
Ryan Troy doing what they do best. Singing and being gorgeous.

A few one-shots of Ryan Troy singing and in love.

You Are The Music In Me

Ryan sat alone in one of East High's music rooms, playing a few chords on the piano.

Ryan had finally admitted he was in love the Wild Cat's Captain Troy Bolton.

The young blond remembered the duet Troy and Gabriella sang that Summer in the practice of his families resort.

He imagined it was Troy singing with him and his beautiful chocolate eyes looking at him lovingly.

"Nananana Nananana, yeah

You are the music in me"

Ryan started to play the sing, tapping the keys heavily and slowly on the piano.

You know the word once upon a time

"Make you listen

There's a reason"

The lonely boy sighed sadly but continued to pour his heart out into the empty spaces.

"When you dream

There's a chance you'll find

A little laughter

Or happy ever after"

The million dollar heir sang, a sad smile on his lips remembering all the times Troy never looked at him.

"Troy." A soft sighed word.

"Your harmony

To the melody

It's echoing inside my head

A single voice

Above the noise

And like a common thread"

Ryan imagined Troy's angelic voice was singing the duet with him.

"Hmmm you're pulling me"

Troy Bolton sang quietly from the corner of the music room where he was watching the smaller boy sing.

'When l hear my favourite song

I know that we belong"

Ryan continued to sing oblivious to the other presence with him in the room.

"Oh, you are the music in me

Yeah, it's living in all of us"

Troy sang loudly starting to dance around the piano, scaring the hell out of Ryan.

"And it's brought us here 'cause"

The young blonde sang happily and surprised by the brunette's sudden appearance.

"You are the music in me"

The two boys sang together ecstatic to be finally singing and alone together.

"Nanana nana"

Ryan sang with a genuine smile on his face


Troy continued to sing moving closer to Ryan who still sat on the leather piano chair.

Both boys sighed happily wrapping their arms around each other.

"l love you Ryan Evans." Troy said to the blond boy.

Ryan's eyes lit up and shined displaying his happiness at those words.

"I love you Troy Bolton."

The two new lovers kissed passionately, grunting disappointedly when the school bell rang and students started to move to their next class.

Ryan and troy shared a brief kiss and then grabbing their books and following everyone else to their next class.

The rest of the day was filled of thoughts and day dream of each other.