"Are you sure this is going to work?" Zack, my 15 year old brother asked.
Zack is an underachiever and wanna-be Goth.
"I'm certain! I am a genius you know." My 10 year old cousin, Alex said.
Alex is an egotistical preppy, who thinks that just because he's in my grade (which is 11th), he's the best thing that hit the planet next to Starbucks and McDonalds.
"Well, when you guys are done with your little science project, tell me. Because is if no one else has been able to pull off a true virtual reality game, then what makes you guys think you're so special?"
"Because you've got me." Alex flashes a half-grin.
"It won't be long before we're actually INSIDE Kingdom Hearts! OMG! I can't wait!" Zack squealed in a hysterical, infatuated way.
"But first you have to shut up and hand me that screw driver!" Alex said mockingly, in an equally hysterical, infatuated way.
"I think you should stick around for this Jess. It's almost complete. We've spent our whole Christmas Vacation working on this thing…with thankfully no disruptions from Mom or Dad. It was genius to convince them to go on that Disney cruise to Alaska." Alex did a silent applause.
"Correction. If this thing gets screwed up, and ends up destroying half the house, your spring and summer vacation is on the line, not mine. And lastly, number two, I had nothing to do with Alaska if previous statement happens. I have my own plans. And they don't include cleaning up your mess."
"I love you too!" Again with the sarcasm.
"What's family for?" I smiled warm-heartedly and left the room.
"You know she wants this just as bad as we do." Zack whispered just as I stepped out.
"One more adjustment…time to check the computer. Computer adheres to our new virtual reality software. We're connected to the internet. Let me check to see if everything has the right settings…tweaking…and Voila!
Now, here's a brief explanation of everything we've set up. Just in case anything goes wrong, you need to know how to work this thing. I made it really straightforward for you newbies. It was hard enough to change all the settings and controls on your laptop, so pay attention.
We have the receiver rug, the laser cannon, and receiver plates that are on the wall. Here is the re-programmed Kingdom Hearts 2 disk, which is compatible with the .YXL files-"
"Whoa! You're confusing me…" Zack said.
"The laser cannon is that camera-looking thingy that the bright light comes out of. To beam something into the game, just place the object on the shiny mat, adjust the camera, and press Enter.
Our re-programmed copy of Kingdom Hearts 2 allows us to extract the characters or worlds from the game, and bring them here. Or it can allow us to enter the game, and interact with the characters. I also invented these mini remotes by customizing our Ipod nanos. Just press the center button, and you'll return to the real world. Unfortunately, re-programming our Ipods took up so much space that we won't be able to play music on them anymore."
I think Zack was reaching for the keyboard, because next thing I knew I heard him scowling and Alex preaching that the balance of the world "rests in his hands".
Since Mom and Dad had assigned me as their temporary guardian (more like baby sitter), I decided to stroll in to see what the dweebs were up to.
"Its 4:52am, are you guys finished yet?"
"Now we are." Alex said.
"Alright…so let's experiment. Who are we going to sap in first?" Zack clasped his hands.
"We can't experiment with living things yet! We start off small and work our way up." Alex looked impatient with Zack's immaturity.
Well, I couldn't blame Alex. Sometimes the kid thinks that drenching yourself AXE is a good excuse not to bathe (Oh, and by the way, coming out with AXE disinfecting spray didn't make that situation any better! Thanks a lot AXE for giving guys across America just one more reason not to bathe at least every other day! Thanks!)
"Awww…I thought we were going to sap Jess in."
"Zack, put that cup at the center of the mat." Zack did as Alex asked.
"Here's everyone's protective glasses…" We put on the gear.
"Positioning camera…" Alex muttered.
Alex typed a few more things in then said, "Alright guys, this is it. Here we go!"
"WAIT!" Zack interrupted.
"DUDE! What's your problem?! I told you to go to the bathroom BEFORE the final moment!" Alex yelled.
"No, its not that! Let's do a count-off! You know, like they have for New Years?"
"Is he joking? He's not joking. Did your mom drink while she was pregnant with him?"
"Can we please get this over with already?" I asked.
"Alright. 1.…………2.…………3!"