My Prince!
Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice.
Summary: For Mikan and the girls in Alice Academy, Natsume is a perfect prince. He is kind, handsome, genius, rich, and helpful. They will do anything to make him become their boyfriend. But, is that Natsume true character? or not? NxM
Previous chapter:
Why I didn't hate it? It was Natsume the one who stole my first kiss after all. The person who made my life miserable, the one who think me as his servant, the biggest jerk I ever met.
Natsume, Natsume, and Natsume
"Please let me in!" I shouted at the guard. I beg him to open the gate. Class starts about five minutes ago and I'm late. The gate closed and I must waste my time begging him to open the gate. What a day.
"Why would I?" The guard said somehow mockingly.
That old man really pissed me off! He's so mean!
"Let me in!!!!"
"No. You are late miss."
What? Only five minutes! He is unbelievable! Oh, come on. Just let me in. The first lesson is Jin-Jin!
"I DON'T CARE!! OPEN THE GATEEEE!!!!!" Mou, I want to cry. It's all Natsume fault! If he hadn't kissed me, I would have had enough sleep. That stupid incident kept flashing in my mind. HUH! NATSUME BAKAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
"Do you understand 'NO' miss?"
"Do you understand 'PLEASE' sir?" I glared at him. Guess what? He ignored me!
I saw him walked away. "Wh- WAIT!!" No! NO! Don't leave! I must attend my class, or I will get detention again! Someone, someone please help me stop him!
"What's wrong? It's really noisy."
I heard a deep and calm voice that very familiar to my ears. I turned my gaze to the voice owner. He walked towards me, a hand in pocket. His trademark move. Uh... it's him. Why him?
"Oh, it's nothing. This girl-" the stupid guard pointed at me. "-late. And she kept screaming, saying that she want me to open the gate." What's that? The way he talked to Natsume very different from the way he talked to me.
Natsume eyed me and smiled. "Let her in."
Eh?? Serious? Is that ok?
"But- Jinno-sensei will-" The guard trying to say something but Natsume cut him.
"It's ok. If it's Jinno. I will handle him." Natsume said calmly. The guard nodded and open the gate for me. Wow, even the guard respect Natsume. Well, he is THE Natsume Hyuuga after all.
"You know, miss. You are lucky because he save you. Look at him. He is perfect. Never comes late and very kind. Try to be like him even just a little. He-bla bla bla bla." That guard kept talking and talking.
Humph! Yeah... yeah... whatever. You don't know Natsume true character. You won't talk like that if you know his true character.
"Sakura, what are you doing? Come on." Natsume called me, he held my hand and forced me to follow him, leaving the guard talking to no one.
W-wahh... his hand holding mine! My heart began doki doki again. Ugh... calm down Mikan. Okay? Inhale... Exhale... Inhale... Exhale... It didn't work!
Suddenly, I felt him stop walking. Causing me to bump his back. "Hey! Don't so suddenly stop walking!" Ouch, my nose hurt. Thanks to him, my heart beating normal again. Bleeh!! Stupid Natsume.
Natsume raised an eyebrow. "It's not my fault. It's to wake you up from your daydreaming."
"I'm not!"
"and your hand sweating a lot. Are you that scared being near me?" He raised my hand to show my sweating hand.
"Oh... That's... Um..."
Natsume narrowing his eyes and leaned to my face. Gyaaaa!!!!!!! What is he going to do?? I can feel his hot breath on my skin.
"Oh... I know..." He gave that cocky smirk. God, please wipe that stupid smirk from him!! "You... I don't know you love me that much." He whispered at my ear with his husky voice and slightly bit my ear.
"KYAAAAAAAAA!!!! What are you doing moron!"
He stuck his tongue out and entered our class. Completely ignoring me. I followed him with a hand at my chest, trying to calm my heart down and realized something. It's not our class!
"Hey, why we are here?" It's definitely not our class. It's the student council office.
"No reason." He mumbled looking emotionless.
"NO REASON???" I shouted right in front of his face with my ear piercing voice and he looked annoyed.
