Forbidden Love

Chapter 1 Rewrite!!!!

After some much wanted and appreciated criticism I have decided to redo this story and this chapter. I want to say thank you for the reviews on the first draft of this. I really want to thank Disco Inferno1 for pointing out some stuff that I had not thought of when I started to write this. I decided to redo all of it and start over. I hope you all like it.

Summery: Alright the players are Ashlynne McMahon or Ash as her friends call her. She is 25 years old and is the god daughter of Vince and Linda McMahon. You also have Ashlynne's best friend Samantha Rodriguez. She is feisty and strong will and very good for Ashlynne. She will come into play in the next chapter and later in the story. Then you have Dave Batista he knew falling for Ashlynne was wrong and forbidden she was the boss's daughter and 23 at the time. And he was married but he couldn't help it. They fought what they were feeling till they couldn't any more. Finally one night they gave in. Dave's wife finds out. She tells Dave she is pregnant and if he wanted his child he will leave the WWE and Ash. He agrees because he can't face losing his child, but not before his wife tells Vince and all of the WWE why Dave was leaving and because of whom. Ashlynne is left to face the fall out of what happen. Now it is two years later and Dave is back in the WWE and Ashlynne is forced to be his assistant but Ashlynne is not the same Ashlynne, Dave left behind. Gone is the girl that loved life and loved to have a good time and the life of the party. Now she is cold and distant and just not the Ashlynne he knew. Can he help her before it's too late or will he lose the love of his life twice?

Ashlynne was late to meet her father. She knew this was not a good thing. You don't keep Vince McMahon waiting even if you are his child. Technically she wasn't really his daughter. She was adopted by him and Linda after her birth parents died when she was younger. But they were the only parents Ashlynne really knew.

For the past two years Ashlynne thought Vince hated her. That wasn't always how it was, he used to adore her but then she did something unforgivable and now he can't stand the sight of her. He has spent the last two years all but ignoring her or taking cheap shots at her. That is until recently when he found out what was really going on in her life and what she would put herself through just to make him love her again.

Now here she was fresh from a very long vacation and prepared for what ever he would dish out to her.

She looked down at her clothes and let out an audible sigh. She had on her favorite jeans that were ripped and falling apart, but she still loved them. She had on a red v neck top and her favorite leather jacket.

Her father would not be happy about the way she was dressed but she had come straight from the airport. There had been flight delay because of a snow storm. And after Vince had called and said he needed to see her, she had come straight here without heading home to change. She knocked on his door and then walked into his office when he said to some in.

"Sorry I am late Daddy. I got here as soon as I could." She said as she pushed a lock of hair behind her ear and sat down across from him.

Vince looked up at Ashlynne and sighed. She looked better a lot better then she did the last time he as seen her. She looked like she had been eating again. The dark rings under her eyes were gone and so were the bruises that had been on her face.

"It's all right Paul called and told me what was going on. I am glad you are here. I have a job for you." He said as he looked back down at his desk. He hoped he was doing the right thing. He had hurt her so much in the past two years. He hoped she would one day forgive her for the part he played in all of this.

Ashlynne sat there and looked at her father surprised. He hasn't asked anything of her since he told her that if she wanted to be part of this family again she would go out with Adam.

She wondered what this would cost her. She ran a hand through her hair and looked up at Vince with a sigh.

"What do you need me to do?" She asked him in a small voice. She was kind of scared to ask.

"I have a wrestler that needs an assistant." He told her as he sat his pen down and looked up at her. Again he could see the fear that flashed in her eyes. He closed his eyes for a minute to try and get rid guilt he felt over what she had been through.

"Ash I promise this won't be like it was with Adam. I will never do that to you again. If I had known he was beating you. I would have fired him and long time ago." He said to her as he saw her body tense up at the thought of Adam and what he did to her. He was sorry he forced her to start dating Adam. He thought it was the best after Dave left. Samantha, Ashlynne's best friend had tried to tell him that there was something wrong, but he wouldn't listen and it had almost cost Ashlynne her life. Adam has almost beaten her to death because of him.

