Here it is, folks

Here it is, folks! The moment you've all been waiting for! Chapter 14! The super denouncement for ANCIENT is finally here! I'm sure all of you who were reading my story figured out who the head leader is, but there are still plenty more secrets you don't know that'll be revealed in this chapter! There are more secrets that I haven't stated in the end of Chapter 13. So get ready! Lets begin!

The head leader had finally taken his helmet off and his real face was finally present for everyone to see!

"…No…" Jessica couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"It can't be…" Harry couldn't believe it either.

Brock, Ash, Roark, May, Max, and Roark were in complete shock as well.

His true identity revealed the same man that would almost always not be there for Harry and Jessica anymore, the same man who barely ever did anything at the house but would be down in his lab and do research, the same man who was said to be a really great trainer, and the same man who is really Harry and Jessica's father…Mr. Zeriman!

Harry dropped down to his knees.

"This…this has to be a dream, an allusion…something…" Jessica says.

"Oh…my…gosh…" Max's eyes widened.

"He was the head leader all along…" May says.

"But…why…" Ash said.

"…How could this…?" Brock said.

"But…that's my…" Roark was getting ready to confess something.

"Dad…you…were the head leader all along…?" Harry asks him.

The now unmasked head leader says nothing all he does is nod.

Harry and Jessica begin to sob deeply.

"But…why…?" Jessica says as her eyes watered.

"I thought it would be much later the next time we met again…brother…" the head leader ignored her for a moment and talks to Roark.

"WHA?!" Everyone except for the head leader and Roark exclaims.

"James Zeriman…hello brother…" Roark says to him.

"Roark Zeriman…long time no see, brother" Mr. Zeriman replies to him.

"Head leader! You never told us you had a brother!" Erick says to him.

"None of you ever asked" Mr. Zeriman replies to Erick of The Reincarnation.

"Brother…?" Ash says.

"If Roark really is our father's brother than that makes him… our uncle…" Jessica says.

"My My…I'm learning plenty of things today…" Giovanni watches and listens to everything.

"Why dad…why…?" tears begin to roll down Harry and Jessica's eyes.

"You all really want to know why I've become this…? And Harry and Jessica do you both want to now how your mother really died? Then listen to my story…" the head leader begins to explain to everyone why he became the head leader.

The Reincarnation members already knew why but they decided to listen anyway. So does every single member of Team Rocket. Here's a flashback of everything he says, it's a long story.

Fifteen years ago. One night in a huge grass field as Mr. Zeriman as a younger man spars with his master, the spirit of Trilomite Island.

"Heradici! How was that?" Mr. Zeriman asks the spirit of Trilomite Island as they return their pokemon after a spar pokemon battle with him.

"Fantastic, you've grown much stronger you know, you'll make a great mortal protector of this island, maybe when you die you'll come back as a spirit like me, it turns out there's really nothing else left to teach you…you're my accomplished apprentice, you haven't really gotten to my level of my skill yet but you'll get there" the spirit who's name appears to be Heradici says to his young pupil.

"Thank you so much, I have to go back home now master, maybe tomorrow we can have some more one on one training" Mr. Zeriman says to his teacher.

"Okay, and I'll always be glad for you keeping alive that I was made in the ancient times when I was really made after I died during the times people ruled, well, they still do" Heradici says to him.

"I'm glad to hear that, and I will fulfill my goal, to be the next protector of this island!" Mr. Zeriman says to his master.

"And your dream will come true one day, I'll see you later then, James" Heradici says to him but suddenly calls him to say something else to him.

"Yes, master?" Mr. Zeriman says to him.

"You are a great and proud young man, knowing a lot about earth's early life, you'd make a great paleontologist and I can't wait to see your two new children when their born" Heradici says to him.

"Thank you again, I study paleontology everyday and don't worry, you will see them" Mr. Zeriman says and the two depart for the night.

Mr. Zeriman returns back home and changes into his nightclothes and heads into his bedroom with his wife who was lying on their bed.

"James, you're finally back" James Zeriman says to Sara Zeriman as he gets in bed with her.

"And I'm glad too, let me see the children again" Sara agrees to let him see their children as she shows him her big stomach with their children inside.

"You still haven't decided what were gonna name them" Sara says to Mr. Zeriman.

"Well…it's a twin brother and sister so…how about Harris and Molly?" Mr. Zeriman suggested.

"I don't think I like those names so well for them…how about Terry and Brandi…? No…something else…" Sara said and then decided no.

"We'll still have time to think, lets get some sleep" Zeriman and Sara kiss each other goodnight and go to sleep.

The next morning they both wake up, and got ready for another day.

They both sit in the kitchen and have breakfast until all of a sudden Sara felt the babies getting ready to come out and it was time to go to the hospital!

She was sent into the hospital and into the operation room and got ready to give birth.

The process took hours and Sara holds on to his husband's hand and squeezes it to show all the pain she was going through.

"Come on, Sara… you can do this…" James gives her faith and he and the other doctors who were there helped to push.

The girl baby had finally come out and everyone was filled with joy after seeing this.

"My My! It's a girl!" the doctors said as they picked her up and she started crying.

Sara still felt pain, she was now giving birth to the boy!

"I got this, Sara…just keep pushing, don't give up…" James gives her more support.

"I see the head coming out" one of the doctors saw the head of the baby boy during the birth process.

After a while the baby boy was finally born and it was finally time to answer the question the doctors were going to ask them.

"So what're you two going to name them?" one of the doctors asks them.

"Oh yeah, we still haven't thought of the names we were going to give them" James said.