"Why are you keep screaming in front of my face. Is that a hobby of yours?" He hissed angrily while rubbing his ears. "Sit. I have many task today. So, don't say no to everything that I ask you to do."
Without waiting my answer, he began doing his 'task'. From the look, I'm sure today is more than yesterday. How many? 300? 500? 1000? Ek... just thinking how many made me felt dizzy. He is responsible enough to be a president of student council.
I couldn't help but take a peek at him. Natsume was indeed good looking.
His dark raven hair looked cool, but that was just the smallest part…
My gaze – now focused on his handsome features, the sunlight playing beautifully in his unusually, deep crimson eyes, making them look even more bloody red than they already where.
Hm... I missed staring him like this in class. It's my routine in the past.
"Stop staring. I will melt Polka." Natsume muttered quietly without looking at me.
I blushed. He knew?
"I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"Am not, pervert."
"Little Girl"
"Err… uh…"
"Already running out of names, huh, strawberries?"
"Natsume, stop looking at my underwear, you PERVERT!"
Stupid. Stupid Natsume. How come no one knew his true character? Hotaru... where are you when I need you? Help me Kami-sama!!!
Ugh, what if Jinno-sensei come and see me like this. Sitting (un)comfortable in the student council office and doing nothing. What will he say?
"WHAAAT???" I give him annoyed pout. Geez, that stupid nickname again.
"I need to go. You. Stay here and don't you dare touch anything here. Understand?"
I snorted. "Then what I have to do? Keep sitting like an idiot? Huh?"
Natsume rolled his eyes. "Yeah, you can do that." He said with an amused voice. And he left me. Left me!! I was expecting him to say 'Of course no. You can go to class' or something like that. That will never happen anyway.
I'm bored.
Where's that stupid Natsume??? He has been leaving me alone for almost one hour!! What I'm doing here? Not studying and doing nothing. Why I must obey his command? Oh yeah, he has my photo. My almost naked photo. Ugh...
Eh? What's that?
I found a very interesting book. It has blue color with sakura petals printed on the left side. This book is belong to Aoi Hyuuga. I read the first page.
Aoi Hyuuga? Hyuuga? Like Natsume?
I turn to the next page. Sunday,13 March. Today, I- Whoops, it's a diary! I can't read someone diary. It's privacy.
When I was about to put back Aoi diary to it's place, a photo fell down.
A photo of a smiling brunette. She wore white shirt with red skirt and black legging. She looks simple yet cute. But, she is... myself? My... photo?
In the back of my photo I saw a word. And I'm sure it's Aoi the one who wrote that.
A picture of a girl that Natsume onii-chan love.
My face blushing furiously. Natsume? Love me? It's impossible! But, It's my photo. Then the girl Natsume love is...
"What are you doing here, Sakura?"
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.
Jinno-sensei who was shocked because i shouted, also screamed. "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He had no idea why he screamed while looking at me with an expression why-are-we-screaming look.
"SAKURA! Don't shout it's so un-lady." He said after recovered from shock.
"But, Jinno-sensei, you shouted too."
"It's different!" He snapped angrily. "More than that. Like what I said before, what are you doing here, Sakura?"
Shoot! What to do? What to say? Natsume, where are you bakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
"Uh... Er... I-I..."
"I see. That's why you didn't attend my class, huh?"
This is bad! What am I going to do now?
"Detention. After school."
"B-but, Jinno-sensei, I-"
"No buts, Sakura. And where Hyuuga? I need him."
"I don't know." I tried to sound normal. In fact I wanted to scream badly. It's crazy! Detention again?
He tapped his metal stick to Natsume table. "I don't know-sir." He said correcting my word.
Maybe it's because I felt angry at him. I heard my mouth unconsciously say, "No need to call me 'sir' sir." Wow. I'm dead.
"Watch your mouth, Sakura! How dare you talking to a teacher like that?" Jinno-sensei looking angry and awfully ugly that time.
"Jinno-sensei? Sakura? What happen?" Natsume suddenly butted in our conversation.
I almost have heart attack. Not only Jin-jin but also Natsume, they are come without making sound and that really shocking me.