Ashlynne didn't want to do this but then again she knew she could not be afraid of the other superstars for rest of her life. "Alright I will do this, but the first time he gives me trouble I'm done. You will have to find him a new assistant, deal?" She asked shoving her fear aside and trusting her father.

Vince sat back and smiled at her. "Yes and that is fine with me. When I have all the details worked out I will set up a meeting for you and him. Why don't you get out of here till then Go home and unpack, Mark, Paul, Jeff, John , Randy and Glen moved all the furniture into your new house while you were gone, all you have to do is unpack the boxes and put them way." He said as he closed the file in front of him and got up from behind is desk.

Ashlynne stood up and shook her head. "No I don't want to go home right now. Sammy ran into Jeff and is talking to him. I don't want to bother them. I'm just going to go up to the roof and enjoy the nice weather." She said as she got up and hugged her father just as Paul and Stephanie walked in with Aurora. They smiled at her as Aurora all but threw herself at Ashlynne.

Ashlynne laughed and caught her. "Hello princess." She said as she kissed her top of her head and hugged her.

Stephanie leaned against Paul and smiled at Ashlynne and Aurora. She was glad her sister looked more healthy and to see her smiling. "Ash it is so good to see you smile again." She said as she pulled away from Paul and walked over to hug her sister.

Ashlynne hugged her back. "It is good to smile and to feel safe." She said with a laugh as Aurora grabbed her hair. She took her hair away from her and handed her back to Stephanie. "I was just going to go up to the roof and enjoy the nice weather we are having. I will leave you two to talk to Daddy and will see you all later." She said with a smile as she left them and headed up to the roof.

She ignored the dirty looks she got from some of the Diva's, wrestlers, and other WWE staff. She was used to it by now. She climbed the stairs and walked out onto the roof, looking around with a smile. It looked like a huge garden up here and that's exactly what it was. Her mother had put flowers and benches up here for the WWE staff to use for their breaks. She smiled to herself at the memories of helping her mother plant flowers up her, as she walked over and sat down one of the benches.

Stephanie waited to make sure Ashlynne was gone and looked back over at her father. "Does she know who she is going to be working with yet?" She asked her father as she sat Aurora and herself down on the couch.

Vince shook his head. "No I was not sure how to tell her and I was kind of scared of how she would react." He said to her as he ran a hand through his hair.

Paul walked over and sat down next to Stephanie. "Does Dave know that she is going to be his assistant and does he know what happen to her after he left?" He asked him, he knew that Dave was not going to be happy when he found out what Ashlynne had been through or how she had been treated by everyone here and even worse the way her family treated her.

Vince sighed and shook his head. "No unless you have told him. He does not know what happen to her. All he knows is that she is going to be his assistant and that she got involved with Nick right after he left and that they are no longer together." He said as he smiled down at his granddaughter when she got off the couch and walked over to him with a smile up at him. "I didn't know how to tell him. I don't even think it was my place to tell him. If she wants him to know she will tell him. I am doing this because I think he can help her and I know she needs someone and after the way I treated her she won't let me in. I hope she will let him." He said just as there was knock on the door. Vince looked at his watch. "That must be Dave now." He said as he walked over to the door and opened it. "Dave come in, sit down please." He said as he looked from Dave to the little boy in Dave's arms. "And who this little man?" Vince asked as he smiled at the little boy what was in Dave's arm.

Dave looked down at his son and smiled. "This is my son and the reason I had to leave the WWE two years ago." He said as he looked up at Vince, Stephanie and Paul as they gasped at him. They didn't know his wife had been pregnant at the time. Angie would not let him tell anyone that she was pregnant. She wanted them to think that is was because of his affair with Ashlynne that he was leaving. He shook his head to rid his or those memories. He didn't want to leave the WWE or Ashlynne but he knew if he stayed Angie would have gotten an abortion. She had made that more then clear at the time it was either his child or Ashlynne and he wanted his child. So he had given up Ashlynne and left.

Now here he was two years later with his son. His wife was killed in a car accident a few weeks after there son was born. After she died he was going to return to the WWE but quickly changed his mind when he heard Ashlynne was dating Adam. The news hurt him just as much as the day he first left Ashlynne, so he decided to stay in Florida and raise his son. He needed him at the time after all he was the only family he had left.

