Disclaimer: I don't own anything from the Covenant. I can try. I have tried. It didn't work. Wa! :(

Ok, I am so sorry! I know that teaser was pretty much torture, but I didn't get enough time to write a full chapter for Steven's bday. I know I completely freaked a lot of you out, but listen to me: go read the second sentence. Go on. See? Can I have my head back now? In a kind of sick, twisted way, it was funny reading all the outraged reactions. But, I hope you all can find it in your hearts to forgive me!

PLEASE RR!! Please!! We're gonna make it people! We can get well over 100!! Whoo hoo!

How could… Reid sat up slowly, massaging his neck. It wasn't possible…

Okay. Get yourself together Garwin. First things first, you're alive. Well, of course you're alive; YOU didn't say the fucking words… Oh. Shit. Oh no – shitshitshit!

Reid whipped his head around frantically and spotted Rebeka's strawberry-blonde hair. He ran jerkily towards the color, past Chase, who was unsuccessfully trying to roll onto his hands and knees.

Reid fell to his knees once he reached Rebeka's body. "Bek! Bek, don't do this to me! Come on baby!" He gathered her in his arms and rocked back and forth, tears stinging in the gashes on his cheeks. He pressed his face into her soot-covered hair.

Footsteps crunched in the broken debris. "She did it, didn't she?" Tyler's voice rasped, full of pain. Reid didn't have to look to know that his friend also had tears streaming down his face. Tyler sighed angrily. "I told her not to, Reid, I tried to…"

"I didn't think… that was possible…" Reid whispered.

"No one did Reid." Tyler knelt down next to the broken couple.

Groaning came from behind them. Reid's eyes flashed black, and Tyler could almost feel the dangerous anger rolling off him in hot waves.

Suddenly, Reid forced Rebeka's limp form into Tyler's arms and pushed himself up. He stormed over to Chase's groaning figure and roughly kicked back on the ground. He fell to one knee and grabbed two fistfuls of Chase's shirt, lifting him off the ground. "What. Did. You. Do." Reid growled, emphasizing each word with a violent shake that made Chase's head snap back each time.

"Nothing," Chase whimpered quietly.

"Yes you did!" Reid roared, the fiery circles sparking in his eyes. "She's gone – she's gone and it your fault!" Reid threw Chase to the ground.

Chase coughed as the breath was knocked out of him. He glared at Reid, and then his eyes grew wide. "No," he muttered hysterically, "no, it's not possible! What did she do?!"

Reid narrowed his eyes as he watched Chase's panicked monologue. "What the fuck are you on about?"

"My – my Power…" Chase grabbed at his chest, and then looked at Reid with fearful, blank eyes. "It's gone…" He looked as if he was about to pass out.

Reid spun around. "Tyler –?"

"I heard!" Tyler called back, his expression puzzled. He looked at the girl in his arms. "What did you do to him?" he asked quietly.

There were moans and coughing, other than Chase, starting up around them. The others were beginning to regain consciousness now that the spell Chase had used to keep them knocked out was gone. They staggered and limped their way over to where Tyler was kneeling. Tears started to fall silently down Sarah's and Kate's faces when they saw Rebeka in Tyler's arms. They sought the comfort of their boyfriends, who just stared at the two scenes in front of them; Tyler and Rebeka, and Chase and Reid.

"What happened?" Caleb croaked.

Tyler shook his head. "She… she willed her gift – her power to him. He's Powerless, Caleb. She did it."

Pogue's jaw dropped. Sarah closed her eyes and buried her face into Caleb's chest. Kate looked from Rebeka to Chase. Caleb nodded sadly and looked at Reid, who was staring angrily at Chase again, shaking visibly.

"It's your fault," Reid murmured. His breathing quickened; he felt the control slip. "IT'S YOUR FAULT!" Chase's mouth began opening and closing; he couldn't get a breath. His lips formed words, but no sound came out as he felt his airways constricting. "You just made my life a living hell," Reid said quietly, his voice dangerous. "I'm going to make sure yours is too." He smirked, but there was none of his arrogant humor in it. "At least it'll be short." Chase's eyes bulged.

"Caleb!" Kate cried. "Caleb, Reid's going to kill him!"

"Reid!" Caleb ran to him, grabbing his shoulders. "Reid, stop it!" Reid's emotionless black eyes stayed fixed on the thrashing figure in front of him.


Caleb stepped between Reid and Chase, forcing Reid to look at him. "Rebeka wouldn't want you to become a killer."

Reid looked away from Caleb's dark eyes. Caleb was right, he was always right. He took a shaky breath, and his black eyes slowly became blue again. He turned away, and he and Caleb walked back to the others, leaving Chase winded where he had collapsed. Reid silently took Rebeka's chillingly still body from Tyler and carried her out of the wreckage to his car. He placed her carefully in the passenger's seat, and then drove out on to the road. He stared at the road, forcing his mink to stay empty. He glanced at the clock. Ten.

The Aarons' house was dark as he pulled into the driveway. There was a white square stuck to the door. Out with Sandra. Don't stay up too late.

Reid went back to the car and gathered Rebeka in his arms again. Seconds later, he stood at the foot of the bed in her dark room. He wasn't sure why he had brought her back here. He wasn't sure of anything anymore.

He laid her on the bed and rubbed his face before sitting next to her, taking her hand in his. "Bek," he moaned quietly. "What am I going to do? I… I'm not strong enough without you… it's going to consume me…" He felt hot tears finally start to slide down his cheeks. "I'm… I'm afraid," he whispered. He brought her hand up and pressed his lips to it. He rested his head on the wall behind him. He squeezed Rebeka's hand, and, closing his eyes, he could feel her squeezing back.

"Did it work?"