"Hyuuga. Tell to your friend, never ever mocking your teacher!" Jin-jin said still with that ugly look.
Natsume looked at me and gave a what-are-you-doing-this-time look and I gave him i-will-explain-later in return.
"Jinno-sensei, do yo need me?" Natsume said, changing the topic. Jin-jin looks calmed down a little before glared at me again.
"The headmaster need you. Hurry. You know he is impatient person." I saw Natsume nodded. "Geez. Why are you let someone like her that has nothing to do come into this room." Jinno shook his head in disbelieve.
Hey! What's with that attitude!
"I'm sorry, sensei." Natsume apologize to him with smile.
"and you." Jinno glared at me again. "You still have detention with me." He ended with one last glare before leaving me and Natsume alone.
Natsume raised an eyebrow. "So?"
"Don't ask. I- myself don't know what's going on." I threw my body on the couch, sighed heavily. "Just go already. The headmaster need you right? Besides we still have classes. I want to go to class."
My head spinning. Natsume really gave me many problems. His true character, my first kiss, my photo, and now? It's not like I want to skip that frog teacher classes dammit! It was Natsume fault!!!
"Oi." I heard Natsume called me.
I look up at his face. "Wha-" Natsume poked my forehead. Hard.
"What are you doing stupid? That's hurt!" I grunted.
"Don't thinking too much. It'll ruin your face."
I felt my face blushing again. How many times I have to blush in front of him? I was about to say something when he continue his word.
"You look ten times uglier than usual. And for your information, you usual face like a monkey face. I don't think making it look uglier will help solve your problem." He said smirking.
"HYUUUUGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I want to SLAP him BADLY. URGH!!! Just a second ago I thought he became NICE. Note : That will NEVER happen.
After school...
"That's why I beg you to wait me finish my detention." I wipe my tears and gave Hotaru my puppy dog eyes. Hoping she will agree.
"No. Means no. I have business, idiot." Hotaru said coldly.
"But- but, but, but, but, but, but, bu-"
"Want taste this?" Hotaru raised her newly baka gun.
"Uh... I will pass."
I place my chin above my palm. Thinking. I will go home with who? Hotaru meanie. Her problem always more important than me, her best friend.
"Don't thinking too much. It'll ruin your face."
I felt my face redden. I'm sure it look like a cherry.
But, his words... made me feel relieved. Natsume...
"You are spacing out. Thinking about him again? I thought you hate him?" Hotaru word surprised me.
That's right. What I am doing? "I didn't thinking about Natsume!" I denied.
Hotaru narrowing her eyes but decide to change the topic. "About a photo that you told me. Are you sure it was your photo?"
I nodded. "Absolutely!"
"Hm..." Hotaru smiling evilly.
What is she planning? Better be careful.
"Hey. Your prince come to pick you up, Mikan. Come on, I want to go too." Hotaru swung her bag and dragged me.
Natsume watching us with funny expression. Maybe thinking how come the two of us (Hotaru and me) can be best friend.
"Hyuuga, take care of her. I need to go." Hotaru pushed me to Natsume.
"Hn." Natsume dragging me away from her with his hand holding my collar.
"NOOOOOO!!!!!!! Don't leave me!!!!!"
Uwah... she is cruel! Leaving me alone with Natsume.
"Hey, let me go, pervert!" I snapped at him.
"Ignoring me,huh?" I pouted then sighed, letting myself being dragged by him.
"We are going..." I heard him answered my question.
"To where? I have detention."
"Forget about your detention. We will do something fun. I'm sure you will like it strawberry." He said with evil grin.
Help me Kami-sama!!!!!!!!!!!! be continue...
Okay, that was long and boring chapter. Hope you will like this boring chapter though.
No Tsubasa here, boring. Well, I will try to make the story more complicated in next chapter. It's about Natsume and his 'job'.
Uh... I really want to improve my grammar. Please someone help me...
Don't forget to read and review so I know your opinion about this chapter. Explicitly NO FLAMES. CONSTRUCTIVE, criticism, and suggestions are, of course, allowed. :)
Thanks for the review readers!!!