A/N: Sorry this is so late, family visits and dirty rooms are to blame for it. New chapters in all my stories are also coming up…hopefully. ENJOY! I have school tomorrow…I should be sleep…>.>; I think this is my longest chapter yet. I'm going to miss writing this story. TT Hope you're satisfied with the ending…may do a post-story type thing or something.

Train tracks and Whispers

"Elastigirl, Cupid seems to always target your district. How do you think his escape will affect your hero duties?" a man questioned her. Right now, honestly, Elastigirl was not up to being questioned. It didn't help that she was now back outside in the rain, which had lightened some though. With the edgy reporter attempting to make a living to put food on the table, her mind just told her to answer the man, so she did. Helen was a professional when it came to pleasing people.

If there was one thing Elastigirl could do, it was impressing people. Being an entertainment tool since age five aided her of course, yet she still had it in her blood. Though what super hadn't perfected Acing unannounced interviews and police reports. Even though Cupid got away, the heroine still was looked up on as the paramedics pulled out jumpers to place the captives on. Her pearly whites were continuously flashed by the bulky cameras press and paparazzi held. The young super cleared her throat and turned to the man.

"No matter what I promise to catch Cupid, my job is to protect all civilians from harmful threats and dangerous people," Elastigirl remarked.

Mr. Incredible on the other hand was not really into talking to anyone right now. He didn't want cameras shoved in his face, or loud people talking to him at an incredibly fast pace to get answers. Robert wished he could just be a police officer at times. No media, no being targeted by villains, and no hiding behind a mask. But Mr. Incredible always remarked how he loved the simple lifestyle, but he couldn't help but love the fame at times. Was this job even about saving people half the time? Conferences, TV shows, interviews, fan clubs, what were supers really there for?

But his figure soon grew into a shadow as he snuck into his Incredi-car and drove off to the only spot him and Elastigirl could actually talk in private. Sure Bob and Helen could, but it was always a hassle to change in and out of their super suits just to hang out for an hour or so. Even Simon felt bad for them at times, taking over their shifts and such every once in awhile. It wasn't one of the most romantic places; actually it wasn't really romantic at all. It was just a shut down train station just past a New York-like pizza joint. Yet, the fact that they had their privacy while there made it one of the greatest places on earth.

He didn't know how long he'd be there before she'd show up. The press always bombarded her with questions when she had anything to do with Sir Cupid. Bob could use the peace anyways, or so he thought. He felt relieved, until he heard a voice. "I managed to make room for you in my schedule Mr. Incredible," Elastigirl teased. It was very quiet, nothing but pigeons and train tracks…and the light smell of pizza dough.

"I'm glad you decided to come Helen, I've been trying to talk to you about what you said a few days ago." Helen's playful smirk faded. His mood was a bit more serious than she had expected. She took a seat on a worn out bench. "I know I should just be honest with you…I'm tired of avoiding you, or running out of time to talk with you," Bob edged on. "Sometimes leaving you behind Helen…makes me not even want to be Mr. Incredible."

Helen played with her fingers. "You don't have to take away Mr. Incredible to spend time with me Bob," Helen explained while standing up and walking towards him. "We're super heroes, obviously something's going to conflict with our relationship at times, but we can't ever give up. We just have to try harder."

Robert exhaled deeply, removing his mask and turning to look at her, his blue eyes appeared weak; but he was just as strong as ever inside. "Helen…it shouldn't be this hard to stay together. It's worth every minute to make plans and such but…you don't deserve it."

"And neither do you Bob! But that's not stopping me from staying with you, now is it?" Helen argued.

"Yeah, I know. I just…don't want things to be weird between us anymore. I don't want to worry about your safety but…I can't help it. I know you're not fragile, hell you're no damsel in distress. But ever since the fire I can't help but think what if constantly. I mean, sure it's traced my mind before, but seeing you so week and fragile…" Bob turned away from Helen and replaced his mask.

"So what exactly are you saying Bob?" Helen questioned raising a brow.

"I'm saying this; no matter how hard it gets I'm going to protect you. I know it's already my duty as a hero, but this is going to be way different than a normal civilian."

"You know I'll do the same for you Bob, I mean…you saw how we teamed up just an hour ago."

"Helen," Bob edged on going down on his knees and looking up to her. "I know I'm not perfect, but no man is. I don't want to risk the chance of losing you again," he said softly. He looked down and laughed some. "I never imagined I'd be the type of guy doing this…sharing feelings and stuff. But you're different Helen. You're tough, yet still a woman. I can always depend on you both in suit and out…" Robert removed the mask once more.

"I know this isn't the most romantic spot but it's the only place I can get some privacy with you…We've been together for a while as a couple," Bob remarked. 'Just say it incredible…' "So Helen, what I'm trying to ask you is…will you marry me?"

They never really considered marriage before, they had been going out for more than a year though, with false break ups in between. But still, they never thought about the topic at all until now. Sure Helen, as a woman had mentally questioned the subject between herself and at times Rebecca or Honey. But she never thought Bob would ask her for some reason. She went on her knees and wrapped her arms around Bob.

"I'll say yes on three conditions," she said. "One, you need to learn how to remember dates more and keep a better track of time. Two, you have got to be more than Mr. Incredible and have better chemistry with Helen too, not just Elastigirl. Lastly, you've got to have that suit next to you at all times, because I do think you look rather dashing in it," she laughed some while giving him another tight hug before letting her brown eyes stare until his blue ones.

Bob gave her a smile and nodded. "I really like that third condition," he whispered into her ear. Helen punched him in the shoulder softly.

"Pervert," Helen said with a laugh. She felt his arms pull her in closer and as a police siren came on Helen was sure he'd turn away and try to save the day again. But Bob stayed put.

"I promise," he said. Helen smiled and gave him a quick kiss. He raised a brow.

"Go on Incredible, I know you want to save the day. We can save kisses for later," she joked. Robert stood and looked down the street.

"Don't tell Lucius about this, I don't think he'll let me live this down," Bob joked before pressing a few buttons on his watch. He saw his car drive up. "Want me to drop you off anywhere?" he quickly asked Helen while sitting down in the car. She hugged her knees to her chest and shook no.

"I'm fine, go save the world," she said with a smile. The black car soon sped away. "I hope Robert takes marriage seriously. I don't think my heart's flexible. It may just break if it doesn't work out in the end."

A/N: I love Bob/Helen fluff o 3 o

Ending wasn't as good as I wanted it to be but I'm pretty satisfied with it now.