Hey everyone! We have a snow day today so I thought I'd start my new story. I am actually really proud of this one and I hope you all like it!

Summary: Sasuke never liked the piano, but he always had to listen to it since his father was a famous piano teacher. When Fugaku takes piano prodigy Uzumaki Naruto though, things change, but Sasuke really falling for the young pianist?

Rated: M duh

Black and White Piano Keys

The only thing more beautiful than his playing is he himself.

That was the first thought I had when I head him play Fur Elise on his first lesson. According to my father this new student, Uzumaki Naruto, was going to be good for his reputation as a piano instructor.

I never liked the piano; I found the classical music boring, day in and day out, Beethoven, Joplin, Clement, Mozart and everything in between. I liked Linking Park, Atreyu, Disturbed and the like, so of course I hate the piano, but this one was different. His long tan fingers moved across the keys so gracefully. The song was flawless. I was surprised he needed lessons with that skill, but one can always improve, I suppose.

Usually I don't listen to my father's students. I hole myself up in my room and listen to my ipod with the sound on full blast. This time, before I could disappear upstairs, I saw him. He caught my eye. I stayed downstairs and listened to him play; I wondered what this sickening feeling in my stomach was.

I stayed in the hallway leading to my father's study where he teaches, listening to Naruto play. After the lesson I kind of hung around, hoping to introduce myself. Luckily, Naruto exited by himself. I heard my father say something about being with him in a minute. Naruto looked at me in surprise; maybe he didn't know his teacher had a son.

"Are you Uchiha-sensei's next student?" he asked me. I know I look a lot like my mom, but can't he tell we're somehow related?!

"No I'm his son, Uchiha Sasuke," I said and held out my hand which he shook. I liked the way my pale hand looked next to his tanned one.

"Nice to meet you, Uzumaki Naruto," he said cheerily.

"I know," I replied, "I heard you play. You're very talented."

"Thanks," he said, "I-" he stopped when my father entered the hall.

"Sorry for the wait Naruto," he said, then saw me standing there, "Did you need something Sasuke?"

"Nah, I'm good," I said, turning to leave waving goodbye to Naruto. I knew my father didn't like me interacting with his students.


The next few days I contemplated my reaction to Naruto. I'll admit, I'm not the best when it comes to things emotional or social, so I didn't have the answer.

One more day before Naruto's next lesson (I checked my father's calendar, nothing wrong with that) I still didn't have a clue, but luckily I got a call from someone who might.

"Hello?" I answered the phone, expecting it to be for my father as usual.

"Foolish Otouto, you lack variety," said the voice on the other line that I knew so well.

"Oh hey, Aniki," I said, flopping down on the couch in the living room, "How's college?"

"Same old, Same old," Itachi answered, "Tests, boring lectures, everyone hitting on me even though I keep telling them I'm asexual, but enough of that. How are you Sasuke?"

"Well actually, I need some advice," I said, although I still didn't like admitting that I needed Itachi's help.

"Well, then shoot gay-bo," he said. I hate it when he pokes fun at my sexuality; it makes me want to rip his dick off. He doesn't need it anyway Mr. Asexual.

"Father has a new student. I listened to him play and you know I hate piano, anyways he's very talented. I don't really know, but there's something about him," I told him.

Itachi chuckled, "Well, I can't tell you exactly what you are feeling, but I think it would benefit you to get to know him," he advised.

"But you know father doesn't like me even looking at his students," I reminded him.

"Since when do you listen to father Sasuke? Need I remind you of when you 'came out of the closet'?" he asked, I could tell he was smirking.

"Yeah, I guess I'll try. Thanks Itachi," I said, "Bye."

"Goodbye Otouto," he said and hung up.


I was pretty excited/nervous all day to see Naruto again, but of course my idiot friends (and Juugo) stopped by wanting to hang out and although I am a hard ass, admittedly, I couldn't just tell them to fuck off.

"Hey guys, it's summer I thought I got rid of you for a few months," I said when I saw my friends Suigetsu, Karin and Juugo at the door.

"Come on Sasuke, ya know ya love us, except Karin," Suigetsu said while slurping on a giant Pepsi.

Karin scowled and knocked Suigetsu's drink to the ground, spilling the contents on the porch.

"Hey bitch, I was drinking that!" Suigetsu shouted at her and I rolled my eyes.

"Then you should know to keep your mouth shut jackass! You should stop drinking so much anyways, I don't like stopping every five minutes for you to go to the bathroom," Karin shouted back.

"Screw you! I'll just get another," Suigetsu retorted.

They continued to yell at each other and I raised an eyebrow at Juugo, who just shook his head. Those two always argued. Juugo pulled the quarreling pair apart and both shut up.

"So what did you guys want to do?" I asked.

"Movies?" Juugo suggested and we all agreed.


"That movie was so scary, hold me Sasuke!" Karin said dramatically, while clinging on to me.

"Quit wasting your time Karin. He's gay remember?" Suigetsu said, now drinking a Slurpee.

"I know, I just like creeping him out with my breasts," Karin said, winking at me.

I grunted, "Well, I got to get back home you guys. I'll see ya," I said, walking off towards home.

"See ya fag!" I heard Suigetsu call from behind me.

At times like this I wish I had a watch to check if Naruto had his lesson yet.

I heard a car slow down next to me and glanced over. It was an old sickeningly orange pick up trunk, the paint peeling in some places. I didn't recognize the truck, but I did know the driver.

"Hey Sasuke, you going home? I'm on my way there if you need a ride," Naruto said as cheerful as last week.

"Sure," I said, entering the truck. I felt my stomach flip flop.

Naruto smiled widely at me and began driving to my house. He turned on the CD player and I expecting it to be classical, but instead Atreyu was blasting from the speakers.

I must have made a face because Naruto laughed suddenly, "What? Were you expecting Chopin?" he asked.

"Actually I was. Don't you like classical?" I asked.

"Of course, but I like this too," Naruto said gesturing to the radio, "You can like more than one type of music y'know. And if you don't like classical than why did you listen to me play?"

I huffed a little, man his attitude annoyed me. "I just felt like it. Don't expect me to listen to you every week," I said. I sounded like such an ass saying that, but it was too late now.

Naruto didn't seem to mind my attitude and laughed again, "Ah, don't worry, I wasn't expecting anything from you," he said.

"Are you saying you don't think I'm talented? I'll have you know, I'm the top of my class," I said angrily, turning to glare at him.

The idiot, he was smiling! "No, I'm not expecting anything from you because I don't know you. Your sure are angered easily," he noted.

We reached my house, "Anyway, thanks," I said, perhaps a little begrudgingly, "I'm just going to sneak around back. My father doesn't like me being around his students," I said hopping out of Naruto's truck.

"Oh I'm sorry, I don't mean to get you in trouble," Naruto said worriedly.

"No, its ok," I assured him, "I'll be fine."

That's it for chapter one! Hope you liked it. Please review!