February 14th

The day was here, finally. Beverly woke with a mixture of anticipation and nerves. She would be finding out who they were today. Aimé gave her morning meow as she lazily got up. Beverly could help but smile as she looked down at her familiar. This person really did know her so well, who ever they were.

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Beverly's day felt like it dragged out forever. Her nerves kept mounting higher and higher throughout the day.

Eventually lunch came round and Beverly headed off to Ten-Forward. As soon as she entered Beverly spotted Deanna sitting by herself, and saw this as the best time for her to find out what was wrong between her and Will.

"Mind if I join you?" Beverly asked.

"Oh Beverly," Deanna exclaimed surprised. "Yeah, of course you can."

Beverly took the seat opposite Deanna before ploughing in.

"What's up Deanna? Both you and Will have been acting funny for the last few days. What did he do?"

"It's nothing. He didn't do anything."

"Right," Beverly said with a roll of her eyes. "He was only casting guilty looks at all throughout the meeting yesterday, and you both seemed to run as soon as the meeting was over. I'm no psychologist, but I know something is wrong."

"No he wasn't. We did not run away for the meeting either."

"Deanna I've never seen you leave that quickly, in all the years we're served together. Never. So don't try and tell me nothings wrong."

Sighing in defeat, Deanna began to explain, "I guess you're right. I…I caught Will… I caught Will doing something I wasn't expecting him to be doing. When I asked him for an explanation he refused to give me one. I could sense a large amount of guilt from him when he said he couldn't tell me, but I don't know. I think I'm just extra sensitive. Everyone's emotions seem to be close to the surface lately." Seeing a concerned expression on Beverly's face Deanna tried to reiterate. "I'm just taking things out of proportion. Will's promised to explain things to me later today."

"But yesterday…"

"He only told me this morning that he'd explain his actions. Today I just have to be patient." Deanna took a bite of her lunch before continuing, "So, you had anything happen yet concerning the two?"

"Nothing. I guess they're both waiting for tonight. That'll make things interesting if they both arrive at the same time." This got a laugh out of the two women.

"Then we're both in for memorable nights," Deanna commented.

"I'll drink to that."

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The rest of Beverly's day went by rather quickly. There was a minor accident in one of the science labs and that took up a lot her time. Seeing to the injuries, and writing up the report on the incident.

Before she knew it her shift was coming to an end. Just as she was getting ready to leave there was a knock at her door. Looking up she was surprised to see a large stuffed white teddy-bear holding a heart.

Clearing his throat the beared began nervously, "Dr Crusher?"

Seeing who it was Beverly smiled kindly recognising the young men.

"Stephan, what can I do for you?" she asked indicating for him to enter her office.

Trying to get a hold of his nerves, he offered Beverly the teddy as he said, "I came to wish you a happy Valentines Day."

Suddenly everything clicked into place as Beverly remember Stephan's full name; Stephan Ajus.

"You're 'SA'?" she asked not immediately taking the teddy.

At the young man's nodding she stifled her sigh, and accepted the gift.

"I'm very flattered, and … honoured," she started.

"But your rejecting me," he finished for her.

"Stephan you're a great guy, but you're still a young man," Beverly tried to ease him down.

"I know about our age gap, and I don't care," he persisted.

"I'm the same age as your mother."

Stephan stepped forward at her words.

"I don't care"

Another step.

"You're a year older than my son."

And another.


And another.

"I dated your father."

This stopped him in his tracks.


Seeing she'd gotten through to him she sighed with relief. "I dated your father for a while when we were in Med school together. Eventually we broke up, but I also set him up on a date with your mother. If we started something, it would be awkward to say the least."

"You dated my dad?"

"Yes. It was a short, but passionate relationship."

Beverly laughed at the look of horror that crossed his face at her words. She could almost see him picturing it in his mind.

"Right," he said shaking the thoughts out. "Too awkward."

Beverly nodded. "Though it is flattering to think I've managed to catch the eye of two generations of Ajus' men."

Stephan managed a small smile at her words.

"And I think it's more than just our eyes you've drawn. I did notice that there were other gifts left on your desk. Hopefully he'll do better than I have at catching your eye back."

Beverly gave Stephan a smile of appreciation and a small hug.

"Thank-you for all the gifts, and again, I am very flattered."

Stephan just shook his head. "They were nothing." He then gave her one last smile. "Happy Valentines Day Dr Crusher." With that he turned and left her office.

"Happy Valentines," she called out after him.

Sighing she looked back at the teddy-bear he'd given her. Smiling she grabbed a pad off her desk and, tucking the bear under her arm, she headed back to her quarters for the day.

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The nerves Beverly had felt earlier today came rushing back to her as she walked down the corridor to her quarters. She hadn't had anything yet from her other admirer. She was very nervous bout who they could be.

Suddenly her conversation with Worf came back to her.

'No,' she thought. 'He couldn't… But he did say it was unexpected…what if it's Worf?'

Beverly was surprised when she didn't have a strong negative reaction. She realised she wasn't completely apposed to the idea of it being Worf.

But then she also remembered Will's behaviour. Deanna had been purposefully illusive about what she'd caught Will doing. And she had found Deanna's report under the jewellery box.

