DISCLAIMER: We don't own them … just Cliff and he's not worth much!

Mad Scientist

Emmett had finally gotten his hands on one. He was being very careful to block Edward, and to hold off on his decision so Alice wouldn't catch him either. They'd just try to talk him out of it. Emmett knew they could be real wet-ends sometimes … Like when Alice had told on him, getting Rose to remove all his outfits before he had left for Vegas with his brothers.

But today! Today was Emmett's day! He was going to get to complete his little experiment. The human boys had been talking about it for days and Emmett couldn't take the suspense anymore. He had to see if this really worked the way they said it did.

He struck the match alight with his thumb and lit the fuse on the end of the bright red M-80 in his hand. He tossed it into the toilet and waited for the fun to begin.

There was a loud pop, followed by the sound of shattering porcelain and rushing water. Emmett looked down to see a puddle of water forming and heading for his feet.

"Oh, crap! Rosie's going to kill me!" Emmett muttered. He grabbed a towel and threw it onto the floor, trying to wipe up the water. His sister, Alice, came bursting into the room, laughing.

"You are in so much trouble," she sang.

"Shut up, you little pixie. I need help," Emmett fussed.

"I can't provide you the help you need," she said, laughing all over again.

"What have we here?" his brother, Edward, asked, strolling into the room with his human girlfriend, Bella. The smug look on Edward's face told Emmett that his brother already knew what had happened.

"If you guys aren't going to help me clean up the water, you can leave," Emmett muttered.

"Two things," Edward chuckled. "First of all, that's Rose's favorite towel you're using to wipe up toilet water. Secondly, turn the valve off on side of the toilet to stop the water from leaking out of the bathroom."

"Rose is going to kill you," Bella said.

Emmett rolled his eyes at his soon-to-be little sister. Couldn't she tell him something he didn't know already?

"What was that noise?" Esme asked, walking into the room.

Emmett groaned as he worked to turn the knob off.

"Emmett McCarty Cullen! What have you done?" Esme roared.

"Well, mom, it's like this … I was trying a science experiment for school and it backfired and I broke the toilet," he explained.

"Which of your teachers would be silly enough to assign you an experiment that could destroy a toilet?" Esme questioned.

"Professor Emmett," Edward said under his breath. Alice giggled behind her hand.

"What do you two know about this?" Esme asked, turning on them.

"Emmett overheard some human boys talking about tossing firecrackers into toilets and he decided to try it," Alice said.

"And why didn't you two stop him?" Esme questioned.

"He blocked us," they said together. Darn snitching siblings … Emmett would get them back for this.

Esme turned and look at Emmett and the broken toilet. "I suppose I'll have to make a trip to the home improvement store."

"Take me!" Alice cried, bouncing up and down. "Oh, please take me, Esme! Carlisle's still in surgery and won't be home until really late tonight."

"Alice, dear, I appreciate the help, but I think this would be an excellent opportunity to spend some time with Bella. And Edward, dear, you could use the time to hunt."

"I'd love to go with you, Esme," Bella said, smiling happily.

"And I could use a hunt," Edward agreed. "Are you sure, Bella?" he asked her, staring at her.

"Positive! It'll be fun," Bella replied. Edward gave her a long kiss. Emmett felt it was enough to make a vampire nauseous.

"I'll be back before you know it," Edward told her. And then he was gone, flying out of the house.

"Please let me come!" Alice begged. "I can help you so much! I can let you know if the toilet you're thinking of getting will work!"

"Jasper," Esme called.

Jasper appeared in the room, restraining Alice.

Esme gently grabbed Bella's arm and led her from the room.

Alice thrashed against Jasper for a moment, then went still. She was having another of her little visions. She opened her eyes and smiled in a scary way.

"I'm not going anywhere, Jazzy. You can let me go," Alice said.

Jasper let her go. She whipped out her phone and made a call to someone, talking too low for Jasper and Emmett to hear. Emmett looked up at Jasper for some clue as to what was going on, but Jasper only shrugged his shoulders.

"Do I even want to know what happened in here?" Jasper asked.

"Me. M-80. Toilet," Emmett muttered.

"That explains it!" Jasper laughed.

This was written by My-Bella as well as Hellopants. We had a group effort and hope you like it a lot! Reviews are always appreciated. Lots of love from my-Bella and myself!