Kay, here comes a totally un-sexy update. D: I am none-too-proud of this one, guys. Be prepared Dx.

In an otherwise empty apartment, a confused blonde laid on his bed, a blanket covering his entire self. The room itself was a mess, clothing and various school items strewn about on the floor. He sat up, bringing the blanket down with his arms, his hair a mess and eyes tired. What was he doing?

He turned to hop off the bed, feet hitting the cold cement floors. That was regretful. Walking into the kitchen, he cleaned up a few ramen bowls, placing them into the sink before looking at the time on the microwave. It was nearly six. He then looked at the calendar on his fridge. He'd missed work three days now. They had probably fired him already, and he refused to listen to the new message that was blinking on his phone across the room. His only regret was that he hadn't gotten his paycheck first.

And envelope on the floor caught his attention, red letters scribbled on the front read "Resident, #35." He ripped it open and read it, throwing it on the kitchen table as he left the kitchen. He didn't have time for that right now. He went to his room and got his book-bag. He might end up working on that project at some point. He put his shoes back on and made to exit, taking one more glance at the letter on the table, and going over the words again in his mind, even as he drove in his car.

"Your rent is overdue. Please pay within five days, or you will be evicted. –Landlord."

Kiba was sitting absently on his couch, staring at the TV, which was off. He didn't know what he was doing anymore. He had essentially just begged –begged—a boy to return to his home. He had never done that. Even with the girls. They were usually the ones all over him, not the other way around.

"What the fuuuuck." He threw his hands over his face. "I can't let it be like this." He took several breaths. He wouldn't let him have it this way. He'd be his usual self. But wait… what if Naruto didn't like that? He'd already said he thought he didn't feel anything, and that was why he left. How could he show him he did feel something, without being such a… such a girl about it?

He allowed himself to fall sideways onto his couch; hands still covering his face, until, in the silence, the sound of a car came to his ears. A sudden tightness in his stomach made him sit up. "Oh god… I'm nervous." The door opened and closed and there was silence once more. He stared out the window, waiting for the image of that boy to pass through the panes.

When he saw the blond go by the window, he stood quickly, right hand going to his mouth in a fist, left hand in his pocket. He let out a breath as a knock came at the door. He slowly approached the door, ready to burst from nerves as he grabbed the knob and opened it to the solemn face of Naruto.

Naruto had tried his best in the car to stay calm, to put on a small smile, but it was harder than he had thought. Nerves and the thought of being homeless all clouded his thoughts on the drive to the brunette's home. How lucky he must be, to have had everything given to him.

As he faced the taller male in the doorway, he could actually smile a bit. He seemed to forget about things when he was around Kiba, as cliché as it seemed. The dorky grin on Kiba's face didn't lessen that one bit, either. They stood there for a minute or so, awkwardly staring as Naruto noted Kiba's blank and open-mouthed expression.

"Are you going to let me in, or just stand there?" Naruto asked, feeling stupid standing outside the door. Kiba shook his head vigorously. "Yeah, yeah. Come in." He stepped aside, both hands now in his pockets as he followed the blond to the couch. He'd brought his bag and laid it on the couch arm. Did he really want to... study or something? Kiba hoped not.

He stepped up behind Naruto, fully ready to tell him that he wanted him to stay. "Naruto, I – ." When the blond abruptly turned around to face him, his eyes flew open in shock, he had been prepared to talk to the back of his head, not his face. "Never mind." He looked around a bit. "I uh… didn't really have anything planned for today. I just wanted you to uh… wanted you to come back over." Naruto blushed and turned around. He wouldn't be so easily convinced, and didn't want to have Kiba see him blushing.

"Well… I'm here so what do you want?" A warm hand was felt at his right hip, gripping firmly. His mouth opened as his breath hitched in his throat. His arms were crossed over his chest and he felt a body against his own. Somehow Kiba only had courage when Naruto couldn't see his face. A second hand was felt on his other hip. Kiba's chest was felt moving against Naruto's shoulder blades, the ripples of his stomach evident against his lower back.

"I just wanted," his voice was getting lower and more seductive, "you." A chill ran down the blonde's back as the words ran across his left ear, warm breath trickling along his skin as they flowed from the male behind him, a lip running along his ear softly. Kiba was attempting to work his magic, as he had done to many before, and it seemed to be working, as the smaller boy arched into him slightly. His hands moved beneath Naruto's shirt, running lightly along the bones of his hips, lifting his shirt gently. Naruto uncrossed his arms slowly. He lowered his head and turned to face into the chest of the taller, lifting his arms as he removed his shirt.

