Kingdom Hearts, what the hell was eating Demyx? Saix? That wasn't the sort of scream that came before a seizure...
But I'd heard Vexen going in there earlier - he was a lot bigger than Fori or Zexion, and his footsteps sounded different - and no way did I want to see any more of him than I absolutely had to. I definitely didn't want to go out of my way to see him. So instead, I just sat there staring at the wall wondering why Demyx was screaming...or what Vexen was doing to make him scream...well, a psycho crackpot scientist with three basically immobilized - test subjects - and one of them of apparently sound body but apparently unsound mind...perfect for experimenting on...
In case you didn't figure it out for yourself, I don't trust Vexen a hell of a lot farther than I can throw him. And probably vice versa.
Why couldn't someone have put a damn picture on the wall? Even a stupid poster? Oh, look, there was a spider...maybe a little Spider Heartless...did spiders even have hearts to steal?...What the hell had Demyx been screaming about? Finally, Vexen left his room, and I grabbed for my crutches so fast I knocked one of them over and had to hook it with the other one before I could go anywhere.
Demyx must have heard me coming, because by the time I got into his room, all I could see were his feet - he'd reversed himself on the bed and buried his head under the covers. "...The hell are you doing?"
His voice was muffled through the sheets. "Axel, could you do me a favor?"
"Like what?"
"Go away so I can get out of here before I suffocate."
"Let me repeat my original question...the hell are you doing?"
"Go away."
"Can you say anything else?"
"...I can say 'Got it memorized'."
"I was asking for that one, wasn't I. Don't answer that. Just go away so I can get out from under these sheets."
"Who the hell are you hiding from?"
"The worlds at large."
Irritated sigh. "Because it seemed like the 'in' thing to do at the moment - get out of here before I smother."
"You seem to be breathing pretty well for being on the verge of smothering..." I figured our amusing conversation had gone on about long enough for all the progress it wasn't making. I just propped myself up, grabbed a corner of the sheets, and yanked them back. "...Dear, sweet Kingdom Hearts...where'd your hair go?"
Demyx snatched the sheets out of my hand and covered up his nearly bald head again. "Hair heaven. Go away and leave me in my shame, all right?"
I couldn't help but shudder at the thought - I hadn't had a real haircut since before I lost my heart, and I thought my hair was one of my best features, besides my overall hotness and innate sex appeal (please wait to laugh at me until I'm no longer in the room). "Wow...that sucks...poor Demyx..."
"Axel, if I ever hear the words 'poor Demyx' again when they're not being accompanied by substantial material help, I swear to Kingdom Hearts I will drown whoever says them."
"...The hell?"
His voice was rougher than it had been a second ago. "Everyone who doesn't call me a worthless piece of trash calls me 'poor Demyx'. Poor Demyx can't fight. Poor Demyx can't hear. Poor Demyx is a crybaby. Poor Demyx is off his rocker. Poor Demyx is fucking bald. I am so sick of other people's pity I could spew. Got that memorized?"
Well. Needless to say I hadn't been expecting that outburst. "...Are you okay?"
"Are you reasonably intelligent, you dipshit? Answer's no both times! Hell yes, I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm the happiest fucking person that was ever not fucking supposed to be able to feel a fucking thing in the first place!" Demyx was close to screaming again, and sobbing. And there didn't seem to be a hell of a lot I could do about it that wouldn't just make it worse.
"Someday, I promise, I will be able to carry on an entire conversation without putting my foot in my mouth even once. Someday. And if I had five munny for every time I've said that, I'd be one of the richest people in the worlds." He didn't respond. That should have been my cue to haul my tactless ass out of there, but I just couldn't bring myself to leave him there crying alone.
AN: ...You all can say 'poor Demyx' to your hearts' content. He can't drown you from across the internet.
Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts, got it memorized?