"I thought of it, why don't we call the boy Harry and the girl Jessica" Sara was saying to his husband.

"Hmmm…they don't sound bad at all, all right, Harry and Jessica it is" James decided to let them be called that.

"The umbilical cords, here are the scissors" the doctors give James scissors to cut their umbilical cords.

After the babies have finished being tested and when the doctors finished everything they had to do with them Sara and James left the hospital with their two new children.

It was now a few months later and James goes to his brother's house for a visit with him.

People were helping Roark take out stuff from his house and into a truck to be sent to the new place he was going to move to.

"It'll be about a week now until I move to Sinnoh, how are Harry and Jessica?" Roark says to his older brother.

"They're just fine, how are you're pokemon?" James replies.

"My Cranidos, Geodude, and Onix are doing great, I need to kick up my training with them though" Roark explains.

"I see, how's about I help you take out the stuff in your house? And later we can go out and get ourselves a bite to eat" James speaks.

"Sure!" Roark agreed and they both along with the people who were helping take out all of the stuff in Roark's house for a day's work.

They later go out to the city and eat at a restaurant close to the beach.

They sat and ate outside at the café as they talked about plenty of things.

"I'm gonna miss this place" Roark says to his brother.

"Please come back and visit" James replies.

"So anyways, I understand we now plenty on paleontology, especially pokemon paleontology but wouldn't you want to at least want a water type prehistoric pokemon?" Roark says.

"Like Omastar and Kabutops?" James says.

"Yeah, or like Relicanth?" Roark says.

"Now that you mention it, I was studying Relicanth and they had really interested me" James said.

"That could be like your special pokemon, just like Cranidos is mine" Roark says.

"I'll have to think about that, lets go out on to the beach and watch that wonderful sunset like we used to do when we were kids" James says and the two go to the beach near the ocean and stand there to watch the sunset.

Things were going by so fine and peacefully until a group of bad people came to the two and spoiled the good moment.

"Ah James, long time no see eh?" the leader of the big group of people said as he gave him an evil grin.

He had a black shirt on with tattoos on his arms and around the back of his head.

"Coley…what do you want…?" James had a mean expression on his face when he talked to him.

Coley and James went back in high school when Coley would always pick on James because he was a nerd at his school.

"Why the mean face for? It's been so long and your still mad from all the times I bullied you back in high school? Let it go already" Coley said to him as he still continued to grin.

"Leave me alone" James said to him.

"That's not what I planned on doing" Coley replies.

"Then what do want…?" James asks him.

"To relive the good old days after how long it's been, it's been a while since I've kicked your ass" Coley answered.

"Please…I don't want to fight…" James says to him.

"Whoever said you were gonna fight? You're just gonna be a good guy and take your beating" Coley says.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Roark was always gonna be there to defend his brother.

"Boys, beat that guy down for me" Coley says to his guys and they started to gang up on Roark.

"No! Please!" James wanted them to stop.

The guys started beating on Roark as there was no way he could take so many guys all by himself.

"Stop this now!" James runs to the boys who were beating up his younger brother and was going to back him up until Coley stopped him.

"Oh no you don't, you're fighting me" Coley gets ready to fight James.

"Please…couldn't we have a pokemon battle instead…?" James reasons with him.

"Sorry, I prefer fighting, fight me or I'll have my boys kill him" Coley then punches James in the face and he falls down into the sand.

James really got angry as he got up a swung a powerful punch to his face and the fight begun.

James kept punching and just wouldn't stop, Coley dodges one of his hits however and jabs him in the stomach. James was stunned from he blow.

"Temper Temper, you still have that anger problem don't you? That'll make this fight sweeter" Coley flips over and he falls into the sand again.

James gets back up and Coley lands some mad hits to James.

The guys had finally finished beating up Roark and helped Coley against James. Roark was just a minute away from losing consciousness as he was laid out in the sand bleeding from his mouth and nose, had severe bruises all over him, a black eye, and a two broken teeth.

One of the guys holds James from behind so their gang leader can hit James without him guarding.

After he finished beating him, the person lets go of him and he falls to the ground, getting ready to lose consciousness.

"James, this'll always happen to you because you're a loser, your weak, and the only way you'll ever get out of that state is by becoming like one of us" Coley grabs hold of his head and speaks to him while he was still conscious.

"James…don't listen to him…" Roark speaks to his brother in his darkest hour.

"Shut up and go to sleep!" one of Coley's guys kicks Roark's head and he was finally unconscious.

"You've been beaten by me all the time in high school because your also too damn soft, forget about all of the things you care about and care only for yourself. Love yourself from now on. Do bad things cause that's when you'll really be respected. Being good and nice makes you weak. Let your hate mix with your evil in side you and you'll become something that'll bring fear into anyone's hearts. Do something that'll make you like a tyrant to all. That's when you'll stop getting your ass beat all the time" Coley finishes what he says to James and lets go of his head and falls face down into the sand.

"And kill someone you really love is another way…do something like this too and you'll no longer be weak, smell you later, James" Coley and his gang leaves the two as they leave the beach.

James listened to everything that Coley said and it really got into him, he then faints.

It was almost an hour that passed and James slowly wakes up. It was already nighttime.

James spots his brother still fainted and picks him up and leaves the beach.

He drives him to a hospital and doctors started to work on him right away and he drove home.

He dosen't say anything, he had a frown on his face and unlocks the door to his house.

"Oh my good! James, what happened to you?!" Sara saw his beaten body and looked terrified.

