NBK: This is a note to all my readers…
Naruto: So you haven't done the chapter yet….shame on you!
NBK: Oi I just going to explain that..anyway, I want to tell you all that the chapter will be really late…ok maybe not THAT late but quite late. This time I have a legit reason! I got myself an editor/Beta and me and him are editing out all the chapters, this is a long process, but I don't want to post up anymore chapters till I'm done.
Naruto: So while your waiting, why don't you go back and re read the chapters?!
NBK: Exactly, since I'm gonna take awhile, you should go and re read the chapters, some have been changed dramatically. I think we have only edited up to chapter 4 I can't remember. But never the less, check them out!
NBK over and out!