Disclaimer – All Twilight characters belong to Stephenie Meyer

Lizzie is an OC of The.Mormon.Nobody

Timeline: (Because I was confusing myself. ..)

Day 1 – Jake and Bella kidnapped

Day 2 – Jake and Bella arrive in Volterra

-Bella is bitten

-Alice calls Edward

Day 3 – Edward arrives at Bella's house

-Alice has Edwards suicide vision

-Edward fly's to Volterra

Day 4 – Edward arrives in Volterra

- Bella's 'transformation' is complete

Day 7 – Edward confronts Volturi


Bella's POV

Jake looked asleep when I woke up. He seemed warmer than usual, but it still felt good; better even. I was still cradled in his lap.

"You awake?" he was watching me, his eyes half open.


"Good." He paused. "Would you mind moving? You reek." I couldn't help but smile.

"You don't smell so great yourself." I retorted, noticing the smell, but I moved off to the opposite wall. "…so what should we do now?"

"I say we get out of here." Jake was staring into his lap, trembling slightly; suppressing the werewolf instinct to rip me to shreds, I assumed.

"I don't think I can go back." I sighed. Jake looked up at me puzzled. "Alice explained it to me a little bit once. If I were to hurt anyone…" I shook my head. "Anyway, things wouldn't go very well." I sat back and attempted to absorb what happened (none too calmly).

I was quiet for a long moment.

"Bella?" Jake sounded concerned. "Are you okay?"

"Just freaking out..." I said, my voice wavering

Why was I panicking now? This is what had I wanted not too long ago, right? It was what I wanted, but I only wanted it if Edward were involved; to be with him forever. "I can't do this." I muttered. I couldn't make myself consciously kill a human.

Some time later the door opened again, but there was no blinding light this time. I could clearly see the figure sanding in the doorway. See her and every stitch in her clothing.

She beckoned to me. With a final glance at Jake, who was watching me like he'd never see me again, I followed her out.


With in the next few days, I followed Lizzie, the girl who had taken me from my cell with Jake, around and learned the castle layout, and the way things worked. We were called the Volturi guard. Our job was to keep our existence a secret, and take down anyone who threatened that mission.

Lizzie and I became fast friends, she helped me cope with my situation, but I refused to drink human blood still. I had also told her a bit about myself – when she asked – and she told me about her human and vampire life – and her power.

Lizzie could manipulate people's minds. Make them think what she wanted them to, believe and say what she wanted them to. The only downside, she had to be touching the person for it to work.

Also, she was the reason we discovered my ability.

"When I touched you," she said, "I felt different; powerful. I could use my power without touching anyone. It was awesome. But different, because it was like your mind wasn't even there." My mind-glitch was still in effect.

"So, what do you think that means?"

"Well, maybe you can make someone else's power stronger...?" She had offered.

Later we had found out that I didn't just make others stronger, I could use their abilities too. The first time Aro had touched me was shocking. One second I was the only one in my head, the next, Aro and everyone in the castle and streets below had taken refuge in my mind. It was annoying, and I was only too happy when he let go.

Aro, of course, loved it. He said that it was exciting to go beyond what he could only do on his own.

But, at least he still couldn't read my mind.

Edward's POV

I paced silently and quickly around my hotel room, thinking.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. Why didn't Alice just stop calling? I pulled it from my pocket and tossed it onto the bed, where is continued to vibrate. I glared at it.

No doubt if I answered Alice would try to talk me out of this.

I had been here for nearly three days, and I knew what I was going to do; almost. I needed a plan in case Aro would not give me what I wanted. If he decided that he wouldn't want to upset Carlisle.

I had several ideas that I had settled on one or twice, but I couldn't make up my mind. One thing was for sure, I would have to expose the secret. That would get me what I wanted indefinitely.

Eventually, I couldn't stand to put it off any longer and left the room.

Alice's POV

Couldn't this plane fly any faster? At this rate we would barely catch Edward. So far I had seen him ask to die in a variety of ways. Also, every single one of his backup plans, in case Aro said no. It was all very annoying. And my annoyance was making Jasper annoyed.

I had been keeping an eye on Bella too, which was even more annoying than Edward. Bella kept disappearing. What was that girl doing? I hadn't seen her get bitten, but now she was one of us, working under the Volturi.

Eventually the plane landed, but Edward had already asked Aro. I calmed down once I saw Aro telling him no.

"We don't have a lot of time. We have to get to him before his does something stupid." I growled to Jasper. Emmett, though he had wanted to come, stayed back to tell Carlisle when he came home.

"What's he doing now?" Jasper asked.

"Sifting through his backup plans; he hasn't made up his mind yet."

Bella's POV

"Bella!" Lizzie came running up to me. "Come on. Someone is here." She said excitedly, pulling on my sleeve. "He wants to talk to Aro."

"So what? You want to go watch?"

"No. We're not allowed to watch." She said as if it were common knowledge. "I want to go listen."

"You don't need me, to eavesdrop."

"Oh, just come on." I sighed and went with her.

Once outside the antechamber where Aro met with visitors, we stayed quiet and listened. Aro was already speaking.

"...not something you see everyday. A suicidal vampire." He chuckled slightly. "I do understand your reason for doing this, but I think that you should think this through a little more."

"I have thought about it." That was Edward's voice. Edward was trying to commit suicide? Why the heck would he do something like that?! Aro just had to say no. Or maybe, I could make Aro say no. I grabbed Lizzie's hand and concentrated on Aro's mind.

"If you're positive," Aro began to say, and then paused as I worked Lizzie's magic. "No," he said suddenly, his tone final. I grinned in relief, having never used Lizzie's power before. I released her hand, she was unusually still.

Edward was begging now. I listened to the sound of his voice, memorizing it. My memory and delusions were way off. It was much better than either.

It occurred to me that Edward should have seen me in Aro's thoughts, if he thought about me. Could Aro possibly guard his thoughts that well?

Despite Edward's pleas, Aro would not budge. Eventually, he apologized for wasting Aro's time and stalked out of the castle like an angry cat.

Lizzie dragged me away before we got caught.

"Who do you think that was?" Lizzie asked me once we were far enough away not to be overheard by Aro. "And what were you thinking, attacking Master Aro like that?" She demanded, turning on me. "That gave me the heebie-jeebies, you know, having you control me." She muttered.

"That," I explained slowly when she had finished, "was Edward."


R&R!! It keeps me going. XD

I love to hear what you guys think and your ideas. :)

Special thanks to everyone who gave me suggestions for Bella's ability. But after all, I went with my original idea, seeing how it's not the most original power out there. ;)

And an extra special thanks to Eddysgirl for Lizzie's power. :)

And to The.Mormon.Nobody for letting me use Lizzie.


Okay, time to get caught up on my homework. Fanfics are so distracting.