Reid jolted upright. "Bek?" He was hearing things. Her eyes were still closed; nothing appeared to have changed. No, it was only wishful thinking… That realization didn't help.

"Reid?" The word was only as loud as a light breeze.

He looked back at her pale face, and choked back a startled shout.

Her eyelids fluttered open and she searched for his face, sighing, tiredly happy, when she found him.

"Bek? Jesus Christ, Bek!" He brought himself down to her level, stroking her cheek, and kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her lips, her neck, over and over.

"Reid," she moaned softly.

He stopped and looked at her. "Rebeka, what were you thinking?" He cupped her face in his hand.

"Did it work?" she asked again.

"You could have died. I thought you had died." He resumed his earlier kisses.

"How long was I out?"

He paused only a second to answer, "Long enough."

"I knew it'd work either way."

Reid stopped again. "No you didn't."

Rebeka smiled softly. "Alright, but I was pretty sure."

"I am going to lock you up the next time some crazy-ass freak threatens us again."

"You try that."

Reid shook his head, and let his hands run over her body. He touched his lips to hers tenderly and then moved down her jaw line to her neck. "Are you up for going somewhere?" he murmured against her skin.

"Hey, I wasn't done with you yet," Rebeka complained.

Reid laughed. "More later, I promise. As much as I'd like to keep you right here to myself right now, I don't think it'd be fair to let the others keep on thinking you're dead."

Rebeka flinched slightly. "I'm sorry."

"Just promise me you won't do something that stupid again," said Reid as he helped her stand.

"I promise," she sighed, leaning against him.

"Alright. Here we go."

Rebeka gasped. They were suddenly standing in a familiar hall. Soft murmurs were coming from the open doors of the drawing room of the Danvers' mansion.

Reid stepped into view first, and the talking stopped.

"Reid, I –" Tyler began, but stopped, his eyes as wide as everyone else's.

Reid had pulled Rebeka to his side and they entered the room. Rebeka smiled shyly. "I'm so sorry for scaring all of you. Can you forgive me?"

"Of – of course," said Caleb.

Rebeka looked at Tyler. "Ty, I'm sorry. I know you told me not to, but there wasn't an alternative."

"That wasn't a very well thought out plan," Tyler scolded gently. "But what matters now is that you're alive."

"And she already promised not to do any other stupid things," Reid put in. The others smiled gratefully.

Caleb broke the short silence. "Rebeka, how did you do it? Willing it away… you should be dead."

With a glance at Reid, Rebeka launched into the formation of her plan. "Well, I guess it started out during out little study parties. I kept coming across references of someone willing away their Power. I knew that's what Chase wanted Caleb to do, and I figured people like Chase don't change too much, so he was going to go after Reid's Power like he did with Caleb.

"I started to pay more attention to the entries that had to do with willing away the Power, and I got the basic idea: you're giving it to someone else to use.

"But today, I found a diary of sorts from Isabel Danvers – who's maiden name was Drake." Rebeka paused to let the significance sink in. "She married Jonathan Danvers, who had the Power. They had a son, but when Jacob turned thirteen, he didn't have the Power. She explained Jonathan's theory: that since Jacob had both her gift and the Power in him, they cancelled each other out, and he was completely normal."

"But Caleb got the Power," said Pogue.

Rebeka nodded. "Jonathan willed his Power to Jacob on his death bed in a last-ditch effort to restore the bloodline, which obviously worked.

"The fact that Jacob Danvers had no abilities and the whole willing-away-the-Power deal got me thinking. The way to beat Chase was to somehow keep him from using.

"I asked Tyler to explain more about willing away the Power. What I learned from him was that once you say the words, you're as good as dead.

"But we were running out of time – Chase wasn't going to wait forever. It seemed simple enough: all I had to do was try to will away my gift to Chase, and, assuming it worked, his Power and mine would cancel each other out, leaving him Powerless." She turned to Tyler. "I think you guessed what I planned to do."

Tyler nodded. "Basically."

"I knew there was a good chance I would die, but it was a risk I was willing to take if it would help you guys. Only, Chase showed up a bit earlier than expected and I had to act. That's it," Rebeka finished and bit her lip, waiting for a response.

"We're lucky it worked," Caleb said finally, sitting back in his chair. "We're also lucky you already promised not to do anything like that again."

Rebeka grimaced. "I promise; never again." She tried to stifle a yawn, but Reid saw it.

"You need to go home now and sleep. It's been a trying day, to say the least." He waved to the others and wrapped his arms around her.

The bed creaked. Once again, they were sitting in Rebeka's dark room.

"Whoa," Rebeka breathed. "I have to admit, it's pretty cool when it's not hurting."

Reid chuckled and pulled her close, resting his chin on her head.

"Hey, I just realized something," said Rebeka after a moment.


"You… you can use all you want now. I won't get hurt."

"I can, can't I? But I won't. You'd still get hurt."

"Why? How?"

"How: you never saw what happened to Caleb's mom. His father became addicted, and she had to watch him slowly destroy himself. It wasn't a pretty change." He brought his lips to her ear. "And as for why," Reid whispered, "there's not much of a point; I don't need to."

"Why?" Rebeka smiled against his shoulder.

Reid turned his head, kissed her temple, and whispered back, "Because I already have all I need. I have you."

A/N: a happy, cheesy ending, I know, but I could not resist! Alas, all good things must come to an end, my loves. I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. So now that the end has come, I know you will do your civic duty and review! I love you all!! I think I may have a sketch of an idea for another story, but it may be a bit. Oh, and one last thing before you push the 'Go' button, I had fun and made a picture that I could email you if you like (It's got Reid, of course!); so if you'd like to see it, tell me and I'll get it to ya!