Author's Notes: My idea is unoriginal, I'm sure it has been done before. So I begin this fiction with the utmost caution to not create something like all the rest and with hope to reel your hearts in with a carefully constructed order of words. Read and review; please.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto, duh?

Love Fool;

Prologue: Backend of Forever


She's the kind of girl you want so much

It makes you sorry

Still, you don't regret a single day.

Oh, girl.


"Stop, stop, I really--"

She giggled as his hands took a hold of her hips and pulled her back to the sheets, already horribly tangled from their hours of play. While she had accomplished pulling back on half of her clothes--although said items remained unbuttoned and unzipped--the boy was still blissfully naked…but from what she saw she was not about to complain. As his teeth tugged on her earlobe all the reasons for needing to leave began to melt away; all she knew was that she never wanted to get out of that bed.

Then a mental image of his eyes hit her like a slap to the face.

Immediately she tensed and the latter paused his advances, watching her with a concerned sapphire gaze.

"Sakura cha--"

"I have to go."

She pushed him away and slithered from the unkempt mattress silently, bending down to pick up the rest of her wrinkled clothes. Pulling on her remaining garments in an awkward fumble, the kunoichi didn't bother looking back as she started striding towards the door at a rushed pace. As the knob turned, she began to pull it open only to have it slammed closed from above her. Sakura's eyes turned up to find a tan hand against the wood, a lump forming in her throat.

"Don't do this, Sakura."

"We have to stop before--"

"Before what? Someone finds out? Does any of that even matter anymore?"

She swallowed hard, the knob twisting in her hand.

"Please, don't make me feel worse, I don't want this coming from you, not you…"

"We have to tell them," he replied in a low tone, edged in something feral.

"Ah!" Sakura cried out as he suddenly pressed her against the door from behind, hands sliding up her arms and over her shoulders, gripping them tightly. His groin pressed into her lower back and a electric shock sizzled through every inch of her body. Lips ghosted over the back of her ear, his hot breath hitting her in low pants.

"I can't stop seeing you, Sakura, this can't end now…" his voice rumbled.

If she did not leave now, she would never be able to later. At the moment Sakura knew the choice she had to make, despite the pain she knew it would cause. With all the strength the girl could muster, the door was yanked open and shut in the latter's face, a heavy sigh escaping her as she leaned back against the now closed entrance.

"We both need time to cool off." She began as tenderly as she could, knowing he was fuming on the other side of that wall. "I'm not trying to hurt you," her voice faltered for a second, a sudden pain in her chest constricting, "I'm just trying to keep both of us from being hurt. So please…don't say anything to either of them."

Before she could say another word, the sound of his fist hitting the wall ripped through her thoughts like a knife; she did not stay for any other reply. With tears lining her eyes, she ran as far from that apartment as her legs would carry her. How could she have let it gone so far so fast?

A/N: Oh yea, I'm about to go there, and it's going to get pretty ugly.

Much Love,
