The crash

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Chapter 1: The fall

It was a sunny day, the type where everything seemed clear and bright, East high's senior class were settling into their seats. '' Settle down! And all cell phones off now, or I shall throw them out when we reach the ocean!'' Plane's had always made Catrina Darbus snappy; the closeted space made her feel edgy and claustrophobic. ''Dude! Darbus looks well pissed!'' Remarked Chad Danford, nudging Troy Bolton, who was sat in front of him, '' Yeah, probably missing the 'atmospheric vibes of the theatre!' or whatever,'' he replied laughing, as he did so he noticed Sharpay Evans, who was sat further down next to her twin Ryan on the left side of the plane, giving him a dirty look before turning away to stare back out of the window. For some reason that look and her attitude since the morning, annoyed him, why couldn't she be happy? It was a beautiful day and they were all going on an amazing trip, admittedly visiting an old crumbling theatre didn't psyche him up that much, but all his mates were there and Gabriella next to him and they were gonna have fun. He would have thought visiting a theatre would be more fun for Sharpay, however since this morning, when their class had met up at East high, she had barely spoken a word, not even to Ryan, she appeared miserable, but strangely she wasn't dealing with it in her usual way of stropping and making everything miserable for the people around her. Suddenly the pilot's intercom broke through his thoughts. ''Lady's and gentleman please make sure your all strapped in and remember there is to be no getting up until we are air born, we will be taking off in; 1-2-3. Thank you and we hope you have a pleasant trip.''

''Wow! Troy this is so cool!'' Troy smiled over at his girlfriend Gabriella ; '' I would have thought you'd have been on lots of planes, with all the moving you've done,'', '' although weather you've ever sat next to such a handsome boy as myself, I doubt,'' he added smiling mischievously down at her. ''Hey! Mr. Cheeky!'' But she was smiling, and they moved closer together to share a small but sweet kiss. Troy was relieved, after all the previous hassle of getting around to sharing their first kiss, they now kissed quite often and comfortably in public, although nothing more, Gabriella was rather lady like on this issue, but it didn't bother Troy he was just happy that they were finely kissing. Meanwhile, Sharpay Evans, sat a little further down, gazing out of the window as they were taking off. She felt Ryan nudging her, ''What!'' she snapped a little to harshly, but she didn't feel in the mood to be bothered by anyone, ''nothing! I was just checking your all right sis.'' She could see Ryan was a bit hurt and she regretted her snappishness, '' sorry, Rye, you know how I am with planes, I jut want to be left alone okay.'' She tried to smile, but it hurt her muscles, Ryan however seemed satisfied and gave her hand a squeeze then turned back to switch on his ipod. She turned her gaze back to the window, they were already quite high now and everyone had started to take off their seatbelts. Since the Lava Springs talent show that summer, she had been trying hard to be a nicer person, but there were days, this one been a good example, where she just wasn't in the mood to hold hands around the campfire and pretend she liked people who got on her nerves, Troy Bolton had just gotten on her nerves, laughing at Mrs. Darbus, she didn't know why but it had really annoyed her, like he knew anything about the theatre world and sitting there with miss I've been on a hundred planes. It's best if you avoid them, Shar, she told herself, if your in a bad mood you're only gonna end up being a bitch. With this resolution she sighed and slipped her earphones on, more to block out the sounds of happy, excited chatter around her.

They had been flying for nearly two hours now, and they were currently going over the ocean. The chatter had died down has the occupants of the plane were either, listening to music, talking quietly or looking out at the ocean. Gabriella was asleep, leaning on Troy's shoulder, he was stroking her hair, looking out absentmindedly at the ocean. Sharpay too had fallen into a sleep, but unlike Gabriella she was using the window to lean upon. Suddenly the plane jerked forwards violently with a loud rumbling, Sharpay's head bumped hard on the window. Everyone looked at each other, puzzled and frightened. ''Lady's and gentleman, please remained seated we are experiencing some engine difficulties.'' 10 minutes passed by and their flying seemed to be carrying on normally, the panic had died down and people where settling back. Sharpay however felt un relaxed, something was wrong, she could feel it, her whole body tensed up looking out for any more signs off ''difficulties.'' Suddenly the engine gave another, even more violent jerk, a couple of pupils were thrown forwards with the force of it and the engine roars were louder then ever. Like it had happened before, it suddenly stopped and they all looked at each other, sighing in relief. Then it happened, with a shriek the plane started splitting, a line from the front of the plane making its way slowly through the middle. There was screaming, the plane had started rocking violently, all of a sudden as though suspended, East high's senior class watched Mrs. Darbus flying from one side to the other, then she was gone, had fallen through a split that had opened in the side of the plane, it wasn't the only one, splits were appearing everywhere, Troy desperately tried to reach out and block Chad has his body came hurtling, smashing sickeningly on to the other side and falling through another one of the rips. It was chaos all around them, destruction, Troy reached out for Gabriella trying to hold her, but it was too late he felt her fingers slip out of his hand has he was smashed sideways to the left and as he hit the wall everything went dark. Sharpay saw, as though detached as the plane literally ripped in two, panic stricken she couldn't see Ryan through the mayhem and then she was falling, another gap had opened behind her, she felt the violent cold force of the wind pulling her out and she was falling, falling down as though in slow motion, the sky looked so bright and blue.

Hope you enjoyed! Please review. Next chapter, they wake up on an island….