He finally decided to come back when Vince called him and asked him to. He went into some details over the phone with him and also told him Ashlynne would be his assistant. That part was the only thing that worried him; he didn't know how she would react to seeing him again or how she would react when she sees his son.

Vince looked up at Dave, "Congrats on your son. He is a cute little boy. And in case you are wondering Ashlynne does not know that she is going to be your assistant. She is up on the roof if you want to go and see her." He said with a smile as he ran a hand through his hair, wondering if he was doing the right thing.

Dave nodded, "I might as well do it now and get it over with. What time do you want me here tomorrow?" He asked as he rubbed his sons back. He wanted to see Ashlynne, no he needed to see her. He had missed her so much over the last two years.

Vince shook his head. "Why don't you wait and stop in on Monday and see me. We can do all the paper work then. It is good to have you back Dave." He said as he sat down behind his desk.

Dave nodded and looked over at Stephanie and Paul. "We need to get together and have a cook out and play date." He said as he looked down at Aurora and smiled at her. They nodded at him and smiled as they watched him leave. Dave made his way to the elevator and got one. He ignored the gasps and looks people shot him. He pushed the button and headed up to the roof. He took a deep breath when the doors opened and stepped off.

His breath caught in his throat when he saw her. She had her back to him but he could still tell it was her. He sat down his son and just watched her. She must have really been deep in thought because he saw her jump and looked down to see that his son and walked over to her and held his arms out to her.

Ashlynne had her eyes closed and gasped when she felt the little hand on her leg she opened her eyes and looked down at the little boy staring up at her. He was so cute, he smiled at her and held his arm out to her and she fell in love with him right then and there. She reaches down and picked him up. He reached up and grabbed a lock of her hair and started to play with it. "You are so cute, what is your name, and who do you belong to?" She asked the little boy as he played with her hair. She turned her head and gasped again when she saw Dave standing there.

"His name is Christopher Michael Batista and he is my son and the reason I had to leave two years ago." He said as he watched them. Christopher still had a hand full of her hair and a huge smile on his face.

Ashlynne looked down at the little boy in her arms then back up at Dave. She stood up very carefully and walked over to Dave. "Are you real or am I just dreaming?" She asked as she reached out and touched him. She hoped to god that this was real. It sure felt real.

"Yes I am real and so is Christopher." He said as he reaches out to touch her cheek, he felt her flinch when he touched her and saw the fear in her eyes for a split second. He wondered what had happened while he was gone.

Ashlynne took a deep breath and closed her eyes and let him touch her for a minute then pulled back. "Let me guess I am your assistant. You are the new wrestler my father wants me to work with." She said as she fought not to cry. She wondered why her father was doing this to her.

Dave looked down at her. "Yes I am back and you are going to be my assistant if you are alright with that." He said to her as he tired to read her but he couldn't it was like a brick wall had come up all of a sudden and she blocked what she was feeling from him.

Ashlynne sighed and looked down at Christopher and smiled at him then back up at Dave. "I don't really have much of a choice. I told my father I would just make sure your wife stays the hell way from me Dave." She said as bounced Christopher on her hip.

Dave nodded his head. "You don't have to worry about her. She is dead she died six weeks after Christopher was born." He said to her.

She looked at him in shock. "And you are just now coming back. Why didn't you come back then when I needed you the most? Do you know what I have been through this last year and half do you even care?" She asked him as she handed him is son and left the roof before he could say anything else.

A/N: That is it for this chapter I really hope you all like it. As you can see I totally redid my plot and am trying something new. Please be honest with me and let me know what you think. I hope you like it. Please review and tell me what you think. I want to truth so please review, I live for them and you just might get a new chapter faster that way. I need to send a special thank you out to my friend Sammy. She is the person that Samantha will be based on. She is the one that tells me I need to let my meanness out and not let people walk all over me. She is also my beta for this story. Thank you Sammy for listening to me when something is bothering me and I needed someone to vent to. For letting me bounce story idea's off of you and for betaing this for me. Again please review I love them and they make my day.
