Hi here's a new chapter… yeah I know it took me long cause I am writing a story… and I was watching Fred tooooooooooooo much cause Fred is awesome. Sorry for the long wait.

I noticed that I had a lot of mistakes in my story and I'm also sorry for that. I don't re-read my work. I think I'm gonna start to do that. And if I do that and I don't pick it up just tell me. I have Microsoft Word and it won't pick up my mistakes sometimes.





It's the day to sabotage Ino and Sasuke's relationship. It was Tuesday and I got ready for school quickly. I went outside and it ws really humid. It was already 82 degrees out. I wore black shorts a few inches shorter past my mid thigh, a pink tank top with a black tank top on top, a huge black famous stars and straps sweater which I stole from some guy's locker, and black converse.

I skateboarded to school with, luckily, no disturbances. I reached my locker and picked out all the books I needed for the day. I went to homeroom and sat in my regular seat. Sasuke wasn't here today. Unusual' Well, I wouldn't' care normally, but today I do because of my plan. I brought my damn camera! A minute before homeroom Sasuke walked in.

"Sorry Mrs. Kurenai, something bad came up and I had to fix it," Sasuke sat on the desk waiting for the bell to ring.

"It's okay Sasuke; I won't mark you late then,"

"Thanks," he smirked. I sneered. That was such a lie. I can't believe that the teacher believed that. She is such an idiot. The bell rang and I was going to first period. I got my camera out just in case.

"Sakura," Sasuke called. I turned around this time.

"What?" I answered. I turned my camera on secretly and held it in front of me. Sasuke wouldn't know. It does not have one of those extending lens things… or whatever they are called.

"I heard that there was another project in science, since you have no friends in that class I though we can work together,"

"Don't you have friends in that class?" I still wanted to act the way I really do so Ino won't be suspicious.

"Yeah but I don't work with them," He smirked.

"I'd work alone," I started to walk away but Sasuke pulled my arm like last time. This is good. I got that on tape.

"It would be quicker if we work together," Sasuke smirked.

"If I say yes would you leave me alone, I have to go to class,"


"Okay we're partners then," I walked away to first period.


At science I figured out Sasuke was right. There was a project. Well at least I get to see Itachi more. I realized that I kinda like him and he was nothing like Sasuke…even though they were brothers…and they both did that hn' thing. The project this time was to see what will happen when you water a plant with coffee.

"Let's do it today, the project is due on Thursday,"

"Sure," I agreed. There was a short silence and then the bell rang. I walked as fast as I can away from Sasuke.

"Sakura," he called. My camera was on and I started to tape the conversation secretly.

"I'm looking forward to picking you up after school,"

"What about Ino?" That is a good question.

"She's not here in school today; she's not going to know." Sasuke smirked. Ooh, can't wait til Ino sees this!'

"That's not something a boyfriend should say," I arched my eyebrows.

"That's not something her best friend should do," Sasuke got me there.

"That's because she wants me to be nice to you, and that is pretty hard to do," I chuckled the last part.

"I can see that," Sasuke sighed arrogantly. "Well see you after school," I noticed that the hallways were empty.


I was in the Hummer in like… two seconds cause Sasuke dragged me there so I wouldn't run away. As he started driving I turned my camera on. I saw Sasuke smirking. I decided to ignore it.

"Nice outfit Sakura," Sasuke suddenly blurted. The car stopped and he looked at me up and down.

"Shut up, Sasuke," I zipped up the sweater.

"No, I meant that I thought it was hot,"

"U-uh you have a girlfriend Sasuke," I had a faint blush on my cheeks.

"So I can't say my opinion?" I noticed that we were near the house.

"Be careful at what about what you say," I sighed.

"What? You hated my comment?" He smirked again. After that I said nothing. Sasuke pulled into the drive way and I followed behind him at a distance. He opened the door and he sat down on his couch. I stared at him for a few seconds. My camera was still on.

"Aren't we going to start?" I questioned.

"What's the rush? All we have to do is pour coffee on a plant and we're done," Sasuke lay on the couch with his hands on the back of his head.

"Gosh, Sasuke," I stood there for a few seconds. "I'm going to use the bathroom," I walked up the stairs.

"Make a right second door to your left," Sasuke shouted.

