Author's notes- I know it's been close to a year since I actually updated but this year was not a good one. I won't apologized for making you all wait but anything I did type up was terrible and not worth sharing. I ask that you not ask what's been happening or where I've been, it's a closed matter. Especially to those of you who have been bugging me to update. Hope you all enjoy this new chapter. Please leave me a nice review once you're done.

(Optimus Prime)

Three days have gone by since anyone has seen or heard from the beast warriors. Some of my men are spreading rumors that they are planning an attack but Prowl and Jazz silenced those mechs. Once Arcee woke up we all hoped she could tell us what happened but it was all for not as she had been blindsided so quickly. Though they hid it well we could all tell the femmes were pretty pissed that one of their sisters had been attacked.

We had a feeling that they were still in the ARK though. Ratchet had heard a scuffle in his Medbay late one night. By the time he entered the main sanctuary all he found had been several feathers and claw marks everywhere. We were able to tell they were Airazor's feathers so we assumed the claw marks were Tigertron's. Have yet to find any other sign of them.

Another incident was when Jazz heard growls and hisses in the vents near his room. He was able to track the sound to the source but by the time he got the vent off to look inside the only thing he saw was a white tail disappearing around a corner. Even after Jazz sent Bumblebee in the vents we found nothing. I could tell everyone was getting frustrated.

"Optimus are you ok?"

Looking up the sight of my beautiful mate put a smile on my face. She smiled back at me before walking and letting the door close after her. I leaned back in my seat to allow her to seat on my lap. She was the one thing during this that made all the stress just melts away.

"These past few days have just been really tiring. Maybe I should take a break."

"I can think of a couple things we could do to relax."


The shockwave shook the whole base. Elita and myself jumped up with our guns out as the alarms began blaring out. Red Alert's voice rang out as we headed to the blast point.

-The blast originated in the training room. Ironhide and Prowl were both in there at the time of the blast!-

Others made way as we ran and I could hear the steps of Chromia, Jazz and Ratchet ran right behind us. I prayed it wasn't any of the Maximals. I could already imagine the accusations against them ringing in my audios. Or maybe it was from the blast.

"The door's not opening! It was damaged in the blast."

Hearing Hound's warning made my spark freeze. As we struggled to open the doors the sounds of a fight were heard. We could the snarls and growl of Tigertron but the sound of a raspy hiss threw me off as I didn't recognize that belonging to the Maximals.

"Hound do know what that hiss is? Another bomb maybe?"

"No Prime. In fact it sounds like an …"

All sounds ceased which made everyone look at the door in fear. The sound of something being dragged could be heard but it was growing faint. The sound of a gun being cocked had us all moving back from the door. The panel next to the door exploded in sparks before the lock disengaged and the door opened. Ratchet tried to run past me but I pushed him back behind me.

"You can yell at me all you want later but you will not go in until we check to make sure it's all cleared understand?"

His glare was like acid when he replied. "Yes sir."

Jazz and the Twins flanked me as we walked into the room. Most of the lights were blown out and some were even dangling by a few wires. There were claws everywhere. On the floor, in the walls and even on the ceiling. Ironhide was behind several crates in the back of the room. A trail of energon showed he had been dragged. He was missing an arm and it looked like something had used him as a chew toy. Both of his legs were completely mangled.

Prowl was propped up in the far corner. His head was tipped forward but I could see the damage done his face. One optic was shattered but the other was flickering. He had his gun in his hand so I had Jazz approach him cautiously in case he was somewhat aware. Once the Twins had cleared the room Ratchet came marching in and headed straight for Ironhide.

As I watched as Prowl and Ironhide were carried out of the room something caught my optic. Looking down near the vent a piece of armor was stained with a light blue energon. It looked like scales but it was the energon that threw me. Blackarachnia had told the types of energon they had for their forms. Dark blue signified the perfect blend for them. The lighter the blue the fewer nutrients there are. This energon was very light. I knew it couldn't have come from the Maximals. Looking back at the scale made me think something was wrong and I needed more help.

"Hound over here!"

The room went quiet as the green scout appeared at my side. I showed him the scale. His look of fascination was very evident as he gently took it from hand. He turned it over while looking at it thoughtfully.

"What does look like to you? You were also about to say what those hissing sounds were earlier. Does this fit in with that?"

"Yes it does sir. This here is alligator skin. Those hissing sounds came from an alligator. But what about this energon? It's way too light to have come from the Maximals."

"I don't know I do need to make a call though. I have a disturbing thought and I need to check something."

(A little later; still Optimus POV)


This talk with Megatron is going so well and it's only been 2 minutes so far.

"Megatron I'm not positive yet but please calm down."

"So you no proof that there are? Why are you calling me then?"

"Because I think the Beast Warriors are dealing with this situation themselves. I have evidence that only Tigertron and Airazor are on my ship but there has been no sign of the others which makes me believe that some might be in your base."

Megatron looked ready to argue once more but Soundwave gained his attention. They looked to be having a private conversation when Starscream came into view holding something to the screen.

"Do you know what this stuff is?"

The glowing blue strands brought me to relief to know at 2 more Beast Warriors were accounted for at least. I nodded to Starscream.

"That is Blackarachnia's web. How much have you actually found?"

"Not as much as you imagine. Most of what we found was in the vents with what looked like the shed skin of some large insect."

"Has anyone been injured in any other attacks?"

Megatron glared at me for a good long while before he sighed and started rubbing his optics.

"The Constructicon's were injured in the Medbay but they'll recover. That's when we found all this webbing in the vents. Should I suspect another attack?"

"They're aiming to take out the Command of each base. Ratchet and Jazz heard the disturbances but they were gone by the time we looked for them. Ironhide and Prowl were both injured in the last attempt. Have Starscream and Soundwave heard anything unusual lately?

Megatron turned to look over at his two officers with a raised brow. Soundwave tilted his helm, giving me a blank stare before shaking his head. Starscream, however, looked to be deep in thought and looked up to answer….


Everything on the screen turned to static but I could still hear everything as raised voices and screams of pain reached me. I could only listen in horror as mechs began crying out for help or asking if Megatron was okay. I leaned forward myself hoping to hear a response.

"MEGATRON! Are you there? STARSCREAM! SOUNDWAVE! Someone please answer."

Several groans came back but what came next chilled me to the spark. A loud hiss filled the speakers before the sound of Megatron pain filled cries came through.


"Megatron I'm coming just hold on."

I cancelled the connection before rushing out of the command center and heading to the armory. I opened a base wide channel.

"Autobots gear up we're heading for the Decepticon base."

Jazz was the first to answer.

"The Con base? What for?"

"We aren't the only ones with problems. Megatron just asked for help."