"Nothing, I want to be left alone" James didn't smile at all like he usually does when he was with his wife and when down to his downstairs lab.

James sat down in a dark room in front of his desk with only a lamp on for a source of light.

He was remembering what Coley had said to him and he was already to starting to change.

When Sara and James slept that night James refused to say anything to her, he wouldn't hug or kiss her either.

The next morning when Sara woke up she noticed James wasn't in bed with her, she then went downstairs and saw him at the door with his brother.

"Thank you for sending me to the hospital yesterday, James, I feel so much better now" Roark said to him.

"Yeah…sure…whatever" James said with a frown and then slams the door in Roark's face and gets ready to get in the shower.

"James, what was that for?" Sara saw what he did.

"Something you don't need to know" Roark heads to the bathroom.

"I'm really sorry about that, Roark, I don't know what's up with my husband" Sara comes to the door and opens it and Roark was still there.

"What's wrong with James?" Roark asks her.

"I don't know, he's been like this ever since last night when he came back home, do you know what happened to him last night" Sara knew there was something wrong with James.

"Me and him were beaten up by this big group of guys" Roark confesses to her.

"Oh my goodness…" Sara felt bad for what happened.

"Well, I'm getting ready to leave Trilomite tomorrow, could you tell him that, please?" Roark wanted Sara to tell James that he is going to move from Trilomite tomorrow.

"I'll be sure to tell him that" Sara tells Roark and he leaves.

James was already in the shower and Sara tells him while he was in the bathroom.

James heard her but he didn't respond. Sara then leaves to check on the children.

James had already finished taking his shower, when into his downstairs lab and put on a long white lab coat, fancy dress pants, leather shoes, and a mask and left the house soon after.

He went into the city and bought lots of explosives at a store and was getting ready to go on a murderous frenzy.

He carried the explosives in a big suitcase and marked a big bar as his first target.

He looked into the bag and picked out a sphere detonator bomb.

He turned it on and threw it to the building and it exploded destroying the bar.

Lots of people saw what happened and news people arrived at the scene and video taped James.

James fled from the scene and wasn't done yet.

He managed to escape the news people and go inside of a building and started to plant bombs in every floor and when he left he started to walk away with a remote in his hand.

He pressed a button on it and the whole building exploded! Debris came everywhere and as the building was falling down it started to catch flames and when it hit the ground, it caused another big explosion that spread to other buildings causing them to be destroyed.

The news people caught up with him again and this time he stayed there.

"This is Norris Beckner here showing of a masked bomber that is destroying the buildings of Trilomite Island, he appears dangerous and he is to best be stayed away from!" one of the news reporters on the scene said and everyone who was watching on TV saw James but they didn't recognize him.

"Die" James then threw a grenade at the news people and when it exploded it took their lives in the blast and he leaves.

Back at the Zeriman house, watched it on TV and he knew it was James!

"That lab coat…that voice …James!" Sara was giving Jessica and Harry their milk and saw him on the news on television. She was able to mainly recognize him because of his voice and she runs to the phone.

He calls Roark by phone to come to the house to take care of the babies while she was gone. She knew she had to stop him.

Roark had finally come to the house and was at the door.

"Roark, can you please watch over my children while I'm gone? This is something really important I have to attend to" Sara asks him.

"Sure" Roark agrees to do so.

Sara returned her Dewgong that was enjoying itself at a pond that it froze and gets in her car, drives into the city and looks around for James.

Sara keeps driving until he saw James just blow up a convenience store and she got out.

"James! Why are you doing this?!" she talks to his newly changed husband.

James flees into a forest and Sara runs after him.

James runs and runs and soon stops when Heradici appeared before him.

"I don't know who you are but you're madness ends here!" Hereadici begins to take a pokeball out.

James pulled off his mask revealing himself to his master.

"It can't be…" Heradici was in complete shock after finally seeing that the masked bomber was really his own apprentice.

"Zeriman…why are you doing this…" Heradici asks him.

"There was really no other way I could get real power…unless I go on and do stuff like this…I'm getting tired of being the weak one, now I'm going to rise above all of you…Now I'm going to be the strongest…being good will make you all soft…being bad is what destroys your weak side and replaces it with great power…Now I'm going to be the strong one, my goal is to no longer protect Trilomite Island but take it over now and I want all the people that live here gone, so master, stay out of my way" Zeriman explains to him.

"So you think the only way you can obtain real power is by destroying city property and taking innocent lives?! What happened to your dream of wanting to protect this wonderful island? Why would you even think this way?!" he tries to reason with his apprentice.

"I could do worst things than this, and my dream of wanting to protect this island is just gonna let people know your too soft and weak so that dream has flown out the window, and I was told how I can really be respected and get real power so I can stop being a loser, now stay out of my way, master" James says to Heradici.

"You know something, you just proved yourself to be a weak person, by actually listening to what other people say and change because of it, your weak to words that aren't true at all, so if your going to continue this madness I'll have no choice but to stop you" Heradici continues to talk.

"Master! Stay out of my way! Tyranitar! Earthquake!" James sends out one of his pokemon and had it devastate the ground with great intensity and power! Tyranitar's Sand Stream ability caused a sandstorm.

Many parts of the ground popped up from the broken crust and dust and dirt was everywhere making it hard to see.

Heradici was not affected at all by the attack since he was a ghost and nothing can touch a ghost.

James returned his pokemon and fled while his master couldn't find him.

"Oh my god! What's going on?! James…what's happened to you!" Sara saw what happened from a distance and was getting ready to enter the scene where the crust had been cracked open.