"Oh my gosh!' Beverly thought. 'It could be either Tweedle-dum or Tweedle-dee!'

Before Beverly could fully gather her thoughts she was at her door. Attached to it was an old fashion brass key. As Beverly took it off a note that was also attached fell. Picking it up Beverly read in the now familiar handwriting;

'Here is a physical reminder that you always have, and always will have, the key to my heart. As you have since the day we met.

All My love Your Secret Admirer

PS- I let myself in hope you don't mind.'

Beverly activated the switch that opens her door and nervously entered. Aimé came up and brushed herself against Beverly's leg. After giving her familiar her pat hello Beverly looked around her quarters.

The lights were of and the light was coming from candles on her dining room table, and the stars out her windows. It looked like the perfect romantic setting. Placing the pad in her hand on her work desk she walked up to the table.

Suddenly someone came out of her adjoining room, they were carrying a tray at face level and she couldn't see who it was immediately.

"Entrée?" he asked lowering the tray and smiling at her.

Beverly gasped as she recognised him. If she didn't already know from the voice there was no denying the face smiling at her.

"Jean-Luc?" she asked disbelieving.

"Yes?" he asked back smiling even more at her expression of utter surprise.

"But you weren't due back for another couple of days," Beverly tried to reason why he shouldn't be standing right there in front of her.

"We finished up a lot earlier than Admiral Sutherland expected. And despite her suggestion I stay fro some relaxation, I was adamant I return to my ship." He paused to give her a warm smile. "Besides I couldn't very well have spending Valentines Day alone."

As soon as he said this he noticed the big stuffed teddy-Bear in her arms still.

"But apparently I'm not the only admirer this year," his smile from earlier faltered. Beverly could see all the confidence he'd had earlier disappearing right before her eyes.

"Yes," Beverly replied placing the teddy on the table. "But unfortunately after a little chat, I think his feelings have all but disappeared."

"Why?" Jean-Luc asked his curiosity intrigued.

"He was slightly horrified to realise I'd dated his father," Beverly laughed at both the memory and at the face Jean-Luc pulled. "And the fact I introduced his parents to each other didn't quite relieve the matter. So we've decided he should be focusing his attention on woman closer to his age."

"The age difference?"

"Well over twenty years," Beverly replied. She was playing with the key still in her hands and stepping closer to him.

"Well that could make things difficult."

"Mmm," Beverly answered as she looked up to him and placed her hands on his chest. "Jean-Luc?" she called.

"Yes?" he answered his confidence slowly returning as he placed his hands attentively on her hips.

"Did you really mean all those things you wrote?" she asked leaning up to look him in the eye.

"Every word," was his immediate reply, his eyes not wavering from hers.

"I find this all so hard to believe, that you, the ever formidable Jean-Luc Picard could be as in love with me as I am with you."

Jean-Luc's eyebrows rose. "You're in love with me?" he tentatively asked leaning in closer.


"Good," was all he said in reply before pulling her into a passionate embrace. Soon the need for air became too great and they had to break away. Not wanting to lose their connection they remained touching for-heads.

"We should probably save some of this for after dinner," Jean-Luc said trying to activate his rational mind.

"I guess so," Beverly agreed.

They moved back to the table and Jean-Luc held out Beverly's chair for her. Smiling she gave a quick kiss before sitting down in her chair. Grinning Jean-Luc went to get their food and threw the teddy-bear from the table to somewhere in the direction of her sofa.

Dinner was a lovely time, and Beverly didn't think she could've enjoyed it more.

In between courses Beverly asked, "How did you manage to get all my gifts to me without being here? I was going to ask you sooner, but I kept forgetting."

Smiling again Jean-Luc explained, "I got in touch with both Worf and Will. Originally I was just going to get Worf to do it all for me, but then he had something come up and I had to call upon Will. I touched base with both of them today to thank them. It appears that Deanna caught Will leaving one of my gifts in your office and it's gotten him into a bit of trouble. I had to explain things to Deanna, but all seems good now. I think it'll be safe to say they'll be enjoying each others company tonight."

Beverly gave a soft laugh at this. It explained their recent behaviour.

"What about Worf? Did you get to ask me for advice on dating while raising a son, or was that just him?"

"That's the first I've heard about that. Must have been all him."

"So someone has caught Worf's eye."

"It would appear so."

The night seemed to go on forever. It was one of those nights where time itself seems to decide to let you live in the moment for longer.

Eventually it came to a point where Jean-Luc needed to leave. Just as he was approaching the door Beverly grabbed him.

"Don't go," she pleaded. "I made a mistake that night after Kespryt. I don't want to do it again."

"Are you sure?" Jean-Luc hesitantly asked. He didn't want to pressure her into anything.

"Jean-Luc I think I've kept us waiting long enough."

Smiling Jean-Luc merely replied, "As you wish."


A/N-awww I conceded and ended up making it Picard! lol. Hands up those who saw that happening?

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing it. Extra thanks to all those who've reviewed!

Also it will be most likely still be quite a wait before my next chapter in The Forgotten Past, but it's going to be one heck of a long one!
I'm 5 pages in and not even at the main point! sorry people, it's slowly getting there.