"Thanks," I walked inside just to see Itachi staring at himself in the mirror. Not in an oh I'm hot look but in a why am I here? Who am I? Why am alive? blank stare.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to-" I started to walk back and close the door.

"It's fine Sakura," Itachi stood there and looked at me slide against the wall and sit on the floor.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine; I'm just watching a video on my camera,"

"What is it about?" Itachi sat down next to me.



"cause I want to mess up my friend and Sasuke's relationship, I just want to see the videos I have about him,"

"Nice outfit Sakura,"

"T-thanks," I blushed like I did to Sasuke. I started playing them and Itachi watched it with me.

"That was interesting, seeing Sasuke act like that to you,"

"It's horrible, He is really annoying,"

"I don't understand why he acts like that to girls of his age, especially to someone like you," I noticed that he was looking at me.

"I know," I didn't say anything more because I got nervous. What do I say?

"You look tense," Itachi touched my shoulder while slightly massaging it.

"Yeah, I-I was just thinking how this plan might not work," Lie.

"That's an obvious lie,"

"How do you know everything?" I sighed.

"I can see it in your eyes, you can tell me," He looked into my eyes and I started to shake. His eyes were crimson colored with those black dots in them.

"It's …y-y-you," Crap. His look got piercing look in them.


"Y-yeah because…um… I…have a cr-crush on you," I stuttered. He didn't look the least bit surprised. Well, that was the truth.

"Sakura," He laughed tracing the outline of my jaw. "I like you too, but, I have a girlfriend now,"

"Oh…okay," I smiled and started to get up but Itachi pulled me down. He hovered over me and I felt his cold lips crash onto mine. I quickly pushed him away.

"You just said that…" He cut me off by putting his index finger to my mouth.

"You looked mad I don't want you to hate me like Sasuke does." He was freaking me out with that stare of his.

"I won't," I smiled but didn't mean it.

"That's a false smile," He breathed. I tensed up when his hands touched my wrist. But he pulled me up to sit in pretzel style.

"Yeah I know,"

"Tell me that you won't ever be with Sasuke," Itachi stared at me deeply.

"I won't… I never liked him Itachi," When I said that he smirked. I guess I could go now. I got up and opened the door. I felt his body heat right behind me. I got out and went down the stairs to Sasuke.

"So, when are we going to start?" He sat up.


Sasuke and I were done with the project by 4:40.

"Bye Sasuke," I took my stuff and started to open the door.

"Wait," Sasuke called. I slowly turned to look at him. I turned the camera on.

"What?" I asked.

"I have a question,"

"Which is?" Better not be about Itachi.

"What was Itachi talking to you about?" He sounded kind of serious.

"Nothing," I simply stated. "What is there another secret?"

"Never mind," He sighed. I shrugged and opened the door to the outside. While walking, just past the store Sasuke's gang was trashing the area.

I opened the door to my house and went on love on my laptop. Craig was online and sent me a message.

Noticed you weren't on, just wanted to talk to you.

Since Craig wanted to talk to me I started to chat.

Craig? I typed.

Oh Sakura, something just happed.

What is it something bad?

He got in trouble…again by the police twice today.


Because he was hanging out near a place where people sell drugs, and him and his friends were busting beer bottles and stuff.

What a dooshbag.

Yeah I know. There was a short silence. Well the police are here with my brother, we'll talk later Sakura, bye.

Bye. I exited out the window and did my homework. I ended up falling asleep on my couch.


It was five in the morning when I woke up. Surprise' I got ready in the morning and decided to wear black skinny jeans with a yellow Lovehatehero shirt. I put a bandana around my forehead and a rainbow belt around my waist. The weather is starting to get colder and it was 60 degrees today. I got my back packs and went outside. It was breezy. I was only six o'clock and I waited for seven so I can start going to school. I turned on the TV and started to watch family guy. The two episodes obviously ended at seven so I took off for school. When I reached outside, Itachi was in his car parked in my driveway.

"Itachi?" I walked over there he was in it.

"Sakura," He mocked.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just thought I could take you to school today,"

"Um, okay," I stepped inside and put my seatbelt on. It was awkward being in here because of what happened yesterday.

"You seem a little too quiet Sakura, are you okay?" he asked after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah," I still stared out the window gazing at the clouds. "I was just wondering what happened to Sasuke, why aren't you driving him to school right now?"