"I thought the prophecy was true… people by the last name of Zeriman would be the next people to protect the island…I guess…the prophecy was wrong…" Heradici disappeared from the scene when he couldn't find his apprentice after the dust had been lifted.

Sara was on James tail as she kept running after him.

James had put his mask back on and he finally exited the forest and it was a dead end, he was on top of a giant cliff that was at the ocean 600 below.

Sara had finally caught up with him and wanted to talk to him.

" James, why are you doing this" Sara had water in her eyes getting ready to roll down.

"You don't know who I am…" James tries to hide his true identity.

"You always wore that same lab coat and I know that voice from anywhere" Sara walked closer to him.

"No…stay back…" James crept a little bit backwards.

"I want to see your face…" Sara finally comes to him and slowly pulls off his mask revealing James face.

"Please James…please tell me why you're doing this…I must know…" Sara asks him.

"I…I'm getting tired of being the loser…doing the bad…is what's gonna keep me from being that …I've been…too soft…had to get harder…stronger…I'm getting so tired of me always being the one…beaten…" James talks to his wife.

"No…I know you're not like this! You're a nice man! You never ever took the desire to do stuff like kill innocent people!" Sara replies.

"Caring for myself from know on is going to make me into a better person…being bad…is now taking my happy place…I'm no longer the loser…" James keeps talking to her.

"Care for yourself…does that mean you…don't love me anymore…" Sara finally had tears coming down her face.

"I…don't… I do…I…" James found it hard what to say.

"What about the children?! I thought you were really happy to have them! I thought you loved them! You said you wanted to raise them into great grown people!" Sara started to get mad.

"I do…but…" James says.

"But what?! Now you don't care for the children anymore?!" Sara started to get madder.

"They mean plenty to me…" James says.

"I'm not sure about that anymore!" Sara yells at him.

"I wanted to give you an opportunity to join me, Sara…we could rule this island together as one…and our children could perhaps be the next ones to rule after we die…" James says.

"Why the hell would I want to do that?! I'd never want to do that! This island is my home and it's yours too!" Sara yells out.

"And I thought we were going to live happily ever after as a ruling couple…" James anger mixed with his bad side started to get the best of him again.

"James, I'm not gonna let you keep doing this!" Sara says.

"Then you are my enemy…" James started to come closer to her.

"Hey…stay away…" Sara tells him but James still comes closer towards her.

"I said stay away!" but James still continues to come closer to her.

"Heracross!" Sara sends out the Single Horn pokemon.

"Mega Horn!" Heracross gets ready to ram James with its horn.

James sends out the Armor pokemon and it grabs onto the horn to keep it from hurting its trainer.

Tyranitar punches Heracross with a hard hit to the face while it held on to its horn and Heracross fell to the ground with its horn broken off. Tyranitar's ability caused another sandstorm.

"Oh no!" Sara shouts after seeing what Tyranitar did to her pokemon.

"Brick Break!" Heracross comes at Tyranitar getting ready to hit it like it was going to take down a wall.

Heracross misses and just when Heracross was going to steer clear of Tyranitar it grabs its legs and is thrown into the ground with great force breaking the Bug/Fighting pokemon's wings.

"Let's finish it, Rock Slide!" Tyranitar picks up big rocks and threw them in a way to which slid in a line and Heracross was caught in the attack.

Rocks were covering most of its body but you could see the legs and arms and on top of the body was a big rock, Heracross was crushed by them…it was dead.

"No!" Sara felt really bad seeing this and James finally got to her after returning his Tyranitar and they were very close to the ledge.

James put one of his arms out getting ready to grab Sara.

"Don't touch me!" Sara pushed his arm and took one step back and she fell off the cliff except she was able to save herself by putting a hand on the ledge and she just had to pull herself up.

James places his foot on Sara's hand and he began to press on it. Sara was beginning to lose her grip.

He remembered what Coley said about killing someone that he loves and he was intending to do so.

"What're you going to do to the children…kill them too…? You've become something that the people on this island hates and fears now…" Sara says.

"No…" James good side began to come back only slowly.

"Now no one's ever going to love you…like I did…you're a bad person now…and no one's safe with you…" Sara continues…"

"NO…" James good side was starting to remerge at least for a short while.

"You know what you've become now…you've become…a monster…" Sara goes on.

"NOOOOOO!!" James finally lost it and slips Sara's hand off the ledge and he began to fall 600 feet down!

"AAAAHHHHHHHH!!" Sara screams, as she knew it was now her end.

"Harry…Jessica…I hope…you two will grow up to be fine young adults…and I hope…if you two don't die…you two can stop you're father…stop him from what he has become…" Sara says in her head as some of her final words.

She was getting closer and closer to the water.

"I…I'm sure there's still good in him…somewhere…I just hope…you'll be able…to turn him back into the man…he used to be…I pray this'll happen…If that cant happen…" Sara continues to speak in her mind.

"…He has to be stopped…one way…or another…I just have this feeling that…he's going to become something even worse than this…this may just be the beginning…of a whole new evil within him…" She continues.

"What?! Oh no! Hang on, Sara!" James good side finally kicked in and he tossed out another one of his pokeballs releasing an Aerodactyl.

"Fly down there and catch her!" Aerodactyl was flying down as fast as it could to catch her.

"He's trying to save me…there's still some good in him…but it wont make it in time…Harry…Jessica…I love you both…" Sara finally hit the water in a big splash.

Landing in water from such a great height feels just like landing on concrete and she had died from the great impact.

James returns his Aerodactyl and falls to his knees and begins to cry.


