Disclaimer: Inuyasha is owned, written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi.

Produced by Sunrise. I don't own Kadaj or Yazoo either

Kagome had almost made it the path lugging an impossibly large sword behind her. Sesshomaru followed behind the brash girl still trying to understand why she would bring a sword that she could not even lift. Of course if he did mention anything about it she would get all huffy and try to prove some mute point. Especially when she was in her 'I will save the world mode'. Tapping a claw on his chin he wondered if Kagome knew that she was the one that normally put the world in danger to start with.

They stopped mid step when they noticed what looked like a high priced call girl skipping towards the palace with a limp Miroku in her arms. The female took one ballet leap landing only a few feet away from them. It took Kagome less than a second to go from slightly irrational too full-blown crazy. Sesshomaru was still trying figure out where he had seen this girl before he made any acid whip decisions.

"Put that down now!" Kagome snarled getting an 'as if' look from the succubus.

"I found it laying around in the forest. Therefore it is mine." Shika pouted.

"What? What the hell are you saying?" Kagome asked dropping the heavy sword and balling her fist for a fight. No high-heeled hooker was going to steal her friend.

"My daddy said that I can keep him, but Lord Sesshomaru has to fix him first. I sucked on him a little and he got all dead like." She mewed sweetly rocking Miroku like baby.

"Your daddy?" Sesshomaru replied, but finally recalled who and what she was.

"My daddy, Lord Lucifer of the underworld. You have tea with him regularly as I recall. Now fix this for me or my daddy will be angry." She giggled ignoring growling miko.

"Your father is okay with you having such a toy?" He asked a little unsure.

"My daddy doesn't feel threatened by such trivial things." She snorted

"I will need his soul back in order to revive him." Sesshomaru said

"Oh sure no problem." Shika said tossing the dead monk to the inu. Kagome watched as the girl stuck her finger down her throat and threw up the monk's soul.

"Bulimia is bad you know." Kagome frowned as the girl wiped her mouth.

"She is succubus Kagome. They can expel souls that don't agree with them."

"What the hell? Miroku is not some rotten egg sandwich and since when are you such great friends with the prince of darkness?" Kagome asked in a barking tone.

"Really Kagome, it cant be helped since I am a demon after all." Sesshomaru laughed

"I had heard that you kept a strange pet, but I was told she was young and cute not old and bitchy." Shika smirked getting a gnarling sound from Kagome.

"Hey missy! I am not old and I am cute! I have lots of demons that want me." She said proudly getting a chuckle from Sesshomaru.

"Yes, but to bad most of them want to kill you when they first meet you and I would not boast to loudly about that wolf boy of yours. I think you are only a cover so he can touch my brother and call it fight." Sesshomaru said getting a pinch from Kagome.

Sesshomaru decided that they had wasted enough time bickering about nonsense and tossed the lifeless priest over one shoulder. In another fast move he hoisted Kagome up over the other. Kagome instantly began a tirade, but could do nothing in fear of hurting the pups. Ignoring the screeching screams as he headed back to retrieve his sword.

"Lady Shika, how is the whole over throwing heaven thing going for your father?" He asked politely as the succubus tried to keep up with his long strides.


Inuyasha was sitting on the balcony of the enchanted tower that Sesshomaru had placed him in after the incident with his mother. He had recently developed the habit of running his fingers through his hair much like Sesshomaru. From afar he looked like a beautiful maiden being kept high in a tower by an evil queen. No one knew who he was since Sesshomaru had feared a scandal and swore all those that did know to secrecy.

Strangely enough Inuyasha had caught the eye of many of the castle's young men. All wondered who the fair-haired beauty was that sat silently alone on the balcony. Of course many had dreamed elaborate stories, but none really knew the truth. This was the happening when a really bored Shippo walked over to the crowd to see what they were looking at. A rather devious idea formed in the bored kitsune's mind.

"It is just too sad." Shippo tsked shaking his head and getting curious looks from the men.

"Surely you heard the sad story behind the maiden being kept under magical lock."

"NO, no what is the story?" the men asked taking the bait.

"She had shown up at the castle in tears and lady Kagome had asked what had happened. She said that evil witch had placed a spell on her that made her turn into a male when ever a man was close enough to see her. Not only that, but she would lose all frailty start shouting and swinging a sword around wildly like a moron. Deciding that it would be safer if she was locked away she begged the royals to do this to her. However, lady Kagome had found out that if she got a kiss from her true love that she would stay either a male or a female, but no one knows for sure which one. So alone she sits waiting for her true love to break the enchantment of the lock and kiss her. You know, like one of those real hot and heavy kisses, but fears no man will ever want to kiss another man." Shippo sighed overly dramatic as the men clutched at their hearts and some even had little tears rim their eyes. All the while all he could think was. 'stupid dogs.'

He had not realized that along with the men that one of Sesshomaru's cousins had been listening along with Kagura. Kagura was quick to disappear before anyone noticed her. She would have to tell Naraku about what she had heard, but she had no idea how he would use it. Sesshomaru's southern cousin on the other hand was still gazing upon Inuyasha's form and had decided that he would be the one to break the spell.

Way up high still oblivious to anything that had been said Inuyasha had glanced down to see a large crowd of men that seemed to be staring at him. Thinking that they were just being friendly he waved hello getting a large roar from the crowd and some even blew him kisses. He shrugged it off as overly friendly people.

"And Kagome doesn't think that people like me." Inuyasha smirked tossing his hair.

A/N: I just had to put up a chapter in honor of the ending of Inuyasha.