
by Rose Thorne

A Star Trek: Voyager/YYH crossover


Chapter 1
Captain Katherine Janeway sat in her ready room, armed with a cup of coffee. Had a little too much to drink last night, she scolded herself wryly. There had been a celebration in the holodeck the night before and the entire crew had shown up at one point or another. Janeway had put a skeleton crew in charge of the ship, and had given everyone one-hour shifts to allow them to attend. The party had been put together to celebrate the marriage - finally in Janeway's opinion - of Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres. The door chimed as the Captain was taking another sip of her coffee. She swallowed quickly and put the cup down. "Come in," she said.

The door slid open to reveal Commander Chakotay. "Coffee? At this hour?"

Janeway smiled picking up her coffee mug again. "An old remedy of my grandmother's." She paused to take another sip of her coffee.

Chakotay raised an eyebrow. "For what?" he questioned, truly curious.

The captain hid a grin behind her cup of coffee. "Hangovers."

The commander smirked. "You drank too much," he assumed. Janeway shot him a sheepish look. "So...Does this 'remedy' of your grandmother's work?"

Janeway nearly choked on her coffee. "I don't think I'm the only one in this room who got drunk last night." Chakotay blushed slightly. Janeway laughed. She turned to the replicator. "Coffee. Black." A mug appeared on the luminous white squares, and she passed it to Chakotay. "You'll have to find out if it works yourself."

The tattooed man took a sip of the coffee and winced. "I hate black coffee..."

Janeway snorted. "Too bad." She smiled. "So...how are our two honeymooners doing?"

Chakotay feigned disdain. "Well, I wouldn't know." Janeway raised a knowing eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. "B'Elanna locked the door and encrypted the codes, and Tom disengaged the manual override." He raised an eyebrow. "Suggestions, Captain?"

It was Janeway's turn to smirk. "Sabotaging the holodeck doors. A serious crime. I had better review this to decide their punishment." The captain pretended to think it over. "I'm afraid the only way to teach them a lesson would be to lock them up in the holodeck for three days. Alone."

"Harsh, Captain."

Janeway started to reply, but she was cut off by a beep from the comm. "Yes?"

"Captain," Seven of Nine's voice came over the comm. "Please report to Astrometrics."

Janeway and Chakotay exchanged looks. "On my way," Janeway said smoothly, then cut the comm link. "I wonder what that's about..."

"Not a clue, Captain," Chakotay said.

Janeway headed toward the door. "I'd better find out. You have the conn."

"Right, Captain."

* * *

B'Elanna muttered something angrily to herself as the roller coaster looped again. Tom had installed a new program in the holodeck. It was a theme park. Specifically, Six Flags Magic Mountain. Wonderful. I have a husband with the mentality of a four-year-old. And I thought honeymoons were supposed to be romantic! She tried to glower at Tom, but the look softened as she saw that he was clearly having the time of his life. Well...I guess I can put up with it. She made a mental note to drag him into the 'Tunnel of Love' ride, grinning as she thought about what his reaction would be.

Beside B'Elanna, Tom let out a loud whoop as the roller coaster fell forty feet into a pool of water. The half-Klingon beside him stared at him as he chuckled. "I'm WET, Tom!"

Tom was still laughing. "Computer, change B'Elanna Torres' clothing. Program Paris Alpha Zeta. Immediately, a rather skimpy bathing suit appeared on B'Elanna.


"Alright, alright already! Computer, change B'Elanna Torres' clothing. Program Paris Beta Four." A pair of slacks and a short-sleeved shirt declaring 'I'm with stupid' with an arrow that pointed at Tom appeared on the half-Klingon. Seeing B'Elanna's glower, Tom sputtered. "I mean, program Paris Beta Two!"

This time a very comfortable pair of blue slacks and a matching blue muscle shirt appeared. B'Elanna grabbed Tom by the wrist and dragged him across the park. Tom paled as he saw where they were headed. "No, B'Elanna! Not there!" he whined.

"It's my turn," B'Elanna retorted, brushing past the attendant and shoving Tom into the huge swan boat.

The attendant smiled. "You two lovebirds have a good time." He started the ride.

"But it doesn't go fast," Tom was heard to complain before the boat floated out of earshot.

The attendant chuckled, shaking his head. "Kids."


Kurama sighed tiredly, waiting impatiently for Koenma to finish processing the Reikai Tantei's last mission so they could go home. He hoped it was soon. I've missed enough school as it is.

Yuusuke groaned. "Now we have to go back to school!"

Kuwabara lamented with him. "Yeah...And Takenaka's gonna be breathin' down our necks! This sucks, ne, Kurama?"

Kurama shrugged and glanced at Hiei. The fire demon was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, as usual, keeping his distance. Kurama frowned as the fire demon's muscles trembled slightly. Hiei was obviously exhausted. He'd had to use his Jagan for nearly five days straight because of the demon that they had been ordered to capture. The demon had masked his ki signature so well that even Kuwabara could not detect him. In fact, the demon had only shown up as a shadow to Hiei and then only when he was using his Jagan. The demon had ended up being extremely powerful, and Hiei had been forced to use the Kokoryuha to finish him off when Yuusuke had been knocked out.

Koenma brought the Reikai Seal down on the document with a loud 'thunk'. "You may leave now," the infant-godling said in his strange voice.

Kurama smiled and followed Yuusuke and Kuwabara out the door. Hiei brought up the rear, walking slowly. The red head lagged behind and put a hand on Hiei's shoulder gently. "You okay?" he asked softly.

"Hn," was Hiei's response.

"I know this mission took a lot out of you. Did you want me to get you some dinner?"

Hiei's red eyes flicked to the kitsune for a moment, then flicked away. "Whatever," he muttered.

Kurama took that as a yes. "Besides, I want some peace and quiet, and I know we won't get it by hanging with those two." Kurama pointed at Yuusuke and Kuwabara, who were arguing loudly about who would beat who's butt in a 'man's battle'.

Hiei smirked. "Hn. Stupid fox."

"Ne, what do you want to eat?" Hiei shrugged. "Pizza? Sushi? McDonald's?" Hiei shrugged again. "Fine. I want pizza. You okay with that?" Another shrug. Kurama sighed. This is going to be a loooong night...

"Oi! Kurama!" Kurama looked up. They had reached the portal. Yuusuke grinned. "See ya around. You too Hiei." He jumped through the portal.

"See ya, Kurama! Later, Shrimp!"

"Hn. Baka." There was a tiny smirk on the fire demon's face. Kuwabara shot him a dirty look and jumped through the portal as well.

Kurama turned to his vertically challenged friend. "Shall we?" Hiei shrugged, and they walked through the gate together.