"What…what have I done…? She…she was right…I've…I've become a monster…" James stands up.

"Don't feel bad, you did great, don't feel bad for yourself, we all had to feel emotional pain before we became what we are now, right boys?" a familiar voice had come from behind James.

"Right!" the whole gang yelled out.

"We saw the whole thing…we were back in the city and we saw all the destruction and murdering you caused…Heh Heh Heh…you're becoming what you've been destined to become…Heh Heh…you've already gained full respect from all of us" Coley said to him, he and his whole gang was there and they saw the whole thing.

"Destined to become? What?" James asks him as his bad side started to remerge.

"You said your dream is to become the ruler of Trilomite island right? Well that's something that you wont be able to do by yourself" Coley tells him.

"I'm listening…" James says.

"It seems your destiny is to be part of a great team of evil…and you're the leader it…together with your team, you'll be able to take over this island with an iron fist! Fear will strike the hearts of millions by your power and your team. It'll be like the reincarnation of something of great evil that had died out long ago…" Coley says to him.

"Reincarnation…hmmm…I have it…The Reincarnation…that's what I'll name it…" James begins to think about forming a team.

"But…you…you've made me done bad things and I'm starting to like that…but you've also done bad things to me…things that would seemingly never go away…" James thinks of all the bulling that Coley has done to him and all the beat downs he's received by Coley especially the one he's received the other day along with his brother.

"And your gang was part of it…yesterday…" James sends out his Tyranitar.

"James…what're you doing…?" Coley was started to get worried.

"Coley…I thank you for what you turned me into…but it turns out because of what you and your gang has done to me…you all…will die…Hyper Beam…" Tyranitar fires a beam of incredible power and it killed every member in sight! Only Coley and eleven children that were farther away were left standing.

"Please…James…I…just didn't want you to be a loser…" Coley pleaded to James.

"It's too late, Coley…about thirteen years to late…die…" Tyranitar fires a Hyper Beam at Coley and his blood was everywhere showing nothing but his death. Now there was no one left except for the eleven children.

James stares at them with him now evil eyes and the children froze in fear.

James comes closer to them and the children started to creep back.

"You children weren't part of the gang when they beat on me and my brother…should I spare you or shall I make you die like the others…" James says to the children.

"Please! D-Don't hurt us!" one of the children said.

"We're just little kids…" another said.

"We had to join because our mother's and father just had us join today since they were gang members" they continue.

"Then all are starting to become like what the other gang members have become…and like me…so you all care for yourselves…so you don't care if your parents were killed…am I right…?" James asks them.

"Yes!" the children answer.

"Hmmm…then I guess I can spare you all…hm? Those are pokeballs…I'd like each one of you to state your name and the pokemon you have" James noticed their pokeballs and wanted them to pronounce their names and pokemon.

"I'm Horiak and my pokemon are Cubone, Shellder, and Dratini" one child says.

"I'm Laruso and my pokemon are Trapinch, Growlithe, and Elekid" another says.

"I'm Severin an ma pokemon are Lotad, Whismur, and Voltorb" another one says.

"I'm Jeffery and my pokemon are Wevile, Treecko, and Gastly" another one says.

"I'm Sherry and my pokemon are Skitty, Venomat, and Azurill" another one says.

"I'm Erick and my pokemon are Scyther, Electrike, and Beldum" another one says.

"I'm Judy and my pokemon are Smoochum, Clamperl, and Oddish" another one says.

"I'm Eddie and my pokemon are Aron, Pineco, and Houndour" another one says.

"I'm Jazzie and my pokemon are Ponyta, Chinchou, and HootHoot" another one says.

"I'm Freddy and my pokemon are Teddiursa, Squirtle, and Makuhita" another one says.

"I'm Daniel and my pokemon are Magby, Swinub, and Geodude" another one says.

"I see…all eleven of you…I was thinking of having a team of pokemon trainers…and with the proper training, you all will be very strong trainers…so…would you like to join…?" James asks them.

"Yes!" They all say feeling excited.

"We have nowhere else to go anyway" they agree to come with James.

"Then you all will for now on be my pupils, I'll raise and train you all as if you all were my own…we will soon be a team…a team that'll be known throughout everywhere on Trilomite island…The Reincarnation!" James says to them and he just remembered about his wife.

"Aerodactyl! Get her!" He sends out the Fossil pokemon and James has it get Sara out of the water.

Aerodactyl does and brings her dead body back up to dry land, it is returned back into its pokeball afterwards.

James takes of his lab coat and dries Sara off with it and she was now mostly dry.

James and the children heard people in the woods coming and it was time to leave.

"Come with me!" James and the children flee from the scene and there were police officers at the scene now that come from the woods.

"Oh my good…it's a giant group of dead people…there's blood everywhere…" one officer says.

"Look over there! There's a body that dosen't have blood on it!" an officer Jenny spotted Sara's dead body and the police came to it.

"Have any idea how she died and who did this?" Jenny asks the other officers.

"Nope" another officer gets a body bag and puts her in it and they dispose the rest of the bodies sooner after.

James and the children were finally at his house and when he unlocked the door and got inside, Roark was there with Harry and Jessica.

"James, you're back, your wife left to get something done, she wanted me to take care of Jessica and Harry while she was gone" Roark says to him.

"Thank you, you can leave now, she'll be back momentarily…" James had that frown again at Roark.

"What's with the children?" Roark asks him.

"Don't worry about them" James says.

"Well, I leave tomorrow to Sinnoh please send letters and whatever to me, I'll miss you, good bye" Roark then leaves the house.

