The blond pulled the black comforter over his head. He didn't want to go to school today. And truthfully, He didn't really have to. He had no parents, no authority to make him do anything. He just… did. Not that he did well by any circumstance; he was never really very good at school, neither in the social nor academic aspects of it. One might guess it was a matter of pride. To show he wouldn't give up on things like some of his classmates had in junior year, dropping out to begin careers. Whether he did well in it or not was not the matter. No, it was the fact he was trying. He really did try, no matter how it may seem. He studied, he stayed after. He just couldn't get it. At the least he was passing, and he would graduate next semester at the bottom of his class, but he was graduating. The social aspect of his life was a mystery. He really was a very nice person, but he didn't open up much to people, and people didn't really come up to him to start anything either. He didn't really… look like the rest of them. You can guess, but it was money. He had to pay for food, his apartment, and all the senior payments he had. Cap and gown, etc. This left him with not a lot left over for things like clothes, fancy watches, and the sort. He did have a few pieces that were worth something though, like the necklace he always wore. One of his previous teachers, whom he had viewed as a mother-like figure, had given it to him on his sixteenth birthday. Of course, he had no intention of selling it, and didn't know the worth of it anyways. He also had two mismatched earrings he wore everyday on his left ear. In the cartilage was what looked to be a swirl-y red marble (that seemed to actually swirl) hanging from a small gold chain, and the other was a black diamond stud, both of which he had found while rummaging through a burnt down house years ago.

The alarm across the room went off. "God damnit…" he sighed, having shot up in surprise at the sound. He lay back down with his arms sprawled out and closed his eyes. "Another boring day at school. At least I got photography this year." He stood up from his bed and gave a big stretch, moving to open his window. "Damn. And it's such a nice day, too." He looked at himself in the mirror and removed his shirt, looking at the intricate swirls on his stomach. He liked it, he just wished he knew what it was. He shrugged and looked at the rest of him. "I need to start working out again." With that he did the usual morning things, brushed his teeth, taking careful measures not to cut himself on his abnormally long canines, combed his hair, not that it mattered, it was a spiky mess anyways and that's the way he liked it, and finally got dressed into his normal school attire. A long-sleeved striped t-shirt in dark gray and burnt orange and the only pair of jeans he owned, which were fitting and faded to a light blue. He grabbed the keys to his craptastic car and a bowl of instant veggie ramen on the way out and started on his way to school, which he was late to already.

He was lucky, the late bell was still ringing when he pulled into his assigned parking place and the teacher was nowhere to be seen when he slipped in through the door. He was on his way to his back row seat when he heard a voice.

"Late again, Naruto?" He turned to see his homeroom teacher, Mr. Hatake or, as everyone just called him, Kakashi, looking right at him. His head was just barely visible above his desk and Naruto wondered what he had been doing under there. "You really need to find a better sense of time. You haven't been on time at all this year, and it's only been three weeks." He stood up and pulled his teacher chair over to him, picking up the book that was lying open on it and beginning to read. "Sit down and try to be on time tomorrow."

Today was the deadline for changing schedules. Naruto had worked very hard to get switched out of his lame computer applications class to something more enjoyable, photography. And he was pretty happy about that. Today was the first day he would he in his new class. He was a bit nervous, having never switched before, about the fact that he would be introduced in front of the class, but it was worth it. He could get an A in this class; he'd been taking pictures all his life. He had no real memories of his childhood, so he never wanted to forget anything. He didn't want to forget his apartment, so he took pictures. He didn't want to forget the lizard he found on the sidewalk, so he took pictures of it. He didn't want to forget his family, but… he had no pictures of them. What used to be his plain old boring bathroom was now a dark room with all his developing needs. He worked at a camera store as well, and got his supplies discounted greatly. He used black and white, not only because it was cheaper, but because it removed the imperfections, leaving only the beauty of the subject. Which is something Naruto loved… removing imperfection.

The bell rang for first period and everyone picked up their stuff and began to leave. Naruto was the last one out the door and before he left, he looked back at Kakashi, who was still reading his book intently, and turned up the corner of his lip in a small smile, thinking of his teacher. He had had Kakashi as homeroom teacher all through high school, and Kakashi was always there for him, like a father he never had.

"A-104… A-104…" Naruto repeated this in his head while he walked down the hallway to the classroom. He'd hate to walk into the wrong room. How embarrassing. He blushed a bit just thinking about it.

He finally reached his destination, noting how close it was to his homeroom. He was the first one here and he wished he didn't have this class first period, but it couldn't be helped. This was the only class with an opening. He looked around at all the black-top tables. He had to sit with other people in this class… lovely. Four to a table it seemed. He walked to the back table and sat closest to the wall, pushing his chair backward to he could rest his head on said wall. He closed his eyes and listened to the clatter of people entering the classroom and placing their things. He hoped maybe he could make friends with at least the people at his table. When the final bell rang Naruto opened his eyes, looking at the ceiling, then pulled his head from the wall to look at his tables other occupants. Two guys and one girl. Now he just needed names. He smiled a little, actually showing teeth, and received the mixed reviews of a happy wag-your-tail greeting from the boy across from him, and simple I-don't-really-want-to-be-here nod from the boy on his left and a cute little I'm-really-shy wave from the girl on his right.