"Because I didn't want to," He mumbled that in a mean way. I got kind of frightened and shut up. It was even scarier seeing how his eyes were, red like last time and so piercing.

A few minutes later I noticed we were at the school parking lot. Basically nobody was here except for teachers. The doors were still locked so I think I can't get out yet. Oh crap. More time with Itachi? I feel so uncomfortable!'

"You're tense again what are you thinking about?" His eyes were now obsidian with this kind of dazing kind of stare at me. Jeez his mood changes so quickly'

"Nothing," I stated.

"You're lying again, "

"I'm just thinking about…" I took a deep breath. "Yesterday,"

"Hmm…" Itachi's voice was deep and smooth. That made it even worse. "What about it?"

"About when we were in the bathroom and stuff," I whispered.

"Yeah," I heard a smirk I his voice. "And,"

"I-I just feel awkward around you now, that's all,"

"Sorry about that then,"

"I-it's fine, Itachi," I started to see people come now and I started to unlock the door.

"Wait," Itachi pulled me closer. His lips were at my ear. "Stay away from Sasuke today," I nodded. Itachi smelt so good today. I didn't feel like getting out anymore but, I had to. I reached my locker and went to home room with my stuff.

Sasuke was in home room looking pissed. Itachi is right' I sat in my usual seat and waited for announcements.


"Ino, can I talk to you?" I saw her in Language Arts.

"Yeah sure what is it?"

"I don't think you should be dating Sasuke anymore,"

"Why?" Ino sounded shocked.

"Because he isn't good for you, he isn't a good person and one day I bet he'll get you in trouble with the police."

"I'm still going to date him, Sakura," Ino arched an eyebrow.

"Why?" I shrieked.

"Because I like him, duh!" She smiled. That plan is X-ed out.


Ino and Sasuke were in his car making out again. I don't understand how I can make her to break up with him well only two more options' I sighed.

I started to walk home and Itachi was there on the street in his car but when I walked past him He honked and I turned back looking at his gesture to come. I stepped in the car and put on my seatbelt.

"Uh…hi," I said in a dull way.

"You seem… a little angry," Itachi started to drive.

"I'm trying to force my friend to break up with someone, I tried something and it didn't work out so well"

"Who are they?"

"My friend Ino and your brother," I stated. He looked at me in a surprised way. "Are you just doing that because you are jealous of my brother because if you do then…"

"No I freakin' hate you brother, I care about my friend and I don't want her to get hurt by him," I shouted that out.

"I believe that and then I don't,"


"You are always talking about him, and your friend likes him, Sasuke's all over you, I looks like to me that you like sasuke and you are trying to get her away from him,"

"I'm not," I sneered.

"Don't date Sasuke, I'm telling you this now," Itachi warned. "He broke millions of girl's hearts, you should not be another one," He sighed. "I'm trying to get him away from you, Sakura."

"Why? I have a plan here!" I clenched my fist in the air. "I'm going to have to be near him,"

"Sakura, why won't you listen to me?"

"This is for my friend,"

"Is your friend worth it?" Itachi pulled up in my driveway. I have to ponder about that later.

"Bye, Itachi," I started to get out but like last time he pulled me. But this time he pulled me in for a kiss. I started to blush of course.

"Be careful okay," Itachi smirked and I just nodded feeling numb. I closed the door gently and opened to door to my house. I lay down and took out my list of plans. I crossed out plan a. Only b and c left' I groaned.


Craig was online at the time. I started to talk to him ever since seven, now it is ten.

How come there isn't a picture of you on your profile? I asked

Because I didn't want to put one up there.

K well I'd talk to you tomorrow.

You're going to sleep?

Oh no not at all. I either sleep really late or really early.

That is the same thing with my friend

Really that's cool. The conversation lasted until eleven thirty.

Now I'd see you tomorrow I laughed when I typed that.

Okay bye, Sakura. I logged out and closed my laptop. There're basically only two day until I see you'


Yeah this chapter wasn't all that great. This really was supposed to be out earlier but I was watching Euro 2008 and Wimbledon everyday. Hehe me 2 favorite sports.

The reason why I called Craig Craig' was because of Craig Mabbit who is now in Escape the Fate. He is so hot.

Well that is all I have to say. See you next time! Au Revoir. I'm teaching myself French.