Chapter Two: The Lover of Justice, "The Great Saiya-jin man"

Gohan arrived at Capsule corp. and made his way through the hallways until he reached the workshop where Bulma spent most of the time. He knocked on the door and walked in. He was greeted by a smile

"Hey Gohan! How've you been?"

Gohan smiled "I've been good. I need to ask you for a favour"

Bulma turned back to the work she was doing "a favour huh? Sure, name it"

Gohan walked to the other side of the table, ensuring that she could see him.

"I started school today and I don't REALLY want the kids there knowing who I am when I fight crime"

Bulma sighed. He was fine with turning super saiyan and using energy attack after energy attack when fighting aliens from outer space when all the earth was watching on television, but when it came to a couple of kids seeing him fight regular crooks, that was right out of the question. Why did he always have to be like that?

"I've got just the thing. I've just got to tune it up so it works properly, and ill get it to you in about half an hour"

Gohan smiled "sure thing. I'll wait around till then. Where's Vegeta?"

Bulma had her head in a toolbox "oh, he's in the gravity room training with Trunks"

"Okay, ill see ya in half an hour Bulma. Thanks!"

He ran out of the room down to where Vegeta was training with his son

"Hi Vegeta" Gohan called as he got to where the two of them were resting. Trunks ran up to him, and Vegeta just gave him a smirk

"Well, if it isn't my young rival. You realise that no matter how much you train you shall never ascend me!"

Trunks just looked up to Gohan and smiled "oh don't listen to him Gohan, I know you can! You train so hard all the time! Just like your dad"

Gohan smiled. He loved being compared to his father so much.

Gohan turned to Vegeta

"well, if you're so sure you can defeat me, why don't you prove it?"

Vegeta smirked "You have your fathers stupidity, it seems"

They stood their ground, then instantly, Vegeta and Gohan powered up to Super Saiya-jin, flew right at each other at top speed, staring at each other's eyes. They clashed, and a mass of energy flew from them as their auras locked together, just before it exploded, throwing them both to opposite ends of the area

Vegeta gasped for breath, as did Gohan, and looked at the younger half Saiya-jin

"I'll say this for you, you're persistent"

They were just ready to go for it again, when Bulma came in and got between them. Normally Vegeta wouldn't have stood anyone coming between him and his rival but ... it WAS his wife, and he couldn't stand her moaning. He sighed to himself. There were times where he dreamed to be back in the clutches of Frieza, or doing battle with perfect form Cell again, instead of listening to her whine.

She handed Gohan a watch, which he put on with much confusion

"I asked for a disguise, this is a ... watch"

Bulma let out a small giggle "yep, it's a watch! But push that button there"

"What, this one?" Gohan asked, and tapped it. All of a sudden, with a whoosh sound, he felt an outfit emerge over his clothes, and a visor over his eyes. He ran to a mirror, to see. The green battle Gi, the red cape, and the awesomely cool helmet.

Vegeta looked away in disgust

"That is a disgrace, Bulma! There is no way a Saiya-jin warrior like him would be caught dead wearing that! It's so corny, so weak, so ..."

"...PERFECT!" Gohan exclaimed

"Hey Gohan! You look just like a super hero, like suppaman!" Trunks said happily

Gohan looked at himself, and tried out a number of ridiculous poses "You know, I kinda do. The Saiya-jin super hero! The GREAT ... SAIYA-JIN MAN!"

Trunks and Vegeta stood at the back and sighed "Saiya-jin man? Couldn't you have been a little more original than that?"

Gohan didn't care what they thought. He thanked Bulma, and ran outside, complete with costume, ready to save the city!

The next day in school, classes were going as normal, until a phone went off, and Videl answered. Gohan heard enough to know that something bad was going on, and there were criminals involved. She ran out, soon followed by Gohan. He couldn't let her know who he was ... but he couldn't let her go out there all alone.

When Gohan arrived, he heard screams from a bus, and as he went closer, he realised. The bus had been hijacked.

Gohan waited, about to make his appearance, when suddenly a sight from above distracted him. A helicopter with Videl inside. It made its way towards the bus, as Gohan stayed back to see what would happen. She leaned out, and leapt through the window landing on the crooks and taking them out. Gohan then realised, without the criminals, no one was driving the bus. Gohan rushed towards the bus as fast as he could. Videl noticed the situation just too late, as the bus hurtled over a cliff edge. It fell for a while, which seemed to the inhabitants of the bus as an age, until it stopped, and slowly made its way back up.

As the inhabitants of the bus left to get to land, Gohan, in his Saiya-jin man costume, made his appearance, receiving high praise from all those present. Videl looked closely. Even with that costume, she knew that she recognised him.

One of the civilians came to him "excuse me sir, but ... who are you?"

Gohan smirked, he'd been waiting for ages to try this out on someone

"Allow me to tell you my name!" he said loudly and proudly.

"I am ... The Protector of the Innocent, Champion of Justice! I AM ... THE GREAT SAIYA-JIN MAN!" (Stating all this while performing a number of ... ugly poses)

They looked at him blankly

"It's okay! You must all be shook up from the experience. I shall see you all later. Take care Videl!"

And with that, he flew away, leaving a group of very confused people, and one girl asking ..."How does he know my name?"