had abandoned the village. Thought it was never said, Tsunade had known that Naruto hadn't been taken out of the village by Itachi or by anyone else, Naruto would have put up at least some sort of fight, even if it was enough to alert anybody and the council knew this too, I'm sure that's why that any Hokage had never gotten along with the village council. Too much dirty politics. It was half an hour since the last field report and she would be getting another one any minute now. And as if on cue, a Inuzuka appeared in Tsunade's office to give the report of what the group has found.

"Hokage-sama I have news from the field."

"Go ahead, I'm listening."

"Hinata Hyuuga and Sakura Haruno had to be admitted to the hospital due to blood loss."

Now this had peaked the Hokage's interest. Hinata seemed so strong when she left to find Naruto, so why would something as simple as blood loss stop her.

"And how did this come about?"

"Hokage-sama, after finding Naruto Uzumaki's jacket and pants, someone made a comment about him running around the forest nude, after that comment, Hinata and Sakura were found with blood coming out of their noses."

Now, Hinata she could understand, but Sakura? She couldn't figure out how that would happen to her. But before she could thing any further, Shizune ran into Tsunade's office with a distraught look on her face.

"Lady Tsunade! The council has decided to declare Nalruto-kun a missing nin!"

And for the second time that day. Tsunade's face paled.