"I'm Naruto." He said trying to keep his smile.

"Kiba." The boy across from him said in his raspy man-voice. He looked like someone Naruto could get along with. His hair was messy as well, though a little less of a controlled mess than Naruto's, and he wore a dark gray long sleeved shirt and thin black jeans. Naruto didn't know why, but his stomach felt a bit weird looking at him.

"I'm… Hinata." The girl said, looking down with the deepest flush of red across her face. It was cute, but Naruto wondered if she was gonna be okay. He mouthed the words 'Is she gonna be okay?' to Kiba and he gave a small nod.

There was a few moments silence and Kiba spoke up again. "And this is Shino. He hates everybody."

"I don't hate everybody, Kiba. Why do you always have to make it seem like I'm so angry all the time…" The other boy said finally, lifting his head to look at Kiba.

"I just never see you with a happy face around other people."

"I have happy faces." He gave an awkward smile and Naruto laughed. Shino quickly turned his head to look at Naruto, this time missing the awkward smile. "You think my face is funny?"

Naruto looked at Kiba, who was chuckling. "A little…" Kiba broke out into laughter at that and spoke for himself.

"It's not your face really… Just… your smile. Ha-ha." Kiba laughed a bit more and gave a little 'whew' when he had finished. Naruto decided he could get to like this table.

The teacher finally walked in the classroom and put her camera and her notebooks down onto her desk. "Class, welcome back. Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Now if you'll remember from last week, I told you we would begin taking pictures today, so I hope everyone remembered his or her camera." Naruto was glad he always brought his with him, or else he wouldn't have his today, because he could not have known. He pulled his out of his book bag and placed it on the table. The rest of his table pulled out theirs as well, all of them newer models than his own and in much better shape, but he loved his camera. "If everyone would please stand up in an orderly fashion, we'll head outside for our first photo shoot." The class stood and followed the teacher out the door at the back of the classroom which led to the back of the school. Nothing too fancy, but there were some nice trees.

Naruto immediately headed for the middle of the trees and sat, looking at the leaves around him. Then he looked up to see Kiba, Hinata, and Shino all walking behind a trailer. He got up and walked over to see what they were doing. Apparently they didn't really have much intention of taking a picture. Kiba said something along the lines of "I have no inspiration here" and lit up a cigarette, something that Naruto had always found sexy, and of which he occasionally partook. He found himself liking his new acquaintance even more. The smell when the boy exhaled was very nice, smoky yet nice. Naruto pulled his camera up to his face and took a shot of Kiba holding the cigarette to his lips and looking down at the ground as he played with a rock with his foot. Kiba looked up at him and chuckled a bit, blowing smoke out with the laugh.

He flicked it to the ground after taking a long last puff. "So, you doin' anything today?"

"Me? No. I don't usually do much of anything. I live alone so there's not much to do. And I don't really… hang out with people much."

"Really?" He said, a little surprised. "You should come chill with us sometimes. We're not exactly the most popular people, but I think we're pretty fun." He gave a chuckle. "If you can find what we do fun."

"What do you do?"

"We uhh… watch TV?" He smiled from the corner of his lips, showing his long canines. Naruto didn't know why, but this guy seemed really hot to him. He continued to stare at the boy in front of him with all of his attention, losing track of the things they did as he listed them. "That's really it…" He finished.

"Sounds good." Naruto said, "I'll hang out. When do you want me to?"

"We're going to my house tonight. Hanging out in my room. You can come there." He reached into his pocket and pulled out an old receipt and a sharpie and wrote his address. He handed it to Naruto and he shoved it in his pocket, not even looking at it.

"Class! The bell is about to ring. Please go back inside and pack your things to head to second period. The four of them headed for the door and when they got inside packed their things. Kiba sat on the table and looked at Naruto. 'I could do this kid.' He thought.

The bell rang and Naruto rushed out of the room to his second period, sat down, and pulled out the receipt. Bakersfell… That's where all the rich people live. Naruto looked up from the paper. He was becoming friends with a rich person?

Yeah… not really sure where this is going. I just started writing it. Any comments? Concerns? Anything for the good of the Order?

Just tell me what you think. Hah. Honesty is the best policy! If it sucks I'll take it down. It's probably gonna end up being a Kiba – Naruto story… which is what I wanted… but… should I have started them off being closer than this? I dunno. You tell me XD I can… pick a new theme or something haha. Never really written a high school fic before. Sounded fun oo