The snake couldn't take it. This boy was NOT obeying his orders. Orochimaru utterly couldn't believe this boy. Orochimaru stomped out of the room cursing under his breath. As the boy saw the snake stomp out, he looked around. All he saw were black walls covered in what seemed to be dried blood. That was it. It was a cold cellar with black walls with splattered dried blood that seemed to be there for years. The boy took in one deep breath. Should he move? He thought to himself carefully. He took his pale white hand and moved his dark hair out of his face. He could now see the room more clearly. Still, what he saw before still remained. As the boy looked down, he felt the cold wet ground against his flesh. He was almost naked. All the boy has on was his boxer shorts. He shivered in discomfort and quickly got up.

"What did he want with me?" thought the boy to himself. "All I remember was training in the village, and suddenly fainting. And now.. I'm here? With that bastard?" The thought of what was going to happen next, only made the boy worry even more. He tried to keep calm by thinking positive thoughts. But how could he? He was locked in a small, cold cellar, he was barely naked, and the cellar only had one entrance and it was locked. The only thing poor Sasuke could do was to wait for the hideous man to come back.

Sasuke sat down curling up into a ball against the wall. He felt so lonely, but he always felt lonely...But this time it was worse.

"What did he mean by him wanting to use me?" the very sound of that sentence sicken Sasuke's stomach.

" are going to me mine, so matter what! You will be my slave for eternity!" the sounded of Orochimaru's voice reverberated over and over again in Sasuke's weak mind. Sasuke couldn't take it anymore. What is he actually going to do? Sasuke had been through enough in his life already. And now, he has to worry about some stupid snake. SOME STUPID MAN. How could this be happening?! NO. It can't be! It's all a dream! I WILL WAKE UP. NOW. NOW. NOW. WAKE ME UP, GOD DAMNIT. Sasuke quickly rose and started pounding his fists into the iron cellar door.

"LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT, YOU BASTARD!" shouted the boy. Sasuke only pictured Orochimaru on the other side of the door with a smirk on his face. Sasuke couldn't take it in much longer. The agony. OH GOD, THE AGONY. The blood started to tear through Sasuke's pale skin. The blood burst out of Sasuke's knuckles and suddenly Sasuke stopped. He breathed very heavily, and fell against the door. He couldn't hear anything. He was alone. With a pitch black room, blood on his knuckles, he wasn't known. Did anyone know he was missing? Thoughts ran through Sasuke's head. Will he ever get out? His brain started to jump, time was running out before this young boy started to go INSANE.

Suddenly, the door opened, with Sasuke against the door. As the door opened, Sasuke fell to the ground. It was Orochimaru. Sasuke blinked and looked up.

"This HAS TO be a dream.." Sasuke repeated that sentence in his head multiple times. Orochimaru had that same smirk Sasuke thought of when he was screaming to the door. Orochimaru continued to look down at the fallen boy and chuckled.

"Fucking bitch." was all that slithered through the snake's mouth. His eyes were piercing like the needles that puncter the skin. His stare was as cold as the very room Sasuke stood in.

"This can't be can't..." murmured Sasuke.

"Ohhh. But it is ." said Orochimaru assuring that he was going to get what he wanted.