Naruto pressed himself into the brunette. He ran his own hands beneath his shirt, feeling the muscles of his abdomen, something so unlike his own feminine and flat stomach. Kiba's shirt was soon removed as well, and Naruto still hadn't taken his eyes off of the spot on his chest he had decided to stare at. A hand was placed under his chin and lifted, bringing pale lips to meet with elevated pinks. Kiba's tanned skin tone held contrast to Naruto's only in the color of those soft lips now pressed against his.

It began as light kisses as eyes closed, Kiba's hands moved to rest lightly on the top of Naruto's rear, thumbs resting on the top of his pants, and Naruto's moved to linger around the taller male's shoulders as he pulled himself up into his lips, deepening the tongue-less motions they were engaging in. Soon the wet pink muscle of the taller male ran lightly across Naruto's lips and into the warm cavern of his mouth, his own tongue rising to the occasion and creating a fluid motion of tangling and wrestling between the two mouths.

Kiba's hands slowly moved to below Naruto's small round behind, grasping firmly and lifting him off the floor. He opened his eyes and broke the kiss, moving to the blonde's neck to nip and suck at the tender skin there as he carried him to his bedroom and the blond wrapped his legs around his middle. The door was shouldered open and kicked shut as the two entered the room. Naruto was dropped onto the bed with the brunette between his legs still, and attached to his throat.

Soft noises from the smaller male egged on the animal within Kiba. Soon his long canines ran along Naruto's skin in a rough yet gently manner, bringing a pleasurable pain that produced a light moan from the uke. Kiba smiled as he pulled back, stopping inches from the blonde's skin before trailing pecks down the shoulders, stopping as he came to one pink peak upon the male's skin, trailing his tongue around it before taking it into his mouth with a light suck, causing Naruto's hands to grip his shoulders as he began to breathe heavier.

Naruto's mind was completely blank as he allowed the male to ravish him. He was satisfied to simply lay here, taking all that the larger would give him, but small thoughts etched at the back of his mind slowly as things began to progress. Did he want to sleep with him? Someone he had only known for a short while? His thoughts were totally interrupted, however, when teeth latched onto the tortured nipple lightly, and pulled a bit from his body. The feeling was arousing to say the least, and he found his hips thrust up onto the male above him.

Soon Kiba's face was over his once more, and the two stared at each other with glazed and half-lidded eyes, awaiting the next movement. To Naruto's surprise, he was the one to make the first move, and it was a daring one to-boot. His hands lowered to the button on his new seme's jeans, sliding beneath the denim as he watched for reactions in his eyes. The lids lowered a bit more when his fingers ran along the skin of his upper groin, and Naruto could feel the tightness in his own pants increasing every second, more so now that he was in such an intimate predicament.

The soft sound of a button popping produced a sign of relief from the male above him. Naruto had released some of the pressure those pants had been causing to the swollen member beneath. Kiba's eyes closed as Naruto's hand lowered, reaching to lower the zipper as well. The zipper was done with quickly. That sound was rather awkward in slow motion. A heavy breath was released as Kiba's thin boxers popped out, his excitement clearly evident as it smacked against Naruto's own pants. His eyes wandered down to peek at what had been released. Even covered in the boxers, it was a monster.

Soon hot lips were pressed against his own as he felt the male above him removing his own pants. Now jeanless on top of the blond, Kiba pulled back from their kiss to move and lay back against his headboard, a pillow behind his back for comfort. He lay half-up with the large tent in his pants clearly visible with his legs spread slightly. He raised a hand to beckon Naruto over to him. Naruto knew what was desired from him, but wasn't sure if he was ready for it, or if he was even any good.

Regardless, he crawled over to the male and sat on his knees between his legs, looking down at the area he was about to be in. He brought his hands to the top of Kiba's boxers and began to lower them. Suddenly, though, Kiba's hand was raised, catching his right arm so he couldn't move it. He sighed as he leaned his head back onto the headboard, looking at Naruto with soft eyes.

"I can tell you've never done this before. The size of your eyes right now gives it away." Naruto was suddenly conscious of the fact that his eyes were nearly bulging from his skull. Kiba sat up a bit in his boxers. "If you don't want to yet, you don't have to. I don't want to feel like I'm forcing you to do things." Kiba had never once uttered anything of the sort to anyone he was fooling around with. It was new for him to actually… care about what the other person was prepared or not prepared to do. "I'm a little, pushy, and I get out of hand." He let go of Naruto's arm and leaned back. "Your choice. Do what you feel you can."

Naruto looked down. Time for a decision.

Kay. You guys choose. Do it? Or not do it? And, if they do it, would you have them continue to the final act (;3)? Or would you have them stop at that and I'll uhh… try to add more fluff and plot? xD

Sorry that was a shit chapter :]