James looks at Harry and Jessica and was thinking about what Sara was saying to him about them before she died.

"The least I can do for them and Sara is raise them too…but…I can no longer care for them…just like these children…but must I have to if I'm going to raise them?" James says as he was still willing to raise Harry and Jessica.

"Now then, your training begins…now…" James was getting ready to send the children outside so they can get ready for their training.

Meanwhile, in an underground hideout Heradici was very frustrated of what James has now become and he searches around for more steel writing of the Trilomite Island prophecy.

"There has to be more…" Heradici sends out his spirit pokemon Relicanth, Omastar, Kabutops, Cradily, Armaldo, and Aerodactyl and have them use Ancientpower to move away more rocks to find more ancient writing about the prophecy.

After moments there was more writing found! Heradici begins to read it:

The two Zerimans who confront the evil are aided by two more people that come to the island and with all four together, they will triumph over the evil and peace will be restored to the island.

"The prophecy may be true after all! Two more people will help them huh? I see…Then who could the two Zeriman people be if its not James and Sara? Hmmm…wait…those two babies…could it be…? They are the other two Zerimans…of course…Harry and Jessica are the ones who're going to bring peace back to this island…" Heradici finally realizes that Harry and Jessica are the saviors of the island and the next protectors of Trilomite Island.

"If I train them when they get old enough and they have pokemon of their own I don't think I should tell them about all of what happened…it'll be revealed to them at the proper time" he says.

The flashback is now over.

"And that's the whole story" James says after concluding his story.

"That's terrible…" May said.

"So you really listened to what he said to you?! So that's why you acted so strangely" Roark said.

"You're a terrible man for all you done!" Brock says.

"I couldn't believe you would be so obsessed with getting power to which you would kill your wife! That's just cruel!" Max says.

"And I thought you were a nice person" Ash said.

Harry and Jessica stayed completely quiet hiding their look from everyone after listening to their father's whole story.

"So you were the one who killed mom…you lied to us about her being killed by a viral heart disease…you never cared about us at all…for you being the head leader all along and you being responsible for killing so many people…I…I CAN NEVER FORGIVE YOU!" Harry yells out at his father.

"There…are other ways you can be stronger besides being evil…many other ways…you really have become a monster…going against your own master…killing your own wife…what do you think you are?! But now that we have you where we want you…IT'S TIME WE'VE PUT AN END TO THIS!" Jessica yells out.

"Then let's get started with this battle" James goes to a high cliff and the family battle begins!

This is it! The final showdown! The final battle against the head leader was about to begin!

"They're really mad now" Ash said.

"Let's wish them good luck" May said.

Before the battle got started, a news helicopter was there and the whole battle was being recorded.

"Wailord" James sends out the Float Whale pokemon.

The pokemon was brought into the water and the first match was going to happen there.

"This is for mom and everyone you've killed!" Harry and Jessica were ready to settle the score.

"Go! Meganium! Go! Glalie!" Harry sends out the Face pokemon and Jessica sends out the Herb pokemon. Meganium stayed on land and Glalie floated above the water.

"Ice Beam!" Glalie fires a beam of ice at Wailord.

"Razor Leaf!" Meganium tosses sharp leaves to Wailord.

"Go underwater and use Water Spout!" Wailord dived from the attacks and came back above and released an incredible amount of water from its hole on top of its body.

Tons and tons of water rained down and hit the two pokemon!

Glalie shots another Ice Beam at Wailord but it dives underwater to dodge the attack and reappears below Glalie and gives it a massive Double-Edge that gave Glalie plenty of damage.

"Razor Leaf!" Meganium tosses more sharp leaves at Wailord but it misses and Wailord jumps onto the dry land where Meganium was.

Meganium managed to run out of the way but the impact when it hit the land was so great that Meganium felt the magnitude and fell to the ground, it was now vulnerable for attack as it was having a hard while getting back up so it can move out of the next attack's way.

"Ice Beam!" Wailord fired a big beam of ice at Meganium.

"Protect Meganium!" Glalie got between the Ice Beam and Meganium and emitted a shield around its body to prevent Meganium from getting hit.

Meganium slowly manages to get up and move out of the way and Glalie does the same thing and the two pokemon were safe.

Wailord jumps up into the air again trying to hit the two pokemon but it missed again and Wailord manages to drag itself back into the water.

"Man…we can't even touch it…" Harry says.

"There's gottta be a way to get it…wait…I got it!" Jessica whispers in Harry's ear the plan and the two get started with it.

"Razor Leaf on the clouds! Have some of the sun's energy come down on us!" Meganium fires sharp leaves into sky to the clouds so there will be some sunlight reaching down onto the battlefield.

"Crunch!" Glalie tries to crunch Wailord with its teeth but it missed as it dived underwater and it used Water Spout underwater creating a giant barrage of water above the surface and Glalie was caught from above it and it received massive damage from the powerful water attack!

It was enough to make it faint and it fell into the water unconscious! Harry returns the pokemon back into its pokeball.

"He's stronger than he looks! He managed to make one of their pokemon faint while the other members couldn't!" Ash said as he had been surprised.

"Your better than I expected, dad! But it's not over yet! Kingdra! Go!" Harry sent out the Dragon pokemon.

"Solarbeam!" Meganium began to charge up its energy from the sun for the attack.

"Hydro Pump!" Kingdra and Wailord use the move at the same time and the two move collide with each other.

Kingdra and Wailord push with all their might and the attacks were way powerful, the two strongest Hydro Pumps ever seen!

Kingdra tries as hard as it can to push it to Wailord but Wailord's Hydro Pump was just so strong it was nearly impossible to push it to Wailord and Wailord was slowly winning the struggle.

"Try to have your Kingdra to hang in there, it's almost ready!" Jessica says to Harry.

James saw what Meganium was trying to do and wouldn't allow it, so he had Wailord stop it's Hydro Pump and use Body Slam on it.

Meganium knew that if got out of the way it would lose all of the energy it gained for the Solar Beam so it couldn't move.

"Ice Beam!" Kingdra jumped above Wailord and fired an icy beam on Wailord coming down and when Wailord hit the ground, it couldn't move because of the ice. Kingdra landed back in the water.

"It's done! Now, Solarbeam!" Meganium fired the powerful beam at Wailord and it was a direct and critical hit! Wailord had been defeated by Meganium and Kingdra's teamwork.

"That wasn't bad at all, you two have really improved, its been a very long time since I've been this excited…lets continue with this, Aerodactyl!" the head leader returned Wailord and sent out the Fossil pokemon.

"Hyper Beam" Aerodactyl fired a very powerful beam of energy from its mouth and Meganium almost got hit by it, when it hit the ground it left a humungous crater where it hit!

"Go way up into the air and do multiple Hyper Beams!" Aerodactyl flew very high in the air and kept shooting Hyper Beams at the pokemon.

They try their best to avoid the beams, the last beam managed to hit Meganium and it fainted immediately.

"He managed to beat one of my pokemon! He really is stronger than the other members! Go! Milotic!" Jessica sends out the Tender pokemon.

"Now descend and use Wing Attack!" Aerodactyl comes back down and it was very fast when it did it and it was coming at the two water pokemon.

"Hydro Pump!" the two pokemon use it at the same time and they almost hit Aerodactyl except it disappeared into the wind because of its incredible speed then reappears behind the Kingdra and Milotic and manages to strike the two with its wings.

"Ancientpower!" Aerodactyl attacks the two with rocks that it lifted with an ancient power and it delivered some hard damage!

"Hydro Pump!" the two pokemon used it again and Aerodactyl disappears into the air again and as it reappeared behind them, Aerodactyl blew hard with its wings and the two pokemon got slammed into the ground when they got onto the land.

"He's harder than I thought he was…" Jessica said.

"We can't stop now, we've made it so far! Besides, its two against one!" Harry says.

"I just thought of another idea!" Jessica whispers the plan in Harry's ear and they began to get started with it.

"Twister! Combine together!" The two got into the water and the two formed a giant waterspout that was over 160 feet tall!

"Make more of them!" The two made more of them, there were now twelve twisters in all and the two were in one of them.

The twisters circled around Aerodactyl and they closed in on it!

Aerodactyl was caught in the twisters and when it was forced out, the two pokemon got out and were above Aerodactyl and it was trying to get its balance back so it can fly perfectly.

"HYDRO PUMP! TWIN COMBINATION!" Milotic and Kingdra fired a Hydro Pump together and combined the two together creating a massive Hydro Pump which did hit Aerodactyl with extreme force as it was enough to send Aerodactyl to the ground with a big BAM!

Aerodactyl had now fainted and James returns it back into its pokeball. Kingdra and Milotic managed to land back into the water safely.

"That was excellent teamwork, I've never had such a great before, but this last pokemon I've been saving for last…this one will finish you all off! Go! Tyranitar!" James sent out the Armor pokemon. It's Sand Stream ability caused a big sandstorm to emerge.

"Hydro Pump!" the two pokemon jumped out of the water and fired two large volumes of water at Tyranitar but Tyranitar moves away from the attacks and when Kingdra and Milotic landed back to the ground it used Earthquake!

The ground was now being devastated and Kindgra and Milotic were caught in the attack! The attack had enough power to make them both faint at once! They both fainted and Harry and Jessica were down to their last pokemon.

"No! We both just have one more pokemon left! If we don't win this last round, we're done for!" Jessica said.

"We can't lose! We've made it so far! We can't stop now! We're not about to lose" Harry said as he began to send out his last pokemon.

They returned their pokemon and sent out their last two pokemon, Charizard and Ninetails.

"Fire types, just one Earthquake will take them both out! Earthquake!" Tyranitar used Earthquake again.

Charizard grabs Ninetails and flies into the air making them avoid the Earthquake.

Charizard drops Ninetails and Ninetails shots a Flamethrower at Tyranitar from the air.

The attack misses and Tyranitar fires a Hyper Beam at Ninetails.

Charizard catches Ninetails and avoids the attack and the two fly in the air, safe from Tyranitar's Earthquake attacks.

"Jessica, remember that move we've been saving?" Harry asks Jessica.

"Yeah, we're at a disadvantage point since we can't really land any hits on it but this super new move we made outta work" Jessica said.

"CHARIZARD! NINETAILS! FIRE TORNADO!!" Charizard and Ninetails engulfed fiery aura around themselves and they spun really fast creating a flying twister of fire!

"Man! Those two think up the most awesome combo moves ever!" Max says.

The tornado now came zooming straight down at Tyranitar and it was getting ready to hit!

"What the?! I've never ever seen a move like this before!" James was amazed at what the two did.

It was going to be difficult to dodge such an attack like this so Tyranitar had to take it the attack so it puts its two hands in front of the attack to grab it in order to stop it.

The fiery twister hits Tyranitar and when Tyranitar attempts to grab it Tyranitar was spinning along with the twister as the vortex was way too strong to stop.

The twister and Tyranitar finally collided with the ground and created a big fiery explosion! There was black smoke covering the area afterwards.

When the smoke cleared, Charizard and Ninetails were lying on the ground injured from hitting Tyranitar's hard body and Tyranitar was slowly getting up after the fierce attack as it had burnt marks all over its body. It was really damaged from such great attack and just one more could've taken it out.

"Finish them, Earthquake!" Tyranitar was getting ready to finish the twp fir pokemon with one last Earthquake.

"Their too injured to get up!" Ash said fearing that the head leader was now going to win.

"I can't watch!" May ran into Ash's arms and squeezed him tightly when she closed her eyes tightly seeing that it may be the end.

"This looks like the end!" Brock says.

"This can't be how it ends!" Max says.

All hope seemed lost until Ninetails and Charizard were able to get up a little, they still had some energy left!

"Did you see that?! Come on let's finish it, sis!" Harry said.

"You said it!" Jessica said.

"OVERHEAT! BLAST BURN! HEAT STORM!!" while the two laid down Charizard and Ninetails temperatures began to rise extreme numbers and fire started engulf both of them.

"THIS IS THE END!!" James yells out.

Suddenly, the whole battlefield exploded in a giant explosion of fire! It was an attack never seen before by anyone!

The explosion had finally cleared and the whole battlefield was now in flames! Tyranitar was standing next to the two injured fire type pokemon and flames was all over it.

"Heh Heh Heh, my Tyranitar can't succumb to anything like that" James says.

It seemed as if he was right until Tyranitar fell to the ground unconscious.

"What?!" James couldn't believe it.

"YESSSSSSS!!" Harry and Jessica screamed out.

"It…it can't be…the head leader…lost…" Laruso said.

"No one's ever beaten the head leader before…" Freddy said.

The head leader and Harry and Jessica returned their pokemon and the battle was now over.

"You two…actually…beat me…I never thought I'd ever lose to my own children…" the head leader couldn't believe he lost.

"But this story won't in a happy ending" the head leader puts hit helmet back on.

"Creatures! Kill those seven now!" he orders the monsters in the sea to come out and kill Ash, Brock, Harry, Jessica, May, Roark, and Max.

Ancient sea monsters ganged up on the seven and they were going to kill them.

Police helicopters finally came and officer got on the island and started shooting at the creatures killing everyone that ganged up on the gang.

"The police!" Sherry said.

"You all except for the seven over there are under arrest!" officer Jenny said to The Reincarnation and Team Rocket.

The head leader was going to escape to the ship with his members until Kyogre came from nowhere with a giant sea monster's long neck in it's teeth and slammed into the island making it shake violently.

"It's Kyogre!" Ash yelled out.

The head leader was on a cliff and the violent shaking made him fall off and into the water where there was another sea creature with massive jaws waiting for it.

He fell into the water and the monster takes a big bit e out of him and drags him deeper and deeper into the water and his blood was now showing on the surface of the water…he was now dead.

"Mother…I just hope where ever you are now you can finally rest in peace now that dad has been stopped for good" Jessica says.

"The finally mom and dad are dead now, who're we going to go to now?" Harry said.

"Well, I'm his brother and I'm old enough to be your step father so I guess you two can live with me from now on" Roark said to the two and they were delighted to come with him.

Team Rocket managed to get to their ship and helicopters and manage to escape but The Reincarnation couldn't and they were finally arrested.

Kyogre managed to kill off all the sea creatures, Rayquaza killed off all the sky creature and the trainers back on Trilomite island kill off all the land creatures.

More police helicopters came and they sent The Reincarnation to jail back on Trilomite.

"We got the whole things on tape! You two were awesome! Please, all of you, tell me your whole story against The Reincarnation!" the news reporters tell our heroes.

Our heroes tell them everything and the storm was finally over, the sun was finally shining again.

Our heroes are now sent back to Trilomite and their all given a celebration party from the whole city in success against The Reincarnation.

They were all given medals. Max, Brock and Roark were given bronze medals, Ash and May were given silver medals, and Harry and Jessica were given silver medals.

All the people who survived the whole monster invasion cheered for them and gave them a big thank you for their hard work.

After it was all over Ash, May, Brock, and Max were getting ready to leave to their ride back to Hoenn on a cruise ship but first they had to say good bye.

"Good bye, all of you, I hope to see you all again someday and Ash and Brock, I have this feeling that we'll meet each other again someday" Roark says good bye and he has this picture in his mind almost as if he could see the future an image of Ash and him battling him in his gym in Sinnoh. This image does become a reality and he later meets up with a new friend named Dawn and makes a new rival named Paul when he goes to Sinnoh.

"Thank you for all your help! We could've never beaten them without you! Please come back and visit!" Harry and Jessica thanks Ash and May for helping them in their battle against The Reincarnation.

Ash and the rest of the gang said good bye to Roark, Harry, and Jessica.

They enter the boat and they now leave back to Hoenn.

The spirit of Trilomite Island appears in the air and he was happy.

"I knew they could do it, now peace has finally returned to Trilomite Island, I hope you all farewell…" the spirit now disappears.

On the boat, May and Ash were finally in a cabin together in a bed with all of their clothes off except for May's bra and panties and Ash's boxers and May was laying on top of him. They finally did what they were going to do back in Chapter 7 with no one stopping them this time and it was finally a happy ending. THE END.

The story is done. Finally! I spent a lot of time into the chapter. I hope you all loved this story. It has now come to a close! Thank you all for reading my story and I'm thinking about making a brand new story and it's about Star Wars! Everyone